[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Oh, and Dove's proteges will probably have requests for poor, overworked Siham too -- Barns and silos for storing food; animal pens, coops and dovecotes; and even incubators (if he and River can come up with one) to make the task of hand-raising and taming fowl easier.
Sorry that I haven't posted before now. I'm recovering from knee surgury, and I'm pretty stoned out on percocet. The good news is, once the swelling goes down on my knee, I should be able to walk pain free for the first time in years. I'm sooo looking forward to it.
A dual latteral tear to the muniscus ( :shock: ). I don't know if I'm spelling it right. Basically, many years ago, I was in an accident where my lower leg was broken. A rod was inserted into my kneecap to fix it, and it was later removed. The scar tissue in my knee then tore the cartlige in two places, giving me near constant pain for almost half my life. I have been told to expect a total knee replacement sometime in my future.
Now accepting submissions for an official Lunar name of Lunarness for Joyous Dove!

...and no, you can't suggest "Toaster Babe". :roll:
Guy, be serious. How could she ever show her face (or any other part of her) at Gatherings with a name like that? :roll:

I've been trying to think of names, and all I've been able to come up with are ones like "Diamondback" or "Sidewinder", which make her sound like a Marvel villain, or "Moondragon" which makes her sound like an author of New Age herbalism books.
Jokes apart, Arynne, I think the problem stems from the fact that you yourself haven't focused on a specific idea for JD.

(Which could be a start for a name. Flickering Claw comes to mind.)
I think that's because Dove herself is in some conflict right now. She had a specific purpose in coming south, and a mission to carry out, but she also believes it's her duty to support Malek and advance his goals, as "his" Lunar. She subconsciously sees her Casteless state as mirroring her own internal divisions, and hopes (again, without really being aware of it) that gaining a caste will somehow resolve this.

In fact, in her psychological state right now, the rite may not work, because she's no longer sure what she exists to steward. Oh dear... :shock:
Dude, more internal mental masturbation and this game becomes a manga...

Anyhoo, Dove just provided an awesome hook for River to say something cool.

(No, "11" is not a fun answer).

I'll whimsically reward in XP this sort of things.

Also, both River and Dove can cause at the very last moment the ritual to botch, since Dove is not sure.

In case, there won't be any permanent consequence, unless I think that it would be funnier otherwise...
Ok, as Dove and River are busy, I'd like to start opening the scenes.

I'll greatly appreciate if we reduce the single quests.

So far we have:

1) Nexus chores: Argis

2) Alchemical diplomacy: River

3) ...

4) ...
So...I kinda maybe forgot that I have to hit Appearance 5 when I raise my essence above 3. xarvh, do you mind if I go 16xp into debt to pay for this, or would you prefer that I grab it from my other purchases? If I must, I'll replace the essence raising with the Appearance raise, and bank the rest.

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