[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

We got a trainer, and we got a commander, but... but a lunar can't replace a Dawn on the strategy front.

It would do us good to have Flicker, Walker AND a solar tactician (not necessarily Dawn mind you) anyway... since we're going to have several settlements.
Pardon the interjection. If I were accepted into the game, I would be much more likely to play a DB Wood Aspect doctor. The medical situation seems much more dire to me, as described by Arynne. Besides, if you look at Strategic Initiative Director in Renaissance Living, you'd know who's the true strategy master. Starmetal Alchemicals. :P
I'm not terribly in favor of adding new members at this point because several people have modified their builds to better serve the needs of our situation. More people could make it easier sure, but idk. We already have one new person that we really haven't integrated yet. War seems like the most lacking area, but people have been boosting it since last fight so maybe it isn't. As for ag stuff we have lots of lunars with high survival, Argis just brought back a book on the subject for anyone that wants to study. (which is quite possibly him if we ever decide what ability to use for it, but it really doesn't have to be.) As for medicine I've got medicine 4 and am several charms into the tree... Siham is most likely? going to be bumping medicine since it's necessary for craft genesis.

Introducing new players for minor gaps (ie one ability) makes all the effort the rest of us have been making worth less. Introducing new players to fill major gaps (complete roles) seems ok, which is I believe where Rhapsody comes in.

I'm possibly more biased about this than the rest of you since my character is mr. fill in the gaps utility boy so each new person takes away one area that he can accomplish without being completely out-shone in. Which sucks as a player because I'm already behind the rest from starting late and trying to build organically with what we need. So if we plug a hole that's a lot of wasted XP on my part and greater feeling of uselessness of character (regardless of actual uselessness).

However, I do think that that if more people join it should be with characters that are designed to work in a nation building game. As cyl points out the typical night doesn't really do that much (though I do believe a night could if built a certain way).
Well, to be frank, I've been trying to see what people feel is needed, and also, I find that some of you folks are spreading into niches that are less than appropriate. Argis looks much more a bureaucrat and talker than a doctor from his sheet. Everyone's trying to pick up anything they construe as even barely relevant, and not really trying to focus on their own 'specialties.' Too many jacks of trade wannabes all in the kitchen.
This is coming to resemble a Monopoly game where you have your heart set on acquiring all the Railroads and then somebody buys Reading before you.
Blackadder said:
Well, to be frank, I've been trying to see what people feel is needed, and also, I find that some of you folks are spreading into niches that are less than appropriate. Argis looks much more a bureaucrat and talker than a doctor from his sheet. Everyone's trying to pick up anything they construe as even barely relevant, and not really trying to focus on their own 'specialties.' Too many jacks of trade wannabes all in the kitchen.
Argis is by definition, not a specialist. So yeah, he dabbles in a crap load of things. He most definitely didn't start as a talker aside from the trade aspects. I dumped lots of xp into it because he found himself in that role. Similarly I dumped xp into medicine because it was needed and he has a natural talent for it. Before coming here he'd have thought his area of focus would martial arts. It's the way the character is designed and I'm enjoying playing it. I can accept being less good at things in detail than everyone else as a by product, but it's pretty suck as a player when new people want to come in and stomp on your concept/progress.

"I find that some of you folks are spreading into niches that are less than appropriate."

This in particular is an especially dickish thing to say. Characters are fluid and changing, I'd venture to say that none of us have spent XP like we thought we would starting the game, and we all have very valid reasons for changing those plans.

edit: forgot to add Rhapsody on the list of healing folk earlier, apologies
Feantari said:
I'm not terribly in favor of adding new members at this point because several people have modified their builds to better serve the needs of our situation. More people could make it easier sure, but idk. We already have one new person that we really haven't integrated yet. War seems like the most lacking area, but people have been boosting it since last fight so maybe it isn't. As for ag stuff we have lots of lunars with high survival, Argis just brought back a book on the subject for anyone that wants to study. (which is quite possibly him if we ever decide what ability to use for it, but it really doesn't have to be.) As for medicine I've got medicine 4 and am several charms into the tree... Siham is most likely? going to be bumping medicine since it's necessary for craft genesis.
Introducing new players for minor gaps (ie one ability) makes all the effort the rest of us have been making worth less. Introducing new players to fill major gaps (complete roles) seems ok, which is I believe where Rhapsody comes in.

I'm possibly more biased about this than the rest of you since my character is mr. fill in the gaps utility boy so each new person takes away one area that he can accomplish without being completely out-shone in. Which sucks as a player because I'm already behind the rest from starting late and trying to build organically with what we need. So if we plug a hole that's a lot of wasted XP on my part and greater feeling of uselessness of character (regardless of actual uselessness).

However, I do think that that if more people join it should be with characters that are designed to work in a nation building game. As cyl points out the typical night doesn't really do that much (though I do believe a night could if built a certain way).
Look carefully here. You said Argis is supposed to be a jack of all trades, but it seems everyone and his dog are trying to become a master general or overlapping this, both having that, since X happens, multiple PCs must take Y. I can buy unexpected stuff happens. But it seems everyone is suddenly becoming master of this or that or aiming to be- as soon as there might be a need for it. To the point where multiple people are arguing over if the overlap is necessary. The fact is that everyone is trying to spread out more and more, and if it's alright for people to consistently overlap, (because you're justifying the spreading), then what have you to complain about?

Like Arynne said, it seems everyone is trying to buy Railroads.
Feantari said:
I dumped lots of xp into it because he found himself in that role. Similarly I dumped xp into medicine because it was needed and he has a natural talent for it. Before coming here he'd have thought his area of focus would martial arts. It's the way the character is designed and I'm enjoying playing it. I can accept being less good at things in detail than everyone else as a by product, but it's pretty suck as a player when new people want to come in and stomp on your concept/progress.
I don't disagree that it wouldn't hurt for there to be more planning in some areas, but it is one thing to say it looks disorganized and another to claim characters are being inappropriate. Because they are very much not the same thing.

War is an interesting one because many just realized that their character was massively under effective in mass combat and wanted to fix it. Some people are grabbing war for the training charms, which are a pretty huge deal. While it wouldn't have been bad for people to step back and say oh, lets concentrate war on a few people. I don't think everyone having a dot or two of War is the worst thing ever (and not everyone went that route anyway). It's just a difference in how to develop characters. You can do all your spending to make a specific thing or spend based on your character's experiences, or anything in between. Even in the same scenes together people will have different experiences and their characters will reflect on them in different ways.
Arynne said:
A general is needed yes, and I haven't said anything to the contrary other than being squeamish about scary new things. I just think bringing in new things, we should make sure than they fit with the nation building scenario before going oh, Dawn, ok come on in.

Also, I kinda want to hear what Norts thinks about that since he is a Dusk.
Walker himself wouldn't want to inflict the terror and psychotic bloodlust of abyssal training charms on anybody. When I said drilling troops, I meant roleplay wise. No magic to back me up, but skill for certain.
Well we are playing an empire building game... so we're playing our characters and also building railroads at the same time.

If we are weak or careless, we pay the price (see All My Friends)... Creation isn't a happy world in which we can do anything we want... we have enemies, pretty nasty ones, and we need to defend not only ourselves but our people.

All of us have made sacrifices and investments for the good of the dominion.

I spent some 40xp to get something I wanted for Malek - Melia as a sidekick -, the rest was entirely for the dominion, heck I'm over 150xp now and I still have the only 2 combat charms I had in the beginning and still no perfect defense...

I can undestand grinding one's teeth when someone's basically saying "I'm going to do the same as you, but better, because, let's face it, you spent your xp the wrong way"...

We have done what we could so far, if everyone at the beginning of the game had stayed, things would be different for everyone.
Norts said:
Walker himself wouldn't want to inflict the terror and psychotic bloodlust of abyssal training charms on anybody. When I said drilling troops, I meant roleplay wise. No magic to back me up, but skill for certain.
Sorry, I'm not really that familiar with abyssal charms, but I was guessing that they were similar to solar charms. Was curious if you were planning to take some of the non-training war charms. ie step up to the general role
He kinda can't, abyssal war charms aren't built the same way at all.

He'd be insanely good if leading ghosts and undead, but not so much with mortals...

But it's not that big of a deal... he can be a tactician and a leader spamming war excellencies... trouble is he's a deathknight so no or very little essence regen.
But heh... on top of that we got mad lunar sorceresses and their bound spirits, one mad lunar commander, and a warstrider, and an Eclipse with a big mouth :D

Once the singing Zenith arrives, we'll be invincible ! :D
Just my 4 motes an hour from the manse, since it's Abyssal, and any stunting. Yes, I will pick up War excellencies.

As far as the nature of Abyssal training charms, well, they do about the same thing as Tiger Warrior Training, but instead of skilled and loyal kungfu soldiers, it makes sick and heartless bastards. And yeah the Abyssal general charms are about making an army of the dead and then leading them to slaughter.

I might make room for glorious carnage typhoon, simply so Walker can fight groups by himself.
The way I see your character, you got a lot for you in battle.

You can do what you did to Legion to pretty much anyone in battle, you can just keep at bay and snipe the crap out of the general, the relays and the unit commanders... and divide to rule while River and her warstrider scare and scatter the rest away, Fangs unleashes hell on them, and Flicker and her men gut them with traps and ambushes while they're trying to retreat.

With that in mind, you can probably be a good option for a general if you got Allied in Hate Discernment , the only major problem being your resonance when facing the forces of the dead... that and the fact that we'd still need to have a human chain of command to spread orders... and that's quite risky...

On another note... you could try to gather bands of warghosts to our cause... the dead aren't inherently evil per se, and a band of those angry ancestors can kick some serious ass ! (and your charms work on creatures of death, not creatures of darkness exclusively, so nice ghosts are a go).
Ok, enough of this.

We have got the warlord covered and the healer covered.

Now, Siham expressed more interest in Sorcery than in Genesis.

If Midboss feels that a Genesis specialist would free time and XPs for Siham to grow in the directions he wants, fine.

Otherwise, it seems that adding new players will turn this game in a mess of people haggling and quarrelling.
Norts said:
As far as the nature of Abyssal training charms, well, they do about the same thing as Tiger Warrior Training, but instead of skilled and loyal kungfu soldiers, it makes sick and heartless bastards. And yeah the Abyssal general charms are about making an army of the dead and then leading them to slaughter.
Can they be applied to non-ghost types who are already heartless bastards?

Because, you know, demons.
cyl said:
Can you consider Argis as a Dynast though ?
He's not a part of the Scarlet Dynasty anymore... he is however a terrestrial exalt... but that's not really the same thing.
That's why her response is moderate and mostly symbolic.

She actually likes Argis. And while he's not a particularly strong member of the Scarlet Dynasty at this point, he is a Terrestrial, and a member of the Dynasty - even if he's one in poor standing. And being under the Scarlet yoke didn't go well for Fangs.

cyl said:
I don't say this enough, but your interpretation of Fangs is really awesome CI ! :)
I really enjoy having the pair interacting, even though in the current situation Malek is a bit self absorbed by personal drama...
Thanks :)

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