[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

There are two books I never read in the collection: infernals and the fae book, so please, do enlighten me :)
Yeah sorry about that, had busy week end and wasn't feeling much inspiration because I didn't know which direction I should go with all those xp.

I'll post soon with what I already have which should be more than enough to infiltrate Ankss.
The XP system is really messed up when 10,000 perfectly loyal worker-soldier robots cost the same as two charms -_-
JayTee said:
The XP system is really messed up when 10,000 perfectly loyal worker-soldier robots cost the same as two charms -_-
Well... not really if you're a solar since it takes about two charms to

- ignore them in mass combat

- turn them against their master

- cripple their productivity
@JayTee: We can't really count your automata as Followers because, unlike mortals, they

1) Are immune to fear

2) Are immune to disease

3) Are immune to starvation

4) Are immune to poison

5) Are probably more resilient to the environment, especially cold and hot

6) Come with weapons already (that can't be disarmed)

7) Are more difficult to sway

While I am ok with you replacing them quickly whenever you are close to Cross, 10000 of them it's just too much.
So, count them as a 5 dot artifact or something?

(also, the weapons aren't integrated. I just figured it would make sense for them to have been Shaped equipped)

EDIT: Also, I could just make them regular Extras, just completely soulless and ultimately biological robots instead of metallic ones.
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Best would be just to handle them as a Project, so that we can record them as Wonders of the Empire. =)

1 PP to have the workers (which will give every PC +1 PP, Siham included), and 1 PP to have the soldiers.

Also, I have to ask you for your patience, I need some time to have a look at the manuals and right now I'm quite taken. -_-
Make you a deal, I'll pay an additional PP towards the golems in exchange for permanently reducing the cost of all future projects by 1 PP, justified by having a shitton of capable workers on loan from Siham (or just him using them himself)
Yeah, but making it so that no Project can exceed 4 dots will make it that much easier for other projects to be complete.

Also, what do you need to check from the books? I have them onhand and can get the information from you quick.
Revising the mate charms, while I consider what to buy. Silver Bride Mercy is turned down - it can still regenerate Willpower, but it isn't an instantly full Solar Bond die pool without the use of some charms. So basically, it regens Willpower, but Fangs will eventually run out of Solar Bond dice. Love Endures was split into two charms, the second charm getting an added effect to somewhat offset the whole "It's a whole 'nother 8 XP worth of charm'" thing. Thoughts?

Silver Bride Mercy

Cost: –

Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2

Type: Permanent

Keyword: Holy

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Sacred Guardian Renewal

No matter how far the Abyssal Exalted have fallen, they will always know the love of their still-faithful Lunar mates. Not even they are beyond redemption, not even they are undeserving of love in Luna’s eyes. In order to learn this Charm, the Lunar must have one of the Abyssal Exalted as a mate. The Lunar may choose to take the wrath of the Neverborn for their love upon themselves. By reflexively spending a point of Willpower in the presence of their Abyssal mate, they may roll Solar Bond, which each success removing a point of Resonance from her mate. However, the Lunar suffers stigmata as a consequence of her actions, as if she had undergone a Resonance eruption herself.

For each success rolled, the Lunar's Solar Bond dice pool is increased by one, and the the Lunar gains a point of temporary Willpower, up to the number of dots the Lunar has in Solar Bond. This cannot increase their temporary Willpower above their Permanent Willpower. If the Lunar's Abyssal mate is redeemed, his shard cleansed and restored to a Solar Exaltation, the Lunar loses this Charm and regains the experience points required to learn it.

Love Endures

Cost: –

Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 3

Type: Permanent

Keyword: Holy

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Silver Bride Mercy

The love a Lunar knows for her Solar mate is greater than any wickedness he could bring. It is greater than the evil of the Neverborn. It is great enough to encompass the infinitudes of the Primordials. It is triumphant. The Lunar Exalted love beyond death, and because Exaltation is the one eternal thing, they alone can love forever. Even if Oblivion wins. And that is glorious. As long as the Lunar is in the presence of her Abyssal Mate, he may respire essence in Creation as if he were not a creature of death. In addition, whenever her mate activates a Charm with the Spectral keyword in Creation while in her presence, the Lunar may choose to spend a single die from her Solar Bond pool to waive the Willpower surcharge.

Faithful Companion Redemption

Cost: –

Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 4

Type: Permanent

Keyword: Holy

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Love Endures

Luna's chosen were created as Creation's champions, and long have the tended their posts. They may stand before the eyes of Creation and Yu-Shan, and vouch for their mate, securing their place in Creation with their own Essence and Will. As long as the Lunar is in the presence of their Abyssal mate, they are not considered a Creature of Darkness – even the Unconquered Sun can be reminded of the hope of redemption. Alternately, the Lunar may commit 5 motes of Essence to manifest a token of their love, which allows this effect to be applied from afar. If the Lunar's Abyssal mate is redeemed, his shard cleansed and restored to a Solar Exaltation, the Lunar loses this Charm and regains the experience points required to learn it.


Also, did we ever decide what the XP cost would be to take the third power for the Sorcery Absorption charms?
JayTee said:
So, count them as a 5 dot artifact or something?
(also, the weapons aren't integrated. I just figured it would make sense for them to have been Shaped equipped)

EDIT: Also, I could just make them regular Extras, just completely soulless and ultimately biological robots instead of metallic ones.
The thing you've designed in your post is kind of similar to the Brass Legionnaires (WOTLA p.103-104), and it takes artifact 5 dots to get a single scale of them (an average of 40 soldiers).

Now obviously those guys are probably sturdier than you originally designed, but they are automatons and they come with all the perks you seek (fearless tireless loyal drones).

If you make them living beings, they'll have living needs, meaning you'll also have to increase your "resources" spend PP / xp on normal or WST created resources to keep them alive, and they probably won't be as loyal or fearless as you want them to be since living beings can still be targeted by charms.

So IMHO the choice comes down to this: quality or quantity.

I'd pick quality personally, but perhaps there is a middle ground to be found.
Or I could just make normal extras and shove so much magitech and mutations down their throats that the difference would be entirely superficial.

This'll happen one way or another. It's just a matter of how many hoops I'm forced to jump through.
Yeah, in the end it's about how much time & xp you can and want to invest.

Since time is on your side, it's all about xp.

The issue I see with mortal extras is the prereqs to maintain them, which will cost you about as much as the mortals themselves... and then you'll have to invest in raising them from their status again.

With golems & automatons, you normally invest only once... you get less workforce, but their productivity is much higher... and they can't be raised as zombies and are completely immune to social charms.
Feantari said:
Also if you start raping the will of and or effectively enslaving mortals Argis is going to have words...
Kind of a moot issue if they never had minds or souls to start with.
@CrazyIvan: Love Endures and Faithful Companion Redemption are ok.

Silver Bride Mercy didn't really change: it allows you not only to work around the Abyssal Flaw, but to actually turn it into an unexhaustible (combined with Lunar regen) source of Solar Bond and WPs.

"Hey, Mirror, I'm outta WP, do you think you could, sing Happy Luna's song for a couple of times?"

This is not only overpowered, this is ridiculous.

No way.

I could go for a Charm that lets you spend a Bond to suffer your Mate's punishment, but no more.

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