[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

What can we get out of her that REALLY help our cause and would ensure a safer River Confederation ?!

Eternal peace between our dominion(s - regardless of their size... meaning that if we control the whole world he can't move against us) and Walker's forces and agents ?!

The promise that anything that will be found in the Library will never be used against Creation and its people ?!

More jade ?!
I don't think she wants to negotiate that way... her sole expressed interest has always been focused around the Library, she has asked for nothing more.

But you're right, we could also offer a variety of skills and services to balance the terms.
Just as an to the we can get money elsewhere bit: We can possibly get money elsewhere, but can we get info on the Wyld Hunt, etc. The main point though, is can we get it without proliferating knowledge of our celestial exalts. That, I think, would be harder, and a large sum to previously relative unknowns, exalts or no is going to be tricky both to arrange and not get back stabbed about later (sure we'll give you money... *turns around and tips off wyld hunt/ hires mercs to recoup funds*). Not that there aren't alternatives, because there certainly are, but it may depend on who slow we want certainly processes to take.

There are definitely some terrifying possibilities for where a DK could go with access to an awesome genesis library...
You forget one thing: there's no point in keeping a low profile at all cost, our enemies probably already know where we are, and even if they don't, the Walker can tip them off whenever he wants.

Plus we don't need that much money in precisely a month... we need to build at least 2 small cities in a month and can reasonably summon the manpower to do it, materials clothing food and salary that's another story, but we can manage our finances season after season and loan more if we need more.

The Guild isn't about to say no to a profitable rate of return and prolonged indebtedness.

It's a shiny offer, but we gotta look past the cha-ching. :wink:
Welcome back Fea! ^_^

Ok guys, give me a day or so to wrap up a closing post, and we'll end the damn chapter.

Start thinking what you want to do next.

Likely, we'll start the new chapter with a montage, where all the Thornians come, you do your training and all the preparations.

After that, you'll be free to pursue your plans.
@CrazyIvan: Tirana will push you to teach you Celestial Circle, but should you insist otherwise she'll be keen on provide you with martial training.

Otherwise you can just say kthxbai and do whatever you care.

For me we can close the scene here, but I left it open in case you want to do something.
It's up to you, whether you want to gather more info from Shiana, f%@! her...

In any case she'll be called soon by Peaceful Wave to join CF and Tirana in the scene that is about to end.
I thought a nice touch to use late Khaled instead, also because Peaceful Wave is not much of a talker...

Give me some time to end the Widow Scene (it's like 2 days that patternspider is down, WTF!?) and check consistency of the 3rd Chapter.

I would like to start the 3rd Chapter with a montage, which will be about your training and about the development of Cross.

Start thinking about it, there will be some three months downtime.

@Feantari: you can have Argis stick in Sanctuary but I'm not sure it will be productive nor safe.

If you are still of the idea of travelling to Nexus, we may have your montage directly there.

Argis may have been warned that a member of the Broken Circle is in Nexus.

Otherwise let me know what your plans are.

@Crazy Ivan: Why didn't you use the bow in the combat? oO


Give me an idea of what your plans are.
As you saw, Dove's self-control was not enough to keep her from asking how the hell the Widow knew about her ties to the Dragon Kings. The implications of that jab worry her. Depending on what kind of answer she gets, she might even try returning to the Valley up north, just to see if things are all right. In any case, she will begin searching for signs that there are or were Dragon Kings in the area.

Other possible activities involve Martial Arts training using her memory crystal, hunting for new Heart's Blood forms, completing her trials under River and Cunning Fangs, drilling alongside any of Cross's mortals who know how to fight, and doing stuff with and for Malek as they continue to get (re)acquainted with one another.
@Arynne: you will have answers you won't like from Albane.

Let him finish with the Widow.

For the montage, all the options you listed are very good.
xarvh said:
@Crazy Ivan: Why didn't you use the bow in the combat? oO


Give me an idea of what your plans are.
I didn't use the bow because Tirana shouldn't know all of Fangs' tricks. Have to keep some surprises in reserve.

Plans wise: MOAR POWER *evil cackle*. Celestial Circle sorcery, if Tirana will teach it. If not, pursuing my myriad other schemes.

Other things I need to do: Find out what happened to our dead(?) Solar - I suspect Khemal happened - and report back to the settlement.
Walker's plans, beyond increasing his own marshal skill, involve teaching whoever is willing to learn how to work a bow, and essentially teach some of the community how to do their own hunting, defend themselves, etc. He obviously lacks the charms to make ninjas out of them, but hey that can come later.

Um...don't have a teacher for Air Dragon Style, so that will wait for now.
@CrazyIvan: Good move.

Your bow is very evident, so I'll assume Fangs left it at Cross.

Anyway, Celestial Circle it is.

Prepare your montage accordingly.

Tirana is as a great teacher as you can expect any Crossroads Elder to be.

Plus a maverick-ish tendency to dabble in disturbing things (but no necromancy), even for sorcerous standards.

Despite the constant vibe of "I am about to kill you and your family", Fangs will also have the definite impression that Tirana cares for her; not as a person, but as a Lunar.

The Beastmen will treat Fangs as a superior but in general be uneasy with her.

Peaceful Wave will be meditating all the time.

Snake-Falling-From-Leaves is nowhere to be seen, apparently in some business trip.

@Norts: Oh yes, Hardened Killer Training Stance will make for wonderful protectors of Cross.

"And as a simple exercise, today, you will kill your own children and rape two women of your choice."

Immaculate Styles came after the Library, so you won't find much there.

You could always ask the guys of the Crown of All Heavens...

Also, you can message Argis to ask him to find some Immaculate texts in Nexus, but you will have to wait for his return before you can access them.
Siham's plans involve not falling from exaustion with all the work for him this refugee business is going to bring. He'll be posponing working on the library for a while and any other pet projects he has.

He'll also try to be figuring out some way of dealing with the alchemicle humongous mecha that will soon be on the loose.
@norts, you could also message Argis re: weird infection/fungus thing. Possible he could find something about it in nexus or just generally boost his medicine skillz
Alright folks, thinking time!

I can only afford one Celestial-level spell. So for now, make it count. Obvious options:

- Demon of the 2nd Circle. This wouldn't exactly be out of character for Fangs to know.

- Hidden Judges of the Secret Flame. I'm pretty sure "Being a Deathlord" counts as being a crime of Celestial Law. Narrow use, but they're nasty combatants when they can be turned against Creation's foes.

- Imbue Amalgam. An absolutely Cunning Fangs-esq way to improve the situation of the people of The Cross. "What, you wanted them better, so I made them better."

- Magma Kraken. Because *Magma Kraken*.

I vote for Hidden Judges; not only do they punish offenders, they can give advice on what constitutes an offense against Celestial law. Which Fangs might need. :P
Arynne said:
I vote for Hidden Judges; not only do they punish offenders, they can give advice on what constitutes an offense against Celestial law. Which Fangs might need. :P
Hrm...I wonder if I could persuade them that it was only the Solars who lost the mandate of heaven, and as such, offenses against a Lunar totally count.

Her reasoning is probably only 66% insane.

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