[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I was thinking more along the lines of the official city maps.

But once I got the layout, I can do pretty much anything I want with them, if I have some spare time.
@cyl: your call. =)

@Feantari: Do you want to leave Nexus already or you have other matters to close before you go?
@Midboss: ok, so if you stick with River, I assume you went with her to enter the Warstrider.

Roll Per+War/Awareness to spot the Traveller.

In any case, you will reach back the fray with River, around tick 10.
@Feantari: Argis will send the message in flashback when the next scene is opened, unless you want me to reopen this scene.

Give me a couple of days to prepare the next scene.
Nah, 's cool. I'm going through and clarifying all the silly charm rules. If would be sweet if they would just release a totally revised DB book that incorporated 1kCA. >.<
Yup, it's a royal pain, every day I need to do something I have to check in 5 different places.
Probably either Craft: Wood (since gardening falls under that) or Survival (since animal husbandry falls under that).

Or it's a multidisciplinary activity, like warfare, that requires more than one skill.
Craft wood doesn't cover gardening but flower arranging, which is not exactly the same.

It is the art of using durable / transformed organic materials to build something out of it: paper / furniture / clothes.

The organic material is not living anymore, it's either dead or dying (flowers arranged wither and die) and irremediably changed.

It may seem a technicality but I'd say raw survival.

Predict weather / know the right plants / survive in the wilderness / knowing the elements / taming and training animals... all skills you absolutely need to master to be a farmer.

Other skills can make you an even better farmer or villager (making your own tools - building houses - building something out of your production - managing your resources etc etc), but for just planning planting taking care of cattle and crops, I'd go with raw survival only.
Saibok Gauto's profile in Dreams of the First Age lists "Gardening" as a specialty for Craft (Wood). Also, the diagnostic garden requires Craft (Wood) to use properly.
Norts said:
I would either do it as Intelligence or Wits+Survival.
As a relative to a farmer, I would say it can be either wits or intelligence. And after thinking about it, I'd agree that it would be a wits + survival roll. For farm maintenance, crafts will be needed because things will break. And if there is livestock, someone will need to know veterinarian medicine.
My guess is in the villages, any given farmer will be using one or two abilities tops at the same time, and he will use other people's work with the abilities he lacks... like a vet, a blacksmith etc etc.

It will be very rare to have a complete farmer (with survival + medecine + the useful crafts).

Thanks to Siham and his training charm, we can get decent craftsmen faster now, and we got people with Survival 3+ who can teach others the regular way until Claw gets to her training charm and starts training them much, much faster !
Here is a question for the group that I hinted at in my last post. Is there an artifact or some way to speed up the attunement process for a warstrider? That is one big disadvantage to them, with the five minute warm-up, when the people of Cross are under attack by some army. If there is not, anyone have some ideas on what kind of item could be crafted to speed this process along?
I'd say either a charm or a spell...

Solar resistance charms are used to speed up donning armor, and there's a spell for creating a warstrider out of thin essence... so I could see a Bronze / Silver / Golden Saint Armor Flash Donning...

My best guess considering the strider would be to attach a spirit to it (not unlike the AIs) so that he'd be in veil mode all the time and ready for you to jump in or perhaps even fighting at your side on his own.

Is it a strider from the old days, blessed with the art of permanence, or a modern crappy one, with a repair stat and heavy maintenance needed ?!

Farmers will have those skills, but not necessarily proficient in them all. Black smithing being the exception, but a farmer with that skill will be agreat asset!


That sounds like a hearthstone to me. I think there might be a hearthstone that lowers attunement to artifacts, but I can be wrong. There are stones that lower costs to sorcery, so why not? Lowering the costs by 10 motes would be at least a 3 point stone, I'd imagine.

How about a stone that matches the investment of essence put in into it, to the max of 5 motes. That may be a three point stone or less.
There is a solar charm, Invincible Armor Invocation. It allows you to attune and then banish the warstrider to elsewhere. It is less useful for you if you need to tinker on it a lot, but it lets you summon the banished warstrider back already attuned and everything.

Perhaps a Lunar could create a similar charm building off of Implausible Lunar Panoply.
@Sherwood: this is one of the drawbacks of Warstrider.

Consider that:

*) The Legion's attack is especially vicious because she commands incorporeal units and bypass all guards.

This won't be the case with most mass attacks.

*) We are moving in long ticks, so you lost barely 10 ticks.

In short: in most other combat situations, if you use a decent warning system, you will have time to enter the Warstrider.

Chances are that Defender of High will play a very important part in the battle, regardless of its delay.
Idea: immaterial sentinels at the 5 directions of the city, and the Defender in the middle of the city as a "statue" protecting the city.

Gets a few points of cult for River, gets the strider where we need him the most... and makes the city center really bad ass looking ! :lol:

We could design and install security measures so that only River and the designated people could hop in.

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