[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Damn, I was so caught up in thinking about how to provide for everyone that I forgot about the stoopid thornians. :roll:

I don't think that Malek will have much time to spend in the Cross, bringing in the jade to provide for the Cross and the others, but he could make a detour to get to the refugees.
@cyl: if you want to go somewhere that is not Nexus or Denandsor, find company 'cause I won't be able to handle too many solo quests...
Fangs has been gone long enough, I figure she'll spend some time in Cross being esoteric and unapproachable.

She should also probably talk to Malek at some point, what with his fuss over the Sinister Lunar Menace .
I suppose we could catch up during one of the many many round trips and build a scene for the Cross.
Yes, Walker is going to be in the Cross for now. He'll be skulking and sneaking and spying, mostly. Trying to stay out of sight. Don't want to make our new refugees feel like they're being herded from one Deathlord camp to another now.
Indeed, damn you server hang up on Friday!

I've had some rough times, so thanks for your patience.

Feantari, I still need your montage, so I'll keep the Introduction thread unlocked.
Sherwood, Midboss, did you have some specific idea on how to approach Denandsor, or can I start in media res?
xarvh said:
Feantari, I still need your montage, so I'll keep the Introduction thread unlocked.
Yeah. Life has been crazy (but mostly in a good way). I will try to work on this tonight. I think I have about half of it done in my head. I just need to sit down and start writing it and not worry about the first sentance being lame. :-P
I had a thought of stopping a short distance from the city, making sure we are in plain view, and let them approach us. If we have any luck, my elementals will keep us safe if the Autochtonians deicde to play trigger happy.
Could we also have a side scene for Siham to ask River's tutelage of sorcery ? Since he probably would have done that the moment they had some time alone.
Nothing really special I guess. Just maybe defining the conditions of the teaching and the ordeals. Any opinion Sherwood ?
Nothing specific comes to mind. Many of the challenges of learning magic you probably have already done in one form or another, it just needs a skilled practicioner to help you to set off on the path to finally reaching your goal.
Are we starting a new thread for Siham and River going to the Autobots, or is there time for me to do some posting in the current thread?
Autobots thread is coming, but feel free to post in the intro thread as long as it is open.
Been redoing my living room all week and I'm pretty much dead.

I'll take a couple of days and pop back in strength :wink:
So, what do the Autobots have to say to River and Siham?
@Sherwood: sorry, I was waiting for Midboss then it escaped me entirely.

I fear you will have to wait 4 days, I am sick AND must leave for a while, and the two things don't even go well together, in case you didn't hear my loud and desperate "FUUUUUUCK" from the other side of the ocean.

@Cyl: No XP debt, sorry.

I don't want Malek or anyone else to suddenly pop up abilities when they are needed.

As I said, please be patient for some 4 days, right now I would write shit.
Oooh, okay, well then, no Heart Compelling Method... I'll just... burn a ton of motes on my performance roll boosted by my excellency !
Still need to work on my montage scene, will do it during the week, my in laws just got here so I'll be quite busy before our vacations but I'll manage... one way or another :wink:
Idea for a custom Charm:


Cost: 15m, 1wp, 2 ahls; Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)

Keywords: Enlightening, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Any Charisma Excellency

This costlier variation on the better-known Sharing the Gifts of Luna (see MoEP: Lunars, p. 164) immediately and permanently blasts open a willing mortal’s doors of perception, opening him to the world’s currents of Essence. Like its sister Charm, Luna’s Beneficence requires the Lunar to tear or slice off a piece of her own flesh and feed it to the recipient — but while a temporary gift of Essence deals a single health level of lethal damage to the Exalt, permanently enlightening a mortal inflicts two levels of aggravated damage. In addition, the cataract of Essence flooding through the mortal’s soul knocks him out for (7 – his Stamina) hours. He also trades one permanent dot of Willpower for another point of permanent Essence. After he recovers, however, he possesses his own Essence pool and may learn Charms, effectively becoming a Half-Caste by brevet.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Withering criticisms?

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