[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Hi all, thought I'd post and apologize for my massive bout of inactivity. Life's been keeping me a bit more busy than I'd like. And I've also just sort of lost track of what's going on. Game seems to be flowing on fine though so I think I'll just do the proper thing and bow out.

Enjoy the game.
Orzhov said:
Hi all, thought I'd post and apologize for my massive bout of inactivity. Life's been keeping me a bit more busy than I'd like. And I've also just sort of lost track of what's going on. Game seems to be flowing on fine though so I think I'll just do the proper thing and bow out.
Enjoy the game.
Be well.
@Feantari: ok, you river guys didn't have too much downtime, so just add your two abilities dots and RP it if you find a good opportunity to do it.

@Brekkir: I'll be waiting for your post to move on the scene, just to have an idea of Albane's reaction, even a two-liner is ok.

Enjoy the recovering. ^^

@CrazyIvan: If you guys need such vignettes/1on1-scenes, you can open them yourselves.

Name them 'Chapter XX, Interlude YY' or something like that, should work.

Zenjo will stay a bit more to ensure that the settlement is safe, then will leave to new adventures.

Also, for everyone: there is going to be a lot of investigation/lore/occult/blahblah rolls in both scenes, make full use of your charms and excellencies, you will need it and in dramatic time i'm not going to keep track of your Essence usage.
cyl said:
Brekkir said:
Once I'm recovered from my exam I'll be doing some spending and posting.?
Hope you did good ! :wink:
I don't know my grade but one of the jury members told me not to worry. So... I guess I did well somewhat (not exceedingly so, but they weren't out for my hide (unlike some people who got an especially bothersome jury...))

About training times: I would like to create a physical combat Combo on my way to the village... is it possible?
A combat combo will require some downtime or some very nice training stunt.

Don't worry however, in theory there should not be much combat.

That is, unless you move extremely well or you want to die.
Last question for a bit:

Arynne, are you...largely done in Silver Secrets? Fangs has to ask River something as well, but I don't want to hijack your thing.
@cyl: if by "your men" you would be referring to crewmates... let's just say that aside from possible summoned demons* there were none onboard the Azure Cliff...

* and I'm having second thoughts about Demon of the First Circle as a first spell - either Calling the Wind's Kiss, Lightning Whip Smites the Water, Mast-Shattering Spell or Viridian Mantle of Underwater Journey would have made more logical choices for a sailor; besides I have found new sorcerer pals who can teach me either summoning spell :wink:

With Hiro... erm... no longer in existence in fate, I was thinking of doing a replacement character.

I had a few ideas.

Such as a Dragonblooded outcaste archery whose been with Didee for the longest time. Something about orphaned and given to the forest god as a tribute/sacrifice... which resulted in exaltation as a DB under Didee's care...

The other is... a slumming Sidereal. A playboy type whose laying low in Creation, on a vacation or some such, after being caught sleeping with the wrong person... like the wife and assorted daughters of certain Higher Ups who shall NOT be named. He's good at solving problems, it's just that he also is far too good at seducing the wrong people.
Didee doesn't strike me as the kind with the foresight to keep a pet Terrestrial... "OOooh Essence-flavored delicacy!"

The Sidereal gives us an opportunity to interact with Yu Shan (unless you meant a ronin?), if the Silver Pact Lunars don't KOS him :lol:
Brekkir said:
Didee doesn't strike me as the kind with the foresight to keep a pet Terrestrial... "OOooh Essence-flavored delicacy!"
The Sidereal gives us an opportunity to interact with Yu Shan (unless you meant a ronin?), if the Silver Pact Lunars don't KOS him :lol:
Independent Sidereal. ie non-factional one.
But one who still has an opportunity to enter Yu Shan and is more abreast of Heavenly politics than any of us 8)
Quite... but Xavh wanted me to put it here on the ooc thread for people's opinions before I start stuff like stats and such...
The DB, as not a Dynast, won't get eaten by Fangs when she's in a mood. There is however still the concern about being easily outstripped by Celestial-level characters, especially since you don't have the "DBs in a group" buffs as easily, unless we start taking Allies.
Part of the reason why I didn't want to do a DB.... being eaten by crazy ass Lunars. ^_^
Haku said:
Part of the reason why I didn't want to do a DB.... being eaten by crazy ass Lunars. ^_^
Not a Dynast = Fangs has no problem with you.

And while she's scary, new charms bought make her now Scary Sexy too.
I have been checking the Siddies manual, and it's fucking broken.

Efficient Secretary Technique alone, and Inv 1, Ess 2 charm, would make any investigation plot utterly useless.

Also, between Resplendent Destinies and Astrology, Siddies are a huge, royal, fucked up pain in the ass to manage.

I start to understand why there are no Siddies/FF games.

Haku, if you want to go CMAs, the house rules of this game make DBs the ideal candidates, and I have no problems if you want a Sifu.

Hey, Five Onyx Dreams is available if you need one.

Otherwise you can go Solar, Lunar, Abyssal, god-blooded or (duh) even Alchemical.
You mean I can start with 3 CMA charms and 2 enlightening charms to even learn those 3 charms... -_-
Haku said:
You mean I can start with 3 CMA charms and 2 enlightening charms to even learn those 3 charms... -_-
And Essence 4 and get free reflexive charms and Speed reduction from your artifacts.
xarvh said:
Haku said:
You mean I can start with 3 CMA charms and 2 enlightening charms to even learn those 3 charms... -_-
And Essence 4 and get free reflexive charms and Speed reduction from your artifacts.
And a tiny essence pool, and no actual charms beyond the CMA... Or the fact that I would need to USE one of those 3 CMA charm slots for even an excellency. Yeah. -_-

CMA for DBs is not a good thing.
Haku said:
And a tiny essence pool, and no actual charms beyond the CMA... Or the fact that I would need to USE one of those 3 CMA charm slots for even an excellency. Yeah. -_-
CMA for DBs is not a good thing.
Wait, you had told me that FF get owned by DBs... oO

Anyway, if all those things are important, feel free to go Solar.

We have a vacant position for the Zenith.
Haku said:
And a tiny essence pool, and no actual charms beyond the CMA... Or the fact that I would need to USE one of those 3 CMA charm slots for even an excellency. Yeah. -_-
CMA for DBs is not a good thing.
Granted Argis isn't a super combat focused character, but I think you can probably swing the CMA DB thing. Xarvh has you starting with 4 ess and 10 charms total, so, it's fairly workable. Sure essence isn't crazy high, but that's sort of a problem for most MA anyway. At least being a DB you don't have people jumping up and down screaming anathema when your anima is hanging out. :-P (Still, if the concerns are power level related then going celestial might be the simplest answer)
Thanks for the correction to the attack roll Xarvh, literally the first social attack I've ever done.

*sheepish* Last time I was in social combat in a game, it ended with my Full Moon triggering RLF

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