[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

@Revelations: I'm waiting for your next move guys.

Let me know if you need more info.

@Echoes: be patient.

I'm having a coupla problems with some details of the DK society.

Plus, Walker was plot-centric and I don't know how to handle the fact that Norts will (justly) not be very reactive.

I may actually split the scenes.
Sorry about that too.Can't sleep correctly due to the heat, doing horrible things to my brain.

I keep writing partial posts for Argis... and then returning to it on a different computer and not having remembered to save things.. will see what I can do this evening
Norts said:
Sorry for that. I'm trying to concentrate on making my future wife as happy as can be at the moment.
As should you if you want to reach the aisle alive ! :D
@Norts: let me know if you want me to post for Walker, we can have him out of action for a while to ease the pressure on you.

(And yes, the Dragon Kings were already supposed to take quite a dislike for Walker).
It would be best for now. The end of the day is the only time I have, and by then my mind is too tired to think straight. Thank you for the patience and understanding.
@Echoes: do you want to go along meeting the rest of the clutch, or do as Malek offered and leave already? The DK will definitely encourage you to leave if he can get rid of you as soon as possible.

@Arynne: How do you build the names of the Dragon Kings?

I couldn't find anything on the DK book, is that construction specific for some context?

Just to know what naming cultural conventions should I use for the DKs...
Flicker has a message to deliver, whether the lizardy Scientologists like it or not. Besides, what kind of Exalted would they be if they just walked away from such obviously weird shit?

I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't use any consistent rules. :oops: The names are a bit of a joke -- "Enik" and "Slatch" are the names of two Sleestak characters in Land of the Lost. ;) And since bonds of personal friendship that endure from one life to the next are considered the most significant relationship in Dragon King culture, surpassing even ties of blood, it seemed to make sense that the two oathbound friends, who have traded off being teacher and student for more than three thousand years, would have similar names to reflect this.

There don't seem to be any hard-and-fast rules for DK names in the books -- human names have many variations, so why shouldn't Dragon Kings? But the two "High Holy Speech" words in Lat'c's message are shamelessly stolen from Harry Harrison's West of Eden novels. After all, White Wolf thought them good enough to steal from more than once (most blatantly in Changing Breed Book: Mokolé, but the whole "intelligent saurians who use organic technology and despise humans as primitives" really started with the Eden books).

A partial Yilanè-English dictionary may be found here.
These are more Evangelicals.

Scientology inspired me for the Enlightens of Nexus.

But yeah, religions tend to have a few traits in common.

Yeah, I wanted to what context you were tieing the names, obviously the names of the Valley will be different from those of the Swamp, especially after centuries of isolation.

Just wanted to keep things coherent and let you the space to do things your way.

In other news, I just got fired.

If I do not kill myself, I will have a loooot of time to dedicate to Exalted.
Don't feel sorry about me. Feel sorry for the poor bastards who are still stuck there. I like to think of my departure as an opportunity to expand my qualifications and find a better place (or in common language, screw this, I'm out of this dump !).

Sorry about you loosing you job Xarvh. Hope the job markets sucks less where you live than here.
Being a foreigner, my chances to find a job here are sad.

I have no fucking clue about what to do with my life.

I have no fucking clue in which continent I will live next month.

I had barely started to enjoy, after too many years, some stability.

This is a nightmare and I don't really know what the fuck to do.
So there's some bad and some good... hopefully you'll find another job soon Xarvh.

And yay for midboss, some time you just need to say screw this !
First, just take a day or so to take it easy. Let some of that stress out.

Then, hit the job trail hard. Make it your job to find a job. For me, if I made it about "what to do with my life" I was defeated already. I couldn't even get up in the morning. So, I had to change my thinking and realize I'm just looking for a job, any job, for now.

Life will come as it may. You can't control that. But, you're extremely smart and creative (these games we play = proof) and no one can take that away. Use it. Get outside the box. I was working on several considerations for starting my own business. I was even writing an RPG module with a friend. Anything to plant seeds for future jobs.

I don't know. I hope I'm not being too forward. These are just some things that helped me.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

/end emo
Me be going 4 days into the heart of amazonian jungles where irl dragon kings ought to live.

Me not sure if me gets back alive or in one piece but me tells you when me comes home on monday !
A friend of mine went to Nepal last months, and trekking back to his jeep they crossed path with a rhino and the guide said "oh, I know this fella, he's as big as he's stupid and angry... do not make any loud noises or try to run for it, he'll just trample your ass and kill us all !"... and they sloooowly went back hiding in the bushes.

The worst things I'm going to encounter are poisonous snakes, venomous vipers, creepy bugs and caimans... mildly dangerous critters and nothing as epic as a rhino.

To top him on that rhino thing I'd need to swim next to a great white shark or jump into a lions den... but I ain't that brave !
Come to Oz.

Here Nature is Out to Kill You.

In other news, Revelations is kinda done, the only missing room is the Heartroom and it's "just" a heartroom.

(Any Earth aspected, ooo dots or less).

Pretty much for this reason, I want to close Echoes as fast as possible and call it a Chapter.

That's a 3-stunt for Arynne btw, but don't expect the situation to be simple.

I still have to work my ass off to keep my job or find another one, not nice situation, so Exalted gets deprioritized.

Be patient.
Out there beyond that fence every living thing that crawls, flies, or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes ! :D

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