[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I suppose it would also pay to have this spell that creates whole copses of face-covered trees for long range conversations...
Nah, trees can be cut down and there goes your network...

I'm thinking something like a personal item, perhaps sea shell heavily charged with jade and ingredients tied to the elements of air acting like a walkie talkie :wink:

Should be a 3 dots artifact or something like that and would allow us to have chat from any point in Creation.

Well I'll leave the details to our twilight... it's his job after all.
Hello you've reached Fangs... actually you just tried and miserably failed.

Meditate on that after the beep... :lol:
Do you want me to roll damage for my hit? If so, I need to know the target's DV to know if I hit.
Sorry Sher, I'm just that slow.

Usually I could spend a good part of the day crunching ideas for the game, but now RL is not even giving me time to think.
Also, for both Siham/Albane and Argis/Fangs, remember that you have to be active (rather than reactive).

In your particular scenes nothing will happen unless you will make it happen.

For Argis/Fangs, you have collected important information about Tirana, if you have no more business you can just as well leave and go on to the Wyld/Nexus.
Does Argis have anything else?

Fang's plans may have been to stick around for a bit, possibly sleep with the crazy Elder, find out what actually happened to the Solar, and broach the topic of the treaty again once she's convinced I'm on her side.

Fangs likes dangerous games.
Argis is mostly curious about the beastmen, but is also interested in making sure things stay peaceable between Sanctuary and Cross. Curious both from a greater purpose of terrestrial exaltation stand point and, more relevant to the present, from a what is their life like here sort of angle. I'd imagine he could get past some scales and try to get to know the lovely wood aspect, but I doubt Tirana would take kindly to that sort of thing. :-P (mostly, he's more interested in the beastmen as people/a culture than he is in their power hungry creator, also he's now worried that somehow she has tied their reproduction to her or a charm or interbreeding, etc.)

Tirana is a force to be avoided in Argis's mind at the moment, but he can't get past her "creations" and thus is here walking into the lion's den to make sure it isn't eating any of its cubs... so to speak...

We could totally spend the night, maybe Tirana would consent to one of her children showing Argis things while she and Fangs have lunar time. Or, he could see if the monk would consent to a training session or two.

But yes, Argis definitely plans to continue on to Nexus once we are done here, and could leave while Fangs remains if it works out that way. What he is really looking for here is a chance to talk to some of the beastmen without mommy watching over, and that may very well be impossible.
Great ideas, great ideas... Awesome guys! ^^

No, I have no clue what's going to happen, but I'll be waiting for your implementation...
Isn't there some kind of behemoth trap you could throw the DK in to make her realize that the access isn't yet granted ?!
Small OOC notes, right from Walker's knowledge of other Deathknights.

The Legion is a Day Caste.

Her technique is to disguise as townspeople, get to know the critical points of the target city, then use Arise and Slaughter.
Aha! Knowledge!

In other news, I was going to ask to use Cobra style (of Ink Monkeys fame) as a martial art for Walker in his quest to acquire a combat suite to be used under any situation. If that's a no, are there any other suggestions? Had thought about Crystal Chameleon, but that seems more Malek's style. Really, just looking for a style that's useful with actual unarmed combat, aka, barehanded fighting.
Cobra Style is controversial at best, but I'll look at it.

Anyway, do consider Solar Hero, Arms of the US, Dark Messiah(!), any Immaculate, have Malek teach you Mantis, or just use Archery/Melee/Thrown Charms with your bare fists.

A good Fierce Blow kick with Piercing Ghost Barb can be massively bad for an enemy...

I'm not using Martial/Martial Ready stuff, but Dawn/Dusks can do it with their animas.

If you don't find yourself comfortable with this solution, since you are the only Dawn/Dusk, we can find something you like better.

This said, Malek and Norts I may need some brain crunching before I can answer decently, please give me some time.
As long as there aren't any mortals around to flee in terror when I light up at 16+, I could for sure make a Withered Feathered Maelstrom+Piercing Ghost Barb+Splinter of the Void+Archery Excellency combo (and watch my mote and willpower pools drain to 0 in an instant). More realistically, just the excellency and Piercing Ghost Barb would probably be enough with a fierce blow to ruin the day of anyone who doesn't have a perfect defense.

My eventual goal here, though is to get Walker at least 2-3 charms from each combat ability so that I can utilize them all fully without having to hit 16+ motes to make full use of them. It could just be an excellency and some other charm, but in the case of MA, learning a whole style is more appropriate. Dark Messiah would be my first choice if there isn't a sensible, story-fitting way for Walker to learn any other style. Let's call it Plan B for MA then. Thrown is pretty much Crypt Bolt Tech all the way, War is Glorious Carnage Typhoon so that Walker can do his thing on his own, and Melee will likely be something like DV lowering charm. Simple, no?

xarvh, I found many on the official forums that think a suitable (and flavorful) balance for Cobra Style's power is the requirement of learning Snake and Crane, given that those are Cobra's source material. Feel free to adjudicate whatever requirements you wish if you think the style is too powerful, but still feasible. If you don't want to deal with it, just say so and I will find another thing.

EDIT: Though now that I think about it, Wood Dragon might fit rather well. Still murderous, but a way to come to an understanding of life on his path to redemption...plus I already have a bow.
Wood Dragon might fit rather well. Still murderous, but a way to come to an understanding of life on his path to redemption...plus I already have a bow.
Now all you need is to steal the sacred scriptures from an immaculate temple who happens to have one of the style you're looking for, or find an immaculate mastah willing to train a deathknight...

Good luck with that... :lol:

Kidding apart, you don't need too many things to be an efficient killer, Melee and a good blade and Archery and a good bow, now if you want to preserve life and still kick butts, Solar Style + Mantis is the way to go ;)

The "problem" you're going to face is that 2/3 of your PD are SPECTRAL... which means +1W to the cost of the charm when you're in Creation.
More realistically, if you really want to be an unstoppable killer, just climb up Abyssal Archery, you won't need much else.

Also Cobra Style is ridiculously overpowered.

If you really -really- want it, I'll consider how to make it decent.
I thought as much. I am happy to live with the decision, however. Thinking about it more, yes it would really be more appropriate for Walker to simply find ways to apply his natural talents (Archery) to his other abilities. I just don't think there will be many opportunities to hit that 16+ level required for cross-ability application without ruining our village's day/life. The 10 motes is a fine balancer, I just don't have Ravening Mouth yet to help make up the difference.
Between Solar and Abyssal animas flaring at 16+, Cross is going to look like some gray fake-plastic shiny town or something.

Just take Ravening mouth.

Embrace being an Aby. ^^
Also, the fact that I'd have to get two Ravening Mouths, and interchange them is less appealing, but still doable. As far as all the flaring goes, yes our town will be a toy town, but I'm more worried about the fact that every mortal has to check Valor against difficulty of my Essence when I hit 16+ or flee in terror. If they botch, they have to spend WP to avoid gouging out their own eyes or gaining derangements. Walker...really doesn't want that to happen. I guess if a sufficiently powerful force arrived that forced him to do so, then he would, but he really would like to be everyone's friend.

Ok, so on the list:

1. Get Ravening Mouth(s).

2. Make little combo for smushing things.

3. Punch trees until I get better at punching.

4. Wash hands.

5. Clean house.
Norts said:
As far as all the flaring goes, yes our town will be a toy town, but I'm more worried about the fact that every mortal has to check Valor against difficulty of my Essence when I hit 16+ or flee in terror.
Uh, if you are referring to the Dusk, the House Rules supersede the vanilla effect, so no scaring people and no +2 DV bonus.

To your liking however, we are still in time to go back to the manual.

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