[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Well, if you wanna get technical about it, Flicker challenged him. But yeah, there's a reason the Path of Flickering Flame was discouraged during the First Age...

On the bright side, this may have the happy effect of weeding out the dumbasses of Ankss, while those who prudently hold their distance and decline to fight with pissed-off Exalted show themselves worthy to live another day.
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Waiting for violence until either the Judge acts or the DKs attack us seems the best course. Meanwhile, continue to try to wear down their resolve via social attacks.
The Judge has seen all of it, but technically none has broken the laws of Heaven, so she will not interfere.

ie: Tlauauaniliztli is sacred to the DKs but not to Heaven.

The two DKs are attacking Flicker.
I'm away from my books and can't remember if it is okay to combo together the 1st Presence Exc with melee charms such as the 1st Melee Exc or Heavenly Defense. Is that legal?
@Arynne : do you have some unresolved issue with Ankss still or do we move on straight to TW ?

Considering the context (organized death of the leader + deathknight coming to town), the faster we go talk to them, the better I'd say.
Yeah - it's looking like the Ankss DKs aren't going to honor the terms of the duel, so we're back to knocking them over by force. On the up side, Flicker just took care of their most potent warrior, and Mirror can get her First Age weapon.

On the down side, we still don't have control of the manse, nor Berak's bow. One of these a bigger issue than the other, of course.

And Mirror has respected Flicker's kill. The corpse is just a corpse, sans heart.
The DKs are fleeing. You don't HAVE to kill them to seize the manse, and Zee will tell you where to find the bow.
Okay - so basically right now all we know is that they're running, but we don't know how far they're running, or what they're taking with them, etc. etc. Or if they will be back.

Oh - that's better than I thought. I thought they were falling back to the Manse and regrouping, and going into defending from a siege mode, ie, the only thing we achieved was taking out Zee and taking his sword.
Option 1: PC murder spree

Option 2: Fangs and Mirror return to tower, Fangs summons so many demons, then murder spree.
She should have held her hand and let Zeesalth run away and shame himself. Or taken him prisoner. Instead, she basically stabbed him in the back while he was running away from her. She made him into a martyr and made herself look like a monster.

Unfortunately, Relentless Lunar Fury makes it hard to think clearly.
Arynne said:
She should have held her hand and let Zeesalth run away and shame himself. Or taken him prisoner. Instead, she basically stabbed him in the back while he was running away from her. She made him into a martyr and made herself look like a monster.
Unfortunately, Relentless Lunar Fury makes it hard to think clearly.

Pretty sure Fangs can talk her into that being a just and righteous act. The Bloody Huntress didn't give us a bunch of crippling charms because she intended us to let our foes run away.
Sparing him wouldn't have changed the situation much.

At best it would have created a breach in his fear for us to exploit and build trust, but he was already afraid and angry long before Flicker killed him, and Mirror's involvement would have made him afraid and angry anyway. He was really an unsolvable problem IMHO, so he had to be taken out. The only real choice we had was the MO which was going to affect the collateral damage.

Now we have a few problems to solve:

- what happens to the mortals ? (since Malek doesn't care he'll let Fangs & Mirror handle this as he said)

- a wild pack of DKs on the run (maybe someone else than Flicker could help them reach her pals... could be Malek disguised or Flicker's mentor)

- soothing things down with TW (not going to be easy if the DKs have contacts with them before we do)
cyl said:
- what happens to the mortals ? (since Malek doesn't care he'll let Fangs & Mirror handle this as he said)
Convert what we can, kill what we can't.

cyl said:
- a wild pack of DKs on the run (maybe someone else than Flicker could help them reach her pals... could be Malek disguised or Flicker's mentor)
Convert what we can, kill what we can't.

cyl said:
- soothing things down with TW (not going to be easy if the DKs have contacts with them before we do)
Convert what we can, kill what we can't.
Flicker was going to suggest that any Dragon Kings who couldn't co-exist with Exalted go to the Valley or try the ruins of Rathess -- but their running off kind of messed that up.

If she could establish two-way communications/fast transport with her sifu, that situation might still be salvageable.
cyl said:
Now we have a few problems to solve:

- what happens to the mortals ? (since Malek doesn't care he'll let Fangs & Mirror handle this as he said)
Demons can sort this out.

- a wild pack of DKs on the run (maybe someone else than Flicker could help them reach her pals... could be Malek disguised or Flicker's mentor)
Demons can sort this out.

- soothing things down with TW (not going to be easy if the DKs have contacts with them before we do)
Hello! Have you heard the good news? I'm from the United Tactical Doctrine of Demons...

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