[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Feantari said:
Haku said:
And a tiny essence pool, and no actual charms beyond the CMA... Or the fact that I would need to USE one of those 3 CMA charm slots for even an excellency. Yeah. -_-
CMA for DBs is not a good thing.
Granted Argis isn't a super combat focused character, but I think you can probably swing the CMA DB thing. Xarvh has you starting with 4 ess and 10 charms total, so, it's fairly workable. Sure essence isn't crazy high, but that's sort of a problem for most MA anyway. At least being a DB you don't have people jumping up and down screaming anathema when your anima is hanging out. :-P (Still, if the concerns are power level related then going celestial might be the simplest answer)
Erm... no... we're using the errata / inkmonkey rules, with essence boosted to 4 or 3 depending on type and nothing else. Which means DBs do NOT get 10 charms. Unless THAT got errata'd -again- or house-ruled. Especially, not for CMA.

Dragonblooded as per RAW when getting CMA at chargen get 5 charms. And note that in order to get any CMA charms, you need to get a pair of enlightening charms, which cuts your charm slots even lower to 3 CMA charms. You can, of course, replace one of those charm slots and get normal DB charms or TMA charms.

This doesn't apply, of course, to TMA or native dragonblooded charms.

And of course, DB essence pools are small, but Raksha get even smaller pools, so. And also note that as a Raksha (pre-errata), CMA is a pipe-dream UNLESS the ST explicitly allows it. ^_^ ;;;
xarvh said:
Haku said:
And a tiny essence pool, and no actual charms beyond the CMA... Or the fact that I would need to USE one of those 3 CMA charm slots for even an excellency. Yeah. -_-
CMA for DBs is not a good thing.
Wait, you had told me that FF get owned by DBs... oO

Anyway, if all those things are important, feel free to go Solar.

We have a vacant position for the Zenith.
No, I did NOT say that FF get owned, only that they're on par. And If I was playing a REALM DB, I could get it on par with a FF Raksha Noble... it just happens that it's not done via CMA.

Also, as noted above, this is CMA territory which Raksha can't even look at pre-errata. And if post-errata, it BURNS them even worse than DBs to look at.

As for Zenith. I don't think so. I haven't had the urge to play with one of the Inkmonkey's favored type for the longest time.
As a fyi, for a Raksha to learn CMA post-errata.

They would need essence -6-, sword grace -6-, heart -4-, two mutation charms, as well as two enlightening charms before they can TOUCH CMA charms at dragonblooded costs (basically about double their normal raksha charm costs).
We are full of house rules, but I didn't list the ones for chargen.

Argis started with 10 charms.

If you want CMAs, 2 of those 10 must be the enlightenment charms, which leaves you with 8 charms.

I don't know what is RAW.
xarvh said:
We are full of house rules, but I didn't list the ones for chargen.
Argis started with 10 charms.

If you want CMAs, 2 of those 10 must be the enlightenment charms, which leaves you with 8 charms.

I don't know what is RAW.
RAW = Read as written. Also, that house rule would have helped me prior given that as far as I knew we were going strictly by errata rules, with essence changed.

EDIT - You might want to make a post/thread with the full set of house rules.
FYI: Something is up with my connection. It works for -most- sites, but some sites just don't resolve. Among them?


Have been on the horn with the ISP, and am having no luck so far. Right now, posting this on my iPad, so while I won't *vanish*, I may not be terribly active for a bit.
It isn't a DNS server problem - the URLs resolve to proper IP addresses, and doing anything with Winsock will be tricky, given I'm not running a windows machine.

A traceroute shows them bouncing all over RCN's network, but the request never really escapes - given the whole shebang went down last night (including cable TV) I'm inclined toward suspecting its an ISP hardware issue.
Just apologising for my recent low activity. Tired, ill, and working overtime because attendance is crap these days at work.
Midboss said:
Just apologising for my recent low activity. Tired, ill, and working overtime because attendance is crap these days at work.

We'll never forgive you for this.

How, how could you get sick on us?

We want more Siham. =P

Take care Mid. ^^
Would be nice to wrap up what people decide re: Argis in the round table discussion. I'm trying not to refer back to it IC, but I imagine there is a bit of a range in reactions no?
Feantari said:
Would be nice to wrap up what people decide re: Argis in the round table discussion. I'm trying not to refer back to it IC, but I imagine there is a bit of a range in reactions no?
Yeah, I've been wrestling with Fang's response. You'll get one soon. Trying to figure out how to convey fairly fundamental parts of her character without, well, making the game unplayable for you.

Or eating Argis.
CrazyIvan, I forbid you from eating the other PCs. ^^

To clarify after a question from Cyl: training time 'immediate' means that you can spend XP on it whenever you want, in fact even just prior to a dice roll.
Wheel of Morality, turn turn turn, tell us the lession that we must learn!
Best quote ever:

Yakko: We will also prove that justice is not blind--she's cross-eyed.

Xarvh - since we've to the morning, can I post things that effect extreme gardening that take place in the interim?

Specifically, things involving a circle, some chanting, and Fang's clothing smelling faintly of vitriol the next day.
CrazyIvan said:
Xarvh - since we've to the morning, can I post things that effect extreme gardening that take place in the interim?
Specifically, things involving a circle, some chanting, and Fang's clothing smelling faintly of vitriol the next day.
LOL, sure, go for it.

Just update the List in the Library.
Ok guys, after much thinking and suffering after the broken mechanics and a House Rules thread that's becoming longer and longer, I eventually decided that we've better move Emperors of the Fading Suns to the D20 system, and leave all the fucking mess that the Exalted mechanics bring.

I have been playing D&D 4ed for a while with my friends and I think it is a really good system, very solid and with the epic and dramatic bang that I want for EofFS.

I am in a bit of RL mess right now (new job and all) but I think within the next week I will have completed the rules to translate the PCs from Exalted to D&D4, so in a couple of weeks at worst we'll be already playing with the new rules. ^^

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