[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Ah, it's an april fools.... Now you tell me. Crap. Oh well, so much for that Eberon artificier....
Hrm - not enough time for a *proper* carpet bombing campaign on the moss.

Stupid sundown to midnight rules.
Sorry for the lack of posting! School jumped me, then my birthday jumped me, and then someone gave me a job. Looking at putting things up on monday, though I might be able to sneak it in tomorrow.
Uh, yeah, in fact I was obviously uhm.. ehm... waiting for you to post before updating with the fires effects....

*Looks around, guilty*
As previously said, I'm off for 2 weeks from sat 9th of this month.

I'll probably have internet access during this, but since I'm travelling in Peru, there's no 100% guarantee :roll:

I hope this won't cause you guys any inconvenience and I'll leave Malek in the good care of our dear ST.
No worries.

Let's switch to slow mode.

I have just started my 9-to-18 job and won't be able to post before wednesday.

Regarding Malek, he just won't take part in the fight not to break his concealment.

In the other thread, brace yourself 'cause River's second DOB will clear the whole corridor to the center.
Re: cyl, edited. Was unaware exalts had problems with attacking the held.. Thought it was more a I'll hold you hit situation (and Argis might have had a chance of hitting that one). Wood spiders are sort of jerks so Argis wasn't expecting non-violent approaches.
Well there's no "problem" per se just more risks and complications involved, but thanks for the coop :wink:

Aside from that, Malek is known for being the "I do believe violence can solve conflicts, but I don't believe killing folks does" type, though you could argue about the definition of "folks"* :mrgreen:

* and he would reply: sentient beings, duh ! :wink:
Yup, we know Malek is Mr. Nice Guy.

Only, with a weapon called "head crushing trucheon".... ^_^

Anyway, just bear with me, I started my new job and it will take me a while to overcome the sheer frustration of adapting to a boring lifestyle...
Due to some heavy procrastinating, I haven't used any of the Xp I accumulated yet... Which means I have a grand total of 50 xp to spend. Mmmh, choices, choices.

I think first I'll up my stamina to 3, to represent him adapting to overwork.

Edit: Question de the GM: Would instructing people and everyday repair/building/maintenance for the town be considereddtending to the affairs of the kingdom for puprouse of Immanent Solar Glory ?
Midboss said:
Edit: Question de the GM: Would instructing people and everyday repair/building/maintenance for the town be considereddtending to the affairs of the kingdom for puprouse of Immanent Solar Glory ?
The heat at my workplace is killing me :cry: ...

(did I mention I have exams in three weeks and I'm laaaate in my work :mrgreen: ?)

I'll try to post later, in case I'm incommunicado before the end of the fight Albane will use single-attacks on his assailant, then move on to the closest of Argis, and remain on the defensive with SSE/SOW.
Come one Brekkir!

Single attacks?

You have TheGreatBlender for artifact weapon! oO

Ok, whatever.

Kill the exams, pal! ^^

Dove and Argis can act before Albane.

Malek will crush and move to the next target as soon as he Incapacitates his current one.
I wanted to play an aerial adventurer / privateer / somewhat could be the start of a aerial fleet for you lot. Which ran into a small itty bitty problem of vehicles. I was tempted at first by the Manta, but thought that was overkill.

I wanted to do excellent air boats, but those were not quite what I wanted. So, I converted the history of one of my ancient air ships...


The Black Kun

Much has been made of the airships under the control of the Realm, of Lookshy or even of the Hislanti league. Remnants of the first age, mortal marvels of the second age. These are well known.

One newly emerged marvel of Creation is the Black Kun, a perfect example of scavenging of the remains of the first age and the age of tulmult ingenuity.

Much like the vaunted Excellent Air Boats of the Hislanti, the Black Kun is immense compared to the first age flying ships. With an upperhull length of 200 yards, and a diameter of 50 yards and resembles the blade of a khatar. The lower hull, where its cargo holds, and cabins are, resembles a mortal ship with a length of 100 yards and a diameter of 30 yards.

Its hulls are salvaged from the wreckage of a kireeki class skyreme, destroyed in the Fae invasion, by the outcaste adventurer; Joyous Aria.

Its propulsion systems are rebuilt engines from a Manta-class that had belonged to a fallen warlord in the hundred kingdoms, while its secondary propulsion and steering system are dragon-sails of the finest alchemically treated rasp-spider silk that can be deployed from the sides and rear of the hulls.

However, the engines alone as they were could not lift the craft from where it lay in the earth. It was something that Joyous Aria found noted in ancient manuscripts that allowed the Black Kun to fly.


A mineral found in the north and east after the Fae retreat in the face of the Scarlet Empress activation of the Realm Defense Grid. Natural levitating stones trapped in various caves and valleys.

Airstones could levitate by themselves. However, the more stones were together, the higher they could levitate, and the more weight they could bear.

With great care and expense, Joyous Aria gathered and mined the airstones and forged them into four large slabs that were large enough to keep the Black Kun afloat a feet or two above the ground while separated apart.

When allowed to slowly pull together, the airstone slabs pulls the Black Kun to the skies above, even above the clouds of Creation where the air is thin if all four slabs are allowed to stay together.

The airstone slabs are located in the upper hull, along with the engines. There are emergency systems that allow the Black Kun to be flown with only the upperhull remaining.

Because the ship is, in effect, primarily a mundane constructs despite the source of its hull and propulsion systems, it is relatively easy to repair and has absolutely no required maintenance.

All that is required is for the captain or one of her officers to commit a combined cost of ten motes to keep the engines running.

Speed : 30/50 mph

Artifact Rating : 3

Repair Rating : 3

Maneuverability : +0 under sail, +4 powered (Lore 2, Sail 3)

Endurance : requires attunement to engines : 10 motes

Crew : 10/2 (must be able to channel essence)

Cargo : 10 passenger plus 4 tons of cargo, or 25 passengers plus 1 ton of cargo, or 50 soldiers

Armour : 15L/15B

Health Levels : Ux8 / Mx6 / Cx4 / Ix2 / D

Weapons : See artifact listing for Joyous Aria

Notes : It's a one of a kind vessel. The airship possesses hardness due to its hull.
Oh, FWD gives attackers a -2 die penalty not -3. It was changed with the errata/1k correct actions. If they put out a new version of the DB book that had all the changes from 1k correct actions I would so buy it.. >.< (I messed up the cost too, but editing that, or I didn't and am just crazy.. nm..)
Haku and I were discussing his next character, and while the idea is definitely cool, it could step badly on Albane's toes, since he's the guy with the Artifact 5 Folding Land Ship.

Feedback is welcome from everyone, by PM if necessary, but Brekkir's feedback will be given great weight.
It is rather similar... for me it might depend more on what the character does than the artifact. That said it might be hard to find an idea you want to play that also isn't a bit similar with those we have on hand. It does look like your artifact 3 air boat might get more use than his artifact 5 folding land ship since our city is in a bit of a jungle.. seems like that might sting. Up to Brekkir of course. What sort of exalt is it?

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