[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Well well, very busy week in sight... and it is going to get worse in the following months. I have a long, long year to come, I fear.

I'm afraid Albane won't be a very active character in the following months. I'll try to post tomorrow or this weekend (unless I get an unexpected reprieve).
Thinking about the next scene.

You will be all together (except Fangs and Argis) and it will likely close Chapter 2.
I just want to apologize for my complete invisibility. School is ramping up to be pretty exhausting this semester, though I will find time to post, I swear it!

I also spent the last week looking for a new car, as mine hit the 'maximum junker' category recently. Today, I picked up a well used (but still in good condition), RX8, and I love it. Even if it's gas mileage is terrible. And if I nearly killed my transmission cause I shot the needle to 5000 rpm while mistiming my clutch.
No vertical doors, unfortunately. This is just a 2004 Touring model with Sport package spoiler and front lip.
While waiting for xarvh to come up with a suitably awesome scene, I should probably note that Joyous Dove will ask River to teach her some of her skills -- not just the sacred hunt for smaller prey, but how she did that beserker rage thing in the tunnel. She was privately very impressed by that, even if she didn't say so at the time. :wink:
I have spent my last week sneezing my brain out of my head and setting up a huge and amorphous chaos that is my life that got me kinda overstressed and freaking out.

I beg for your patience.
This should be the last Scene of Chapter 2.

I had to force some time warp to keep consistency together, but meh.

Once this is done, we'll decide what characters to freeze and whether we want new blood in.

It is my bitter understanding that Brekkir will leave the game, but I think we'll keep Albane sitting in Cross so that the others can adventure away and just in case Brekkir decides he does not like RL anymore... :mrgreen:

All the others: are you still interested and have enough time to post say once per week?
Has Albane used a "detect lies or treacherous motivation" charm on the Widow during their interaction by any chance ?!
I am definitely still interested, and I'm currently strong-arming my schedule into submission. I can pull out at least one post per week. I admit that I've felt a little lost with Walker lately, but I think I'm just going to continue rolling along with this partially seat-of-the-pants style that I've got going for him. I guess I'm figuring things out at the same time he is.

I missed the chance to force all the characters to speak Pirate (Widow included, would have been awesome! :mrgreen: )


So glad you all guys are still enthusiastic about the game! ^_^

I don't think there will be any other Scenes for Chapter 2.

But I am not yet preparing Chapter 3 because I have no damn clue about how you will handle the Widow.

BTW, I liked the reactions of the chars to the Widow.

Her answer is very simple, because she is a Exalted negotiator and very, very good at what she does.
Arynne said:
Maybe Albane's absence can be explained by his deciding to take Didee up on her offer. :wink:
Not likely ;)

But yeah, RL is leaving me uninspired both as a player and ST. I'm having rare peaks of inspiration that last about as long as it takes me to settle before my computer before tiredness kicks in. I hope that the situation is going to get better in January, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm still hoping to play again, though.

EDIT: also, I was a bit disappointed in the pact with Didee being accepted like that. I know I was a bit slow in answering, but I was starting my last school year, and well, it was kinda rough.
I'm really happy if you'll manage to come back.

(Hell, I'll be really happy if this game will be up and kicking in January! :mrgreen: )

Regarding the pact, yes, it was a bit brutal, but I needed the game to move on and I had no estimate of when another post would be coming.

But don't worry, it's not a bad plan and Didee will just cause the occasional trouble relatively harmless, as always with her.
I hope you guys realize how much is 100 talents of Jade.

@Feantari: sorry for the delay.

@CrazyIvan: waiting for your move.
It's 5 times Ressources 5.

Barely enough for food, clothes and a meager pay for 12 000 people for two years.

If we consider the costs of building decent cities with classical means and materials, that means a few seasons to one year tops.

It's an impressive sum and sure would help and give us the means to organize... but that's nothing compared to what they will have access to if we let them in the library.

And the domino have been placed and have fallen way too fast for Malek's taste.

She just brings an easy solution to a problem that she quite conveniently threw at us herself.

We don't have many other options at the moment, but I don't think we'd have too much problems getting loans from the Guild or organizations in the Scavenger Lands if we really try to... a solid pack of exalts taking a nation under its wing is a self selling pitch and a blessing for opportunists of all kinds.

Malek can ride pretty fast and has some negotiation skills, his contacts can help him find the right people to talk to (thieves usually know rich people ! :mrgreen: ), from there it's only a matter of safely bringing in the jade to our coffers and careful planning but with that many exalts, it shouldn't be a problem.

We could even manage multiple lesser loans (4 dots of ressources = minimum 4 talents and up to 6, to get to a 100 we'd have to find 20+ investors)... and of course there's what we can steal / salvage / produce and sell.

Call me an optimist, but the jade isn't something we can't gather on our own.

We can totally use the Widow's offer, but we don't need it that bad.

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