[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

IIRC with TWT one can raise a dozen traits up to 4, and the next charm adds another dozen traits and allows to raise to 5.

And you can use them on essence useres too, but you're still limited by your own traits.
New Project:

Magic... motherfucker !

Who: anyone traveling + Fangs

How: persuade sorcerers with enough contacts jade & swag to come to Cross to be taught by the grrrrrreat Cunning Fangs

Result: heroes included in the dominion, with a selection of spells that will greatly improve the dominion's defenses and communications and ability to build stuff (elementals & demons)
Continuing what I started -

Project: Robots, robots everywhere!

What: Siham will build automatons to help with virtually every aspect of Cross. Soldier-bots will form cannon fodder for our armies, worker-bots will act as our heavy/manuel laborers, Info-bots will help educate the populous, nurse-bots will help the doctors take care of the sick and mentally ill, etc etc. In short, if there's something in Cross that needs to be done on a large scale, Siham will build a line of robots to help accomplish it.

How: Crafting Charms, Wyld Shaping Technique, and once it's up and running, the factory Cathedral. None of the 'bots will be especially special, just skill dots in the appropriate places, so it'll be trivially easy to whip them up by the hundreds, if not thousands.
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While I do view the interest in gathering a large workforce through Siham, I think it's kind of redundant with demons and mortals who are already trained.

Sure automatons provide certain advantages, like being inexhaustible, not requiring payment and not need food or water, but considering the big picture, I would rather have Siham focus on building bigger stuff for offensive and defensive purposes.

Automatons, unless specifically designed (reducing some more the number of units per dot of artifact) won't work well vs ghosts (immaterial bastards !), and they won't do much against the Juggernaut either which is a coming threat.

I have not given much thought about how we could defend against the Juggernaut, but I think if we go Jager Program, a massive semi mobile fortress will pretty much take care of everything, armies and big stuff alike.
1: The robots are intended to support the mortals, especially the mortals trained by the Exalts of Cross, not replace them.

2: Per the RAW, it's trivially easy for them to be pumped out by the hundreds/thousands

3: Doing stuff to support Cross nets me Project Points, Project Points that can go towards building something like the Five Metal Shrike.
@Feantari : good news with 1 PP each we're done with the Allies Network at last. After that, it's hunting season opening ! > :)

I'm probably going to spend the other one I earned on Nathir to finally get at least one "fully operational" city in the Dominion and develop trade.
A quick bump to see where PPs are going.

On my end, my terms / plans are:

- finishing the Allies Network.

- continuing conquering Nathir

- raising the Land Navy like we talked about.

@JayTee can I ask you to throw 1PP in pretty please ? :)

Life is going to be soooo much easier for everyone when we have this fleet operational). Once we have the crews up & running (matter of weeks) and they are fully armed, we'll have a mobile armada able to surprise armies, evacuate civilians, move tons of resources and materials... all in all, transportation and firepower combined.

I was thinking of establishing the main navy port in Mirunda (plains, access to the river, far enough from Sanctuary to avoid troubles with the old giraffe).
Mirror has a very short list on Projects:

- fix the Manse

Both PP's will go there.

If we can get the Manse back to full operations, we have a source of energy for Siham's crafting, which in turn bootstraps the rest of our projects.

("Bootstrap" means a positive feedback loop, or something that builds on itself. eg, the Manse will help Siham craft bigger stuff faster, which in turn helps other projects complete faster.)
Hopefully the ST will let you spend those 2 PPs considering your Lore & Occult, but Siham skills & Fangs demons may be prereqs on this, or at least speeding factors.
Allies network and either civil defense force or given the time in nexus, maybe gathering scrolls for the library of flowing wisdom. Also I am a terrible person and need to write posts for these things.
Meh, take your time to write stuff. I just needed to know where we were standing on the AN to see if we could finish it this chapter together or if it was going to be delayed to the end of the next (in which case I would have focused on Nathir).

Spending the PP is enough to move forward, I think Xarvh will accept the tale being delayed a bit if necessary.
The PP will be going towards the Manse on the grounds that once that's up and running, literally anything and everything else we might need can be pumped out within a week or so.
@Kacie: I have to check the rules for Manse construction (which I'd use, give or take, for Manse repairs).

Since you guys have designs already, the main issue with the repairs will be manpower and materials, so I am not sure if Mirror can contribute to the Project.

Bar a complete redesign, Mirror's and Fangs' Manse is going to be an Air aspected flying fortress. I'm not sure how this will help with crafting.
If need be I will rip apart the Dragonlines and rewrite them myself to get a factory cathedral )_)
@xarvh - for 8xp Mirror can learn Demon Summoning from Fangs, at which point she can summon a Hopping Puppeteer, one per night. That contributes manpower.

Besides. What other project is Mirror going to work on? There's nothing else that makes sense for her.
With her Lore & Occult ratings I think Mirror could help rebuilding the Manse.

Not perhaps to the extent of 2 PPs, and probably not as the first PP to be spent, but I'd at least allow her to be part of the common effort.

@Kacie ; I have a few suggestions. The main one would be to follow your motivation, and learn as much as you can from the dead, the deathknights and the deathlords.

When the dead win something, it is one step further from Mirror's motivation. The more power they gain, the harder they will cling to it and the longer they will suffer.

You don't have much in terms of skills affecting large crowds or areas, but you have enough presence and investigation (and personal power to back your play) to use them effectively and help prevent more NB schemes from being realized.

Mirror is also a very destructive force, which means that taking out the trash in Creation through the use of PPs is not out of the question either.
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@Kacie: summoning demons is an option.

Projects can really be anything that would require a lot of off-screen grinding from the character. Things such as large investigation efforts or "picking up the trash" would qualify.
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Here's another idea: find "traitors" in the ranks of the dead who can be turned into assets.

We have already encountered 2 knights that probably weren't as committed to the cause as they should have been (4 if you include Berek & Mirror), so Mirror can probably find herself some friends, and she has what it takes to make sure that they are friends, even though she doesn't have what it takes to decieve them.
Thanks, cyl & xarvh, that was very helpful. I hadn't realized that investigations could be done off screen like that, and was feeling like there wasn't much I could do with the PP I had.

Xarvh, how many PPs will it take to fix the Manse? There are potentially 3 PCs willing to work on it, and it really is a priority for boosting the Cross's power. That said, it's really tempting to use a pp to advance Mirror's goal of finding a way to release the Neverborn without dooming Creation.
It is isn't it ? > :)

And that is clearly something people with power, First Age knowledge, funds, or contacts could help you with, and it will surely take you and those who help to interesting places to seek secrets long forgotten.

Dunno if you have any leads or directions, but I guess starting at the place where it all began (death sites, tombs in Creation and rituals used to "bury" them) may be worth a shot.

Research on the infamous Black Nadir Concordat might help as well, 'cause those stupid fucks supposedly awoke them as the legend goes.

Malek & Flicker may help with that as they specialized in that kind of bad guys during the First Age (searching for clues might "jog their memories") and we still have an unknown enemy figure to be tracked down historically who eluded them for centuries, killed one and left the other mate-less.
Ok. Manse.

Did we decide whether the Manse is a 4 or a 5 dots?

Anyway, since you don't need too much materials, we can assume Resources 3 per month.

Time to complete: 8 to 10 years assuming 100 human workers. How many demons can you summon at the same time?

Also consider that whatever the demons do, Malfeas knows.

Also, what should be the features of the Manse?

How high should it fly? And how far from the Demesne?

Does it have a system to bring stuff from the ground to the Manse?

Looking at Oadenol's p64...

What we know for now:

- It's Air-aspected

- It must be fully habitable

- It should have a central control
xarvh said:
Time to complete: 8 to 10 years assuming 100 human workers. How many demons can you summon at the same time?
Number of days in a year per summoner for the first circle demons.

1 second Circle demon per year per summoner.
cyl said:
Number of days in a year per summoner for the first circle demons.
1 second Circle demon per year per summoner.
That assumes you don't do anything else and get your WP back every day. Not practical for a PC.

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