[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

What about the Swamp People who were watching? I presume most of them aren't "loyally" fleeing with their former masters.
Arynne said:
If she could establish two-way communications/fast transport with her sifu, that situation might still be salvageable.
If only we had a sorceress with magical means of transportation...
@CrazyIvan : summoned demons don't win this kind of wars. If TW attacks in a few weeks, you won't have enough nights to summon more than an additional scale of demons.

Demons are cool and powerful, but they have limits and they require a lot of investment if you want to maintain a full dragon of them whole throughout the years... AFAIK you haven't built such a force yet.

But considering the situation with the Mask of Winters, you might want to... periodically harassing his troops with hundreds of demons might actually weaken him.
Arynne said:
What about the Swamp People who were watching? I presume most of them aren't "loyally" fleeing with their former masters.
Good question... although I think it's not a cause for concern. If they are taken there isn't much we can do except killing more DKs, and if they are freed, they have everything they need to survive.

Malek's not slowing down for them anyway.
cyl said:
@CrazyIvan : summoned demons don't win this kind of wars. If TW attacks in a few weeks, you won't have enough nights to summon more than an additional scale of demons.
Demons are cool and powerful, but they have limits and they require a lot of investment if you want to maintain a full dragon of them whole throughout the years... AFAIK you haven't built such a force yet.

But considering the situation with the Mask of Winters, you might want to... periodically harassing his troops with hundreds of demons might actually weaken him.
If the timing is right for those "few weeks", in addition to a platoon of preternaturally skilled troops, I can provide the Cross with otherworldly assassins. Or a general of vastly superior quality to any of the PCs.

So no, a group Not Ready For War cannot outpace A Group Ready For War. But given none of you can manifest soldiers out of nowhere, if that's the case we're fucked anyway. On the other hand, if by chance, Xarvh has not decided that this game should end in our complete and utter annihilation by fiat (like he has for, you know, more than a year), demons can and will be of assistance.

Assuming of course Two Worlds gives a shit about Ankss. Especially Ankss as represented by a bunch of displaced refugees.
I figure Siham can mass produce the meat puppets to form the bulk of our army vai Wyld Shaping Technique, and Fangs can call up specialists from the First Circle, and big guns from the Second Circle.
@cyl - I'm wondering if there's a language/translation thing, and I thought I should ask sooner rather than later.

His tone becomes significantly colder. Either you contain them' date=' or you destroy them, else they're going to give us a bad publicity and we'll make more enemies... and we don't need that.[/quote']
This seemed like Malek was speaking directly to Flicker, telling her that she needed to go kill the DragonKings and fix the situation, because it was her fault.

Is that what you meant? Or did you mean something else?
Ach, sorry I posted in the IC first before reading the ooc.

That was directed at Fangs / Mirror and that was not an order, but an advice... the "affirmative tone" was used to show Malek's newly acquired pragmatism.
@JayTee : as much as we need armies, we already have a lot of mortals and soldiers in the Scavenger Lands. But all the soldiers / demons we can gather aren't going to mean much if Juggernaut is still able to move. I'd advise focusing your attention on stopping him / preventing him from being used in battle.
Perhaps we could treat "helping the exiled Dragon Kings of Ankss & reforming them" as a Project or something ?

Malek doesn't care about them, but if it helps building Flicker's confidence, then he will do what he can.
Fangs' demons are more than enough to secure Mirror's claim over Ankss at the moment I think, and besides us, no one has been interested in this land in centuries.

I think that if we handle the Dragon Kings and Two Worlds quickly and efficiently, no one else will.
Have been away for a while.

Cyl, forget Ankss and tell me how do you plan to approach Two Worlds.

Arynne, is Flicker going with Malek?

CI, Kacie: do you need a Scene on your own? What plans do you have?
Oh I've dropped Ankss already... the Dragon King exiles on the other hand, that is up to Arynne.

If Flicker's okay with leaving them to their fate Malek will be happy... because he just doesn't give a flying fuck about them or the mortals of Ankss.

He's just trying to be "nice" to her... as in... he doesn't want her to be inefficient because she's so sad about the poor exiles who hate her now because she killed their daddy. > :)

As for Two Worlds, the plan is simple but will probably require a few days.

1- on site recon (the sneaky way): discover the context (and quite possibly learn the fucking language ! :D ), spot the players, find contacts, identify fhe strengths and find the cracks in the armor.

2- diplodomacy: once I have some idea of what they want / need, I'll have my angle(s) and we will present ourselves to them properly.

Right now I only know they tried to approach us once (don't remember much why...) and that they were trying to forge an alliance with Ankss (he he, good times...)...and apparently they have been seeking allies for quite some time now.
They are rioting against the guards. The DKs are long gone.

Ankss had a two caste system for mortals: commoners and guards, a coarse divide et impera on part of the DKs.
Malek: hey don't look at me, I didn't even have to use Fury Inciting Presence... they did it all by themselves... I'm so proud of them *wipes a tear from eye*
Thanks - I know how Mirror will react, but I'm going to wait to post until after Arynne/Flicker replies. Mirror is focused on Flicker and the orichalcum daiklave.
Dropping/unfavoring Firearms and dodge and putting them in to melee because it's more setting-apprpriate

Dropping/unfavoring Stealth and replacing it with Presence, because Siham has developed in to a much more aggressive character than I originally intended
Stealth has been used already for a major event (sabotaging Lookshy's factory cathedral and stealing components), so whatever you do you need to keep it as it is, Charms and Fav included.

Zero and unfav Firearms and Dodge and remove all Charms.

Fav Presence and Melee and bring them to 5.

I count 9 Charms that you can purchase between Presence and Melee, and no specialties.

If you have XPs available, feel free to spend them on Charms and Specialties for Presence and Melee.
Done and done, I also modified the essence gloves to provide a melee weapon instead of a firearms weapon.
OK....I'm...trying to find something for Flicker to do that doesn't involve hysteria and tears.

Also, I may never be able to use Relentless Lunar Fury again. :P

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