[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Mechanics are not final, I didn't even compare the vessels stats yet.

It would be more interesting if we could use the two in sinergy.

EDIT: Also, there is NO FUCKING WAY I am allowing the flying ship for less than Artifact 4.
One thing you may want to consider with the airship idea is how much repair work and maintenence will be needed to keep it up and running. That's one problem I have with River's warstrider, but now that we've uncovered parts of the manse, I should be able to repair the damage.
I wouldn't like my character to become useless or drastically less important, that's for sure. The problem is I don't know very well how I will make Albane grow - will the captainous part become more a background to his Eclipse diplomatic/social engineering calling? Will I grow more sorcerous instead (and for example, learn the spell that makes your ship fly...)? If in the end Albane strays far from the concept and I end up having blocked Haku for naught, I'll be pissed as well.

The difference could be played with the sparsity of the raw materials needed for maintenance or repair - my ship has no need, even for a crew, and trivially repairs itself from the most severe damage, and when it has a token crew it's more discrete. While each airship trip would require planning, gathering resources, and could attract unwanted attention. Airships are virtually unheard of in this part of the world, except for Lookshy. And that could make them curious.

Well, as far as the fight is concerned, I feel I must try something instead of slashing blindly. I've not much hope, but hey...
I have been studying the WotLA, and tried to come up with stats that make sense, feedback is welcome as always.

           AzureCliff             Black Kun
Artifact      ooooo                  oooo
Repair          -                      3
Speed         25/50                  25/50
Maneuver.       4S                   0 (4S)
Crew           1/1                    10/1
Armor          20LB                   15LB
HLs        5U 5M 5C 3I 1D        6U 6M 4C 2I 1D
Cargo*          3t                     6t
Commit          10                     10
Length          25m                   200m

           sails into forests        flies
           self repairs
           self refits
           2m charm discount
           ssilk sails (Oad p158)

           sink in the ground        crashes
           if capsized

*With proper refitting, each Cargo t can be used for 5 passengers.

@Brekkir: as an Eclipse, Albane can be a pretty good generalist.

Should you want to save on Occult, the two No Moons can provide the spells you need.

A charismatic diplomat is definitely a need of the group.

In the end, just go straight for what you find more enjoyable.
Given that I had allocated 5 charm slots to sail charms on the charactersheet, which is still in the middle of being made, that Aria is very much a sailor type...

And also, I should note that the land ship keel is artifact 2 (no repair), and the folding ship is artifact 4 (no repair) for a combined artifact 5 rating, no repairs / maintenance needed, no crew, can be made into a compact size for storage, able to go virtually anywhere on land or water and with the right charms and/or spells, it can fly or sail beneath the ocean surface. Not to mention, 2 seperate mote reduction powers on sail charms, up to 4 motes reduced, minimum of 1 mote spending.

Contrast it to an artifact air ship that has a repair rating of 3, requires a crew or 10 or a skeleton crew of 2, can not sail on water or beneath, and it can only "land" on solid ground and not move about.

But still I can see how this might conflict with current player concepts and such.

As such, I feel I must apologize to you Xavh for causing you so much problems. I'll be dropping out of the game.
Joyous Aria's sheet has been deleted from the subforum and I'll be removing myself from the subforum after this post.

I wish you guys all the best.
That's too bad Haku :( (and unneeded, you could always have found a fun concept. Besides, there is always room for one more Lunar mate :P ). Farewell 8)

Hmph I feel a bit 'meh' about the 'sinks in the ground if capsized'. The 2 dot keel can be salvaged and installed on another ship, and the ship itself, being artifact 5, should be nigh-indestructible (well, with the caveat that it's only as solid as a robust boat, but can repair itself from anything, like a Wolverine of maritime resilience).

Also, was the name of our little new polity settled? Sky's Hope or the Crossing? I should need it in the upcoming negociation.
Yup, too bad Haku... =(

@Brekkir: all vehicle artifacts risk destruction.

The capsizing thing doesn't make too much sense, but I may find a way to abuse it... Nothing that a well-oiled team of Exalts can't fix, anyway.

Unless you do something epically stupid or willingly sacrifice it (I don't see nor Albane nor you doing the latter... Not even the former, in fact ^^) consider your investment safe.
My apologies to the guys in the forest, the next post is taking long 'cause I'll have to present a lot of stuff, and ensuring consistency requires to think things through, especially for the future.
Good point.

Malek has been uncovered the moment he attacked the wood spider, and has been obviously present since.

I am setting him aside from the narration because Cyl's currently KO, but otherwise he's showing himself openly.

Note to Feantari: no name has yet been decided for the settlement, and you guys will have to bear this infamy IC.

Note to self: I am actually disappointed with Tirana's hairstyle, but now's too late to change it. :evil:
I ain't KO, I'm in Cuzco :mrgreen:

But yeah still unable to do anything else than read every 2-3 days what you guys are up to.
So, when will we get a thread to find out what the Extreme Gardening group has fallen into?
I think that what Tirana said is worth a 'WTF, girl?' from Malek :mrgreen:

I'll wait a bit before answering so that cyl can at least comment on it.
Sherwood said:
So, when will we get a thread to find out what the Extreme Gardening group has fallen into?
It's pretty clear what we've fallen into.... A Behemoth... :lol:

Thank you, I'll be here all week !
Brekkir said:
I think that what Tirana said is worth a 'WTF, girl?' from Malek :mrgreen:
I'll wait a bit before answering so that cyl can at least comment on it.
Consider me down for another week, I don't want to intervene until I can actually reach a minimum of 1 post per day.

But yeah, clearly: WTF, girl ?!
Joyous Dove will WTF enough for both of you then. :P

Good thing I didn't have her swear any specific oaths of vengeance like Conan did for that other guy and his dog.
It's pretty late here, but I think I did a reasonably good job.

(also, what do I roll if it's needed? I'd rather dish out Presence and the Second Excellency, personally, but I think my proposal is reasonable enough that it doesn't count as real social combat.)
What is your ruling on getting Celestial Circle sorcery? I was thinking that something down in the behemoth hole might jog my memory of a past Exaltation.
Gimme some time guys, I am taking more computer than my eyes can bear.

Cool actions, they will be rewarded... I will assume Brekkir, Sherwood and CI are burning their DP.
xarvh said:
Gimme some time guys, I am taking more computer than my eyes can bear.
Cool actions, they will be rewarded... I will assume Brekkir, Sherwood and CI are burning their DP.
I'll be away for the Turin Tango Festival, don't think I will post before Monday, unless you guys come up with some nerdgasmic stunt, then my sense of awesome will prevail over my quest for sanity... :mrgreen:

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