[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

JayTee said:
If you don't have/don't get Arise and Slaughter, I'll be sad. :(
Aw, but all the other nasty Abyssals go for this charm! We'll be fighting over who gets to reanimate the corpses!

Seriously, that's a fun charm, but I'm gravitating more towards Glorious Carnage Typhoon, aka "Killed Your Army All By Myself". Thematically more in line for Mirror. Besides, the more the Bloom takes hold, the less useful Arise and Slaughter is. We get the Bloom properly growing in Stage 2 (or is it Stage 3?) in the Cross, and nobody gets to play with zombie dance troops.

@xarvh -- I assume we're going to have to sneak into Thorns next time, after snatching the Mask's prize from under his nose? That and amputating Words's foot.
Jay tee, what about taking air dragon armor as template?

Kacie: Nope. It seems that the mask's propaganda on Mirror hasn't changed.
@WlfSamurai : great to have you back man ! Nice comeback :D

@Kacie : uh you know that if Mirror steps in Cross she'll be likely attacked by the demon defense squad. I suggest Fangs disbands it first before Mirror follows Siham.

@Feantari @JayTee : I'd like to go to Great Forks myself if you don't mind.

I initiated the contact with the Three a while ago and I'm the one who asked for the men who got slaughtered in the jungles by the Legion.

If it's not too much trouble for you, please focus on Nexus (which is a much more strategical location for the Scavenger Lands because... The Guild !) and wait for Malek to go to GF.

Won't cry too much about it if you can't though, Siham has every right to follow up on his "good friend" Zenjo.
Yup, the nerf bat will hit that artifact mercilessly.

But I am glad you wrote down what you want.

Give me some time.
Might be fun to have a short chat thread/scene with Siham and Mirror, and Kalak if he wants to join.
-> A Scene in Ankss (Flicker, Mirror, Malek, Fangs, anyone else?)

@Arynne How do you want to approach the thing?

The Exalts walking through the Fog and getting to Ankss?

-> A Scene in Didee's Sanctuary (Malek, Fangs)

-> A Mad Crafting / Surgery Scene (Siham, Kalak and possibly an unconscious Argis and/or Mirror)

-> Siham, Argis in Nexus
xarvh said:
-> A Scene in Ankss (Flicker, Mirror, Malek, Fangs, anyone else?)
@Arynne How do you want to approach the thing?

The Exalts walking through the Fog and getting to Ankss?
Well, we should probably plan this out carefully. We need to be able to deliver our challenge without getting killed (or killing a bunch of hapless guards trying to get in).
As long as it's just DKs we're talking about, we can take them head on no sweat.

Mirror is the one true badass, Fangs will step on them like cockroaches with the Death Badger, Flicker will pierce them and Malek will go all Bruce Lee on their asses.

The thing I'm concerned about is that there may be something behind them, another exalt or a deity.
If you want to make an entrance and still be on the safe side here's what I suggest.

Give Malek a few days to infiltrate Ankss, let him collect inside info, give it back and prepare an uprising.

Then you three step in, challenge them to a duel, and if it doesn't work and they attack...very well then: WAAAAAAGH ! :D
If Malek can do his scouting off screen, then I don't mind.

Otherwise, I'd ask whether there's a larger entity behind the DKs is going to change what we do. For Mirror, it doesn't change things; this is her next goal, and it's important. If she has to go through something to get at the DKs, so be it.
Well, it won't hurt to know if there's wizard behind the curtain, so to speak. Being prepared is better than having to adjust your strategy on the fly.

Flicker will have some concerns about Malek scouting by himself, though.... ;)
It would be a perfectly natural time for Flicker to put her foot down and insist that the shape-changing lunar makes a better scout.

Seriously - Malek is good, but if Flicker or Fangs can do raptor and small shapes, that's a serious advantage. And it feels right to have Flicker scout, between the connection to the DKs and the recent incident of losing Malek.
Another sleep work sleep day. Plans for scenes look good, artifact looks good, will update sheet soon. I am getting away from work for the weekend so will post more then.
Whatever the shape Flicker takes, if she doesn't have stealth charms, what she will earn is a few bonus dice on her stealth roll.

Malek has charms.

Disguise + EOP and he's in the place.

He managed to sneak in a city full of ghosts, so passing as one of the Swamp People shouldn't be too hard.

We even have swamp people available in Cross so we can talk to them and get some info about their way of life, names, places etc etc.
But thinking about it yeah, we can and probably shoud do that off screen, or with just one post and a few rolls.

Wouldn't want to wait too long to release the MK.
Ah, another scene Fangs could use in the nearish future, which could fit in nicely with the Fall of Ankss: A limit break in one of her manses (either the tower or Ankss), in the presence of Mirror and preferably not in the presence of anyone else.
Just a heads up, leaving for the holiday - I'll be gone for a week, and while the hotel says it has Wi-Fi, I am as always skeptical.

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