[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

cyl said:
So you do not find it strange that everybody knows about Gaia, but nobody knew about Big K...
Gaia is part of the setting. Big K is not.

This is like saying it's strange that everyone knows about the Scarlet Empress, but before the game started, Agatha was a mystery.

Beyond that, Gaia was one of the architects of the rebellion. She hung around Yu Shan afterwards. She shacked up with Luna. Big K's entire purpose appears to be hiding and obfuscation.

And like I said, what are you supposed to do with that idea? Maybe the Unconquered Sun is a lie. Maybe Luna is. Maybe it was all a dream...

But so what?
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It is the ST's prerogative to change things if he wants to... and he has probably his reasons for putting her there and building her the way he did.

Considering he waited two years to reveal a Prophecy explaining the first chapter of this game and riddles his game with several clues, I kind of want to find out more.
cyl said:
It is the ST's prerogative to change things if he wants to... and he has probably his reasons for putting her there and building her the way he did.
Considering he waited two years to reveal a Prophecy explaining the first chapter of this game and riddles his game with several clues, I kind of want to find out more.
Which is *exactly what we're doing*. I seriously don't get what you're suggesting. Maybe Gaia doesn't exist - we don't know until we ask. As far as I can tell, you don't want to ask.

Xarvh hasn't said "Gaia's down at Big Moe's Bar on 32nd Street". It's entirely possible that despite what she tries, Cunning Fangs will get "Error 404: Primordial Not Found".

But there's no sense in just assuming that that's the answer, and waiting for something to happen because the ST can change the setting if they so desire.
I do want to ask, and I'm currently gathering all the"hey... what if ?" and "hmmm... how come ?" kind of questions about her.

Like, if she controls the essence then what purpose do the EDs serve ? Therefore do they really exist, and if they don't, what does it mean for Gaia ?


Why the ghost of Larquen Quen, a guy who had to know about something that big, never came after her before this year ?
Regarding the recent series of posts in "Idle Principle" -- I do hope some people can convince Mirror that Keyneya didn't mean to permanently debilitate Fangs. Otherwise Mirror will come properly finish off the wretched insect.

And before you cry foul, Mirror just felt her Mate be burned alive (to the point of losing permanent physical attributes) over their mate-bond. All Mirror knew was that Fangs was going to attempt to talk to Keyneya - this is retribution/attack, for all Mirror knows.
@JayTee: Hey, why don't you roll to know what has been of the Scarlet Empress? =P

Or to find a practical way to defeat the Neverborn, since you are there.

Besides, it's still puny compared to the 23 suxx that an Ess 10 could dish out.

Still, I can give you some info.

Big K does not control Essence, she gives reality to it.

At the same time, she is so conspicuous and so all-encompassing that she in fact becomes totally inconspicuous: she's the background.

@Kacie: You can'r really have such definite sensations through your Bond.

Bond that is rather asymmetrical, in that Lunars with high Bond cannot ignore their Mate while their Mate has nothing but mundane Intimacies to offer.

@cyl: it's the second time you consider to punch the behmoth healthy.

You will have to try it.

I'll be checking your charms.
I forgot about magic shattering strike.

I'll do some research with Agatha's work first... it doesn't look agressive for now, but who knows.

Can never be too careful.

The problem is I would have to pick up WST, since it is a prereq, and that is Siham's turf.
My current plan was to get all the keyword immunity charms and a perfect soak (because I refuse to be a squishy wizard scientist), but depending on how fast I accumulate XP, I can make a detour and get Magic Shattering Strike. I'll be getting anyway, so this is just a matter of sooner vs later.
I was thinking at one point about getting a perfect soak and immunity, but then I realized "don't get hit, don't get hurt" is cheaper and probably more effective than wasting motes on countering effects that you wouldn't have to counter if you had completely dodged / blocked the blow.

The 2.5 mods also greatly reduced the interest of picking up ISC and the likes, and considering it's not one of my faves... I'd rather have him take his place as an Eclipse and invest in the social / sneaky stuff.
I generally go with the philosophy of "better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it". But, to each their own.
Oh I'll probably pick them sooner or later, because without artifacts, I need protection and one can never have too many Health Levels... but it's not my absolute priority right now.

Ok - Cover Shrounding Movement (IMUC p.21)

Ok - Night's Avenger Lunge (IMUC p.24)

Ok - Reversal of Fortune (IMUC p.24)

Ok - Aegis of Altruistic Imposition (SoE 2.5 p.152)

Ok - King of Thieves Spirit (SoE 2.5 p.168 ), no you need Ess 5 to steal attuned artifacts, but you can decide whether or not to break attunement.
So I have 3 possible rather different "paths":

The Slayer: always efficient and fun,

Works well with others to build traps & ambushes and kill the bad guys... but we already have a few bad asses... and Mantis style isn't exactly the best way to kill someone.

The Protector of Nations: rooting out the evil and strengthening people and organizations to channel resources to win Creation over

Works well with others but needs their support for protection (goes towards a stronger Malek-Flicker bond) and will likely help the Circle reaching a whole new level of influence and awareness, and even though Malek's plan is to take the bad guys down... rooting out enemy influence and federating nations and heroes around defeating the bad guys is a good way to go for an Eclipse.

The Agent Provocateur: instead of going faster to win the race, I'm slowing the enemy down... Perfect Mirror + Memory Reweaving Discipline + a few Socialize Charms can do a lot of damage to a nation full of ghosts... ("so, you think you got an army of loyal servants behind your back... nah... trust me, you really don't..." > :) )

Doesn't work quite well with others on a daily basis, but extremely useful to gather precious intel and create windows of opportunity for others to exploit

It's a more difficult role to assume since I'm not a Night anymore, but it can be managed.

I don't have a particular preference for one, all seem interesting, useful and fun.

Since we're all in this together, which one do you think will be more useful to further the Circle's position and various agendas ?
I like the Protector of Nations...though Agent Provocateur works better with Malek's newer, more cynical perspective...
Both can fit his new personality.

Protector was perhaps too strong and too nice, I should probably have used "Unifier".

You can have a heart full of spite and work for good because it's convenient and compatible with your agenda.

The second option can easily be channeled around this kind of grudges and cynical thoughts:

- okay... so I can't beat you on my own, fine. Next time I'll bring some friends along, we'll see how strong you really are then !

- okay... so you think you can walk around my turf and do whatever you want, fine. I'm going to block your every move, dismantle all your networks, expose all your agents and smother any bit of influence I allowed you to have so far out of general lack of interest, and we'll see how powerful you really are then !

The second and the third bring different kinds of benefits and opportunities to a Circle in terms of Realm Building:

- the Unifier speeds things up and stabilizes things, giving more connections, intel to a limited degree, allies, resources, and possibly PP

- the Agent cripples the opponent, granting more time and room for others to make their moves, but past that and inside intel, you can't really shake "more" out of him (note that we can send the Agents on other types of enemies than the Deathlords... like... the Realm)

I like both 2nd and 3rd, but the choice depends largely on the general direction(s) we take as a group and your cooperation.
That is my intention, I just want to know what the guys think we should focus on: tearing enemy forces apart from the inside or federate a union of talents and states strong enough to endure whatever is coming next ?
Actually, one question. The aggravated HLs. If I heal enough Lethal using something like Wound-Mending Care Technique (pg. 219), can I downgrade those bad boys?

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