[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

That suits me just fine for now, I'm prepping for my next class weekend this Friday and Saturday. I'll be just checking in until those days, when I'll have computer access all day long.

I've been thinking about Walker, though, and had thought that at some point I might start moving him away from his soulsteel artifacts, as sort of a distancing measure from what he once was. Maybe becoming an MAist, seeking inner peace and all that.
Indeed, I think the game will go back in slow mode for a while.

Chapter 2 is going slow, but I need you guys to know the main powers that surround Cross.

Let's say we are still setting the stage, but it will end with the Chapter.
I'm leaving town for a long weekend with my family, so my interent access may be a bit spotty. At the latest I'll be back on Monday.
Apologies for my silence - was at a conference that proved way more of a time sink than expected, and am now on vacation. Should be back to normal on Tuesday.
Hmm I have a feeling that the other elders do not know of Tirana's pet project...

Lunars usually despise or hate Dragon Blooded and hold them responsible for the state of Creation and their condition (broken castes)... I'm not sure that, even though having DB beastmen is pretty awesome, they would perceive beastmen tainted with the blood of the traitors that chased them away from Creation and enemies who hunted them down to the bordermarches as anything else than abominations to be terminated...

Perhaps one of the reasons why she desires secrecy... she fears reprisals...

Something a fellow lunar could think of :wink:
Post is only a tiny bit to move things along, sorry! I don't really have the necessary necromancy to directly command Yesshir without convincing him, and I'm pretty sure I can't simply command him to deal with us, given that I'm not a Moonshadow. Really, I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to do with Walker here. I might have to give in to Whispers dreams to find anything useful.
Finally I managed to post something.

RL is still draining me and with not two, but three games to (re)start I feel that Albane is going to go into slow mode for the time being.

Albane will probably go and meet with Siham post-haste.
It seems like Siham will be more directly involved into the brainstorming that previously considered.

@Brekkir, are you sure you can keep up all the work that so many games require?

@Norts: don't rely always on your dreams.

Have Walker DO something.

EDIT: I'll go for a bike ride, then update the posts here.
I loved that last comment from the Widow.

"Oh and by the way, we're going to try to suck the marrow out of your bones... have a nice day !" :lol:

Loved Albane dark humor too :wink:
Yeah, it's an unfortunate side effect of my busy schedule at the moment. I just tend to end up relying on that when I can't think up anything else. I really am working on getting something more interesting going, but the time is difficult to come by.
xarvh said:
@Brekkir, are you sure you can keep up all the work that so many games require?
Starting the games will be tiring, but once they're on the road, they'll be slow paced and I think I can return to normal. WHat's killing me now isn't really those games, it's more the heat and tediousness of my current work.
Brekkir said:
Starting the games will be tiring, but once they're on the road, they'll be slow paced and I think I can return to normal. WHat's killing me now isn't really those games, it's more the heat and tediousness of my current work.
I feel you.

Plus the meds I'm taking are making me dizzy.

I have hard times making sense of what I write (and of the rest of the reality around me...)

Be patient and do complain if what I write is unintelligible.
Not to be picky, but wouldn't Dove and River get a free attack on the sentenel before having to do Join Battle rolls? I was planning on attacking as soon as it steps around the corner. Unless it was able to detect us in some way, we should have surprise on it.
Kinda lost on where I'm going in Scene 10 to be honest. Maybe use Whispers to redo that Investigation roll? Only real lead I can see here. Perhaps use it to gain dots in Presence to try and talk to the ghost.
Well I'd recommend not interacting with the ghost.

The last post of the ST suggested the presence of other... things... present in the area.

They apparently haven't detected us, but we need to spot them.

IIRC you can also use whispers to gain infos on the events that happened here.. might be a good time to use that "underworld hotline" you got.

The maximum suxx you can get on that per + whispers roll is your whispers rating, but it still might bring some useful insight.
Edited my previous posts with the right description... very nice way to ask the NB politely :wink:
I'll be posting something during the weekend (or possibly tomorrow night). I suppose it leaves no time for training... I feel that I must learn Infaillible Messenger ASAP.
I feel we ALL need to learn it... or at least travel in pairs of people having it...

Or build the exalted equivalent of a comlink ?!
cyl said:
I feel we ALL need to learn it... or at least travel in pairs of people having it...
Or build the exalted equivalent of a comlink ?!
Note to self: invent comlinks...

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