[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Hmm, I think maybe Argis should try to get in touch with Ees-Ha. He seemed a little more level headed of the water aspected bunch he's met so far, and his sister went with Great White as well..
And Fangs sans Mirror might be able to talk her way back to Tirana. We never actually tested the results of her pushing back.
Arynne said:
There's an Intelligence Charm that can be used to stanch bleeding and repair Crippling injuries...but that's about it. I guess the rationale is that if they can't heal on their own, they're not worthy.
That, and its an easy niche to protect for Solars.
Siham might want to tag along with the visit to Tirana, if only to scope out how easy/hard Sanctuary will be to defeat when it inevitably comes to war between them and Cross.
CrazyIvan said:
And Fangs sans Mirror might be able to talk her way back to Tirana. We never actually tested the results of her pushing back.
True, but I didn't thought she would make that kind of move considering the whole "my mate is free to go wherever she wants to go" point Fangs was trying to make.

Perhaps the two lunars could go together... it would be less of an isolating experience that way, and it couldn't hurt that Flicker strengthens her ties with Sanctuary.

JayTee said:
Siham might want to tag along with the visit to Tirana, if only to scope out how easy/hard Sanctuary will be to defeat when it inevitably comes to war between them and Cross.
From what we know, they've got at least half a dozen lunars, and well above 100 combat ready terrestrial hybrids... and one celestial elder of course.

They haven't shown much in terms of magical resources, and Tirana has been blackmailing us for jade for quite a while so we can probably assume that most will wield mortal weapons and only a few will have artifacts... but that could have been a simple con too.

Snooping around is not really an option considering her powers for detecting intruders and sticking with lunars is probably more pertinent for diplomatic purposes since she's a lunar elder.

She remembers all too well how screwed up the solars can get.

Presenting her a face she does not want to rip off might help Cross get back in her "cool book".

And I sincerely doubt she'll like the fact that Malek revealed the existence of Sanctuary to Words... if she learns that while there's another solar around... things might get a little hairy.

It's ultimately your call, I'm just giving you elements of the context that I already know.
Sidenote: between Siham's soldiers, and the plans we have for enlightening and training mortals (Ninja clan + Dojo)... I think we'll soon have enough in terms of military forces to handle Sanctuary.

@Arynne : it would probably help speed things up if you took that enlightening MA charm too

@xarvh : if Arynne did take that charm, would that lower the PP cost of raising the Tiger Shadows Ninja Clan ? :P
...funnily enough, an idea I had for dealing with the undead hoards might actually help with defending Cross from the rabid Lunar hoards of Sanctuary, and the Lunars themselves.
We still need to finalize the concept and details with Arynne... we'll get back to you on that ASAP.

I don't think I will eliminate the Hoods, I think I'm just going to reform them to be spies, courtesans, marshals and counterintelligence agents instead of being whores and thieves.

The Ninja Clan however, that will be a much more specialized - and therefore distinct - entity.

The Agent path while efficient strikes me more and more like isolating, and that's not really good for that game.

So I'll leaning towards the Unifier of Nations... now I just got to figure out whether I make Malek more powerful through his own powers, or if I tone things down a bit and focus on essence 2 charms to surround him with more powerful allies (Delegates like Melia).
Was that before or after he let the WST guy have a straight access to Pure Chaos ? :tongue:

@xarvh : does your acceptation of the Tiger Shadows Ninja Clan project mean that you've changed your mind about this charm ? Can Arynne & I take it and use it to create the Clan ?
You say that like giving the WST guy access to pure chaos isn't going to bite said WST guy in the ass... curious...
The problem is not so much the Charm but rather

1) we don't have a solid way to handle Allies' and other Backgroundy People's XPs.

2) If all Exaltes started casually Enlightening mortals, there would be just too many of them.

Heck, you can Enlighten 1 to 3 mortals per day, in one year you can have an army of martial artists.

3) I'd rather decide, as we do with any other Project, what the Ninja Clan will allow you to do, how often and at which range, it would be so much easier to handle.
Arynne said:
Flicker: "Well, why don't we? Wouldn't Creation be safer if all humans could channel Essence?"
And Malek would answer "no silly, it would be a mess, because their minds would still be as weak as usual... but their punches would do a helluva lot more damage !" :D

1) we don't have a solid way to handle Allies' and other Backgroundy People's XPs.
No need to be too technical about this I think.

What about giving packs of charms for each dot ?

Unless we play them, we don't need them to have full stats, we just need to know what they can do, and what makes them important is the powers we give them and how they use them.

How about something simple ?

1 dot = 15 charms, 2 dots = 25 and so on...

As for enlightened mortals, we could just divide the cost of followers.

Instead of having "useless" extras, say 10 fully trained TMArtists are worth 100 mortals... and voila :)

Problem solved.

2) If all Exaltes started casually Enlightening mortals, there would be just too many of them.

Heck, you can Enlighten 1 to 3 mortals per day, in one year you can have an army of martial artists.
We would indeed have an army of essence users... but they wouldn't know the first thing about fighting.
Even as intensive as we can make it, we cannot speed up charm training and we certainly cannot train MA styles as fast as we can train traits and certainly not with as much people in a training session.

It takes about a full year to fully train a mortal master of a TMA style (which ends at essence 3 most of the time), and we can't efficiently train hundred of those at the same time.

IMHO per year, 1 master can perhaps train like 10 new masters hardly much more.

And for that particular project, we only have one Master to start with.

3) I'd rather decide, as we do with any other Project, what the Ninja Clan will allow you to do, how often and at which range, it would be so much easier to handle.
Then we'll have to make it just like the Allies Network, with different effects and range with each rank, because it will likely evolve over time.
cyl said:
Then we'll have to make it just like the Allies Network, with different effects and range with each rank, because it will likely evolve over time.
Yup. That would be my preferred approach.

Also, have just bought a 4-wheeled vehicle for the first time in my life.

It has been a mess and I still have a lot of life to catch up to.

I might need a few days before I can push the IC forward.
Provided you have someone with the XP, yes.

Humbling Enlightenment Commentary - Permanent

A martial artist who knows this Charm may enhance her unarmed Martial Arts attacks and parries with the same descriptions as a social attack, provided that her spoken words analyze her opponent's fighting techniques and offers helpful advice to improve them. Thus, comments by players speaking in character provide a one-die stunt, etcetera. Social and conventional physical criteria do not stack as such, though a combination of visual and literal poetry may certainly net a higher stunt award at Storyteller discretion.

As a secondary benefit, if the martial artist takes a dramatic action lasting one minute in which she spars with a single individual, both combatants treat that minute as a day of training time for the purposes of purchasing dots of Martial Arts, Martial Arts specialties or Martial Arts Charms. This acceleration is not a training effect and does not allow purchase of traits the combatant's player lacks the banked experience points to afford.
Feantari said:
You say that like giving the WST guy access to pure chaos isn't going to bite said WST guy in the ass... curious...
You act like there's something in the Wyld that can threaten a Celestial Exalt ;)

More seriously, while I don't like to step on the toes of other PCs, my powergaming ways obligate me to propose alternate methods that save you XP. In this case, the ease in which Siham can mass-enlighten mortals for you. I'm not about to make a thing of it, especially if it's something you want for your character's story arch, but it's an option that I want to make open to you if you want it.

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