[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Ugh, I worked all the hours yesterday guys, and you made sooo many posts.

I'm game for investigating the cities or for showing off new arm toy thing to the mecha-people and seeing if we can get things straightened out/figure out what happened to the good captain sikare.

There was definitely some strange going down in Nexus last Argis was around.
Also, a series of scenes with Argis introducing individual exalts to a comfy couch and head shrinking them all. In his eyes everything is going wackadoo around here.

re: arm, I thought we had it figured or some such? what do you mean stats? like weapon stats or mote commits or some such? I think there is a thing for making artificial limbs in... wonders of the lost age.. not sure if what you want?

Sorry I'm a bit burnt out atm. >.<
IIRC you want an Artifact 5 Prosthetic of Clockwork Elegance.

It's fine by me, but you have to pick your customization options, and let me know if you want anything out of the manual.
Technically Flicker does not know Clawspeak, but hey, I'll pass this.

Fangs has socials enough that could convey the very same thing through body language.
xarvh said:
Technically Flicker does not know Clawspeak, but hey, I'll pass this.
Fangs has socials enough that could convey the very same thing through body language.
Good Lord Cunning Fangs is failing in her role as a New Moon.

We need to fix that in a scene soon.
Roll Perception + Awareness vs Siham's Dex + Stealth to notice him him rolling his eyes in exasperation and GTFOing :tongue:

* Jade Limb Prosthetic of Clockwork Elegance

* Reflexively extrudes or morphs (your choice) into any weapon with the M tag, with full MM bonus

* Same effect as Gauntlet of Distant Claws

* Detection: Diff 2 to touch or 4 with any other sense

* No repair

Artifact 5

Attunement 6

If you like it, please pay the XPs and add it to your charsheet already.
@xarvh: Would you be willing to let me drop the dots for Tama and the Shellcaster and put them in to something more appropriate for the Setting/Character?

The shellcaster is awesome, and I want to keep using it's stats and the Firearms Charms, but I feel like a set of gloves that shot essence bolts would be more appropriate for Creation Proper.

Despite being adorable, Tama will probably never be used by me due to my forgetfulness, and is better relegated to an NPC role for fun/cute things rather than a straight mechanical benefit.

You can keep Tama but it won't give you any practical advantage.

Maybe we'll add a post in your next Scene where you turn your shellcasters into the gauntlets.
Xarvh, to be clear, while Mirror and Fangs qualify for initiation into Shadowland Necromancy (1st level) we haven't actually had time to be initiated yet, and thus Necromantic spells may not be purchased, correct?

I forget - do we have to run across books/scrolls/tablets etc that teach a spell in order to learn it? I seem to remember we do need a source? If so, would Agatha's library have Shadowland level spells in it?
Yes you still need to be initiated.

Yes you need some source for spells.

No, the Library has only Sorcery.
You're a Dusk, a Dark Solar. I don't think you need to discover spells if you can just invent them with your Dark talent for blasphemous inspiration.

EDIT: Or not.
Understood, Xarvh. Ankss is the priority right now. I don't know if you have something in mind for the initiation, but if there's something we need to do on our end, please let me know. Other than that, whenever story appropriate.

It's not like there's a shortage of melee/war charms to get. *rolls eyes*
xarvh said:
You can keep Tama but it won't give you any practical advantage.

Maybe we'll add a post in your next Scene where you turn your shellcasters into the gauntlets.
Missed this, thanks. I was thinking putting the dots towards something like an Iron Man suit. Only it's a lab coat instead of power armor. Thoughts?
@Kacie: You can visit again Thorns when you have time.

@JayTee: we talked about this. You have to decide whether you want something combat-focused or more utilitarian.
Probably more utilitarian, with soak and power gloves being the only combat features. The other things will be stuff like information gathering enhancers, flight for personal transportation, elsewhere pockets for storing tools and gadgets and whatever other spiffy things you'll let me get away with ;)
Given that the Shellcaster was worth 2 dots and Tama was worth 3, I was planing on putting all five of them in to the lab/glasses set. Basically a straight dot swap.

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