[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Dammit, I should have let Malek interact with big K first... :D
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Well I kinda planned on pleading for an awakening to increase my essence faster since I have the xp n all...
xarvh said:
@CrazyIvan: Love Endures and Faithful Companion Redemption are ok.
Silver Bride Mercy didn't really change: it allows you not only to work around the Abyssal Flaw, but to actually turn it into an unexhaustible (combined with Lunar regen) source of Solar Bond and WPs.

"Hey, Mirror, I'm outta WP, do you think you could, sing Happy Luna's song for a couple of times?"

This is not only overpowered, this is ridiculous.

No way.

I could go for a Charm that lets you spend a Bond to suffer your Mate's punishment, but no more.
Couple thoughts:

First, it's not inexhaustible. I deliberately edited it not to be. Cunning Fangs spends out her entire Solar Bond pool, and on average will only get what, 30% of it back? That's a terrible ROI for again, on average, a point or two of Willpower, something CF has actually never been short of. And it means Silver Bride Mercy is a one shot, maybe two shot charm unless the dice gods smile upon you.

Beyond that, the ability to regenerate those health levels depends on other charms. Halting the Scarlet Flow is an investment of three charms, and costs 2 motes/HL. And if I'm regenerating wounds, either I'm spending out WP to combo, or I'm not doing anything else. I have yet to have a circumstance in this game where trading actions, health levels, Bond Dice and essence for middling return of WP was a good thing.

I'm fine dropping it (partially because it's such a terrible swap) but I'm just saying, in the great pantheon of overpowered charms, this one doesn't even merit an honorable mention.

Also: I'm a little confused as to what I'm supposed to take away from Big K, besides that Big K is frakking weird.
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Also, Resonance isn't automatic, intent matters. One could easily rule that trying to help ones mate gain further power in exchange for bleeding out of everywhere it's possible to bleed is exactly the kind of things the Neverborn go in for, so "Mirror darling, tell me again how much you like ducklings" gains no Resonance.

Because the Neverborn are assholes.

Regardless, edited version:

Silver Bride Mercy

Cost: –

Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2

Type: Permanent

Keyword: Holy

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Sacred Guardian Renewal

No matter how far the Abyssal Exalted have fallen, they will always know the love of their still-faithful Lunar mates. Not even they are beyond redemption, not even they are undeserving of love in Luna’s eyes. In order to learn this Charm, the Lunar must have one of the Abyssal Exalted as a mate. The Lunar may choose to take the wrath of the Neverborn for their love upon themselves, removing a point or points of Resonance from her mate. However, the Lunar suffers stigmata as a consequence of her actions, as if she had undergone a Resonance eruption herself.
Did Keyneya do her thing before Fangs asked her question?

Or was that in liue of actually answering Fangs's question?
@ci: revised version is ok.

Yes, K is weird so you'll have to improvise.

The essence was not K's volition, just a consequence of the experience.

Unlike with Argis, K didn't DECIDE to do something for Fangs.

Also, my bad, Fangs will be sucked in for a few posts more so the training is not add instantaneous as my ooc made it appear.
@CrazyIvan -- how about asking for the anti-thesis of the source of your mate's essence? It's possible that Keyneya only distinguishes by essence patterns/flows, and has no idea that the name "Gaia" is attached to the "Mother/Source/Font of Life (Essence)".
Cyl, this would be a good moment. If only to keep the game moving and give Rhapsody something to do.
Fair. You can't really see what Fangs sees, but can definitely feel your Essences powerfully upset, with a torrent of different shades and flavours to it at every different instant.
Kacie said:
@CrazyIvan -- how about asking for the anti-thesis of the source of your mate's essence? It's possible that Keyneya only distinguishes by essence patterns/flows, and has no idea that the name "Gaia" is attached to the "Mother/Source/Font of Life (Essence)".
From Argis's conversation with Keyneya, Keyneya knows who Gaia is.
xarvh said:
Best would be just to handle them as a Project, so that we can record them as Wonders of the Empire. =)

1 PP to have the workers (which will give every PC +1 PP, Siham included), and 1 PP to have the soldiers.
Going back to this for a second. If I understand you correctly, does this mean I spend one PP to get the workers, get one back and then spend another PP on getting the soldiers (for a net cost of 1 PP), and then that XP I would have spent on them can be used for something else?
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I've actually been doing some thinking on that topic, and I'm starting to think that killing K might actually be a good thing.

When you kill a Primordial, they don't die unless you make it 'stick' with Ghost Eating Technique. However if you kill their Fetch Soul, they are automatically forced to spawn a new one, which in turn radically alters their purview and nature, effectively becoming Yozi.

I think our Win condition as far as K is concerned is to have her swear all the surrender oaths the other Yozi did (effectively binding her forever like the rest of them), take her in to Malfeas and kill her fetch soul. This will divorce her from being the Mother of Essence and in to something else instead, meaning not only do we not have to protect her anymore, but she'll no longer be a problem like that in the first place.
Do you have other ideas on how to remove K from the list of "Problems We Are Forced To Deal With"?

'cause I'd very much like to hear them if they can save me some XP :)

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