[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

JayTee said:
I'm so glad I decided to see if the bloom was fit for human consumption or not.
EDIT: @Kacie: Now might be an excellent time to bring up the cancer meat idea we discussed waaaayyy back in the day when I first joined. ;)
Give me a lead-in line, mentioning the meat-cancer, and I'll be happy to oblige. :D
I kinda did, mentioning that food problems wont be an issue with fast growing fruits and vegetables.

"But what about meat?" Asks the Deathknight, before offering her own suggestions~ ;)
I'm not sure Mirror knows about the meat-cancer, but I'll respond as best as I can. We'll manage to get to our awful awesome solution!
Knowingly feeding recycled toxic materials to people... that can probably pass because of necessity and cost efficiency, but Malek's motivation being completely contrary to planned obsolescence, a change of business plan is in order if you want this operation to flourish.

Stealing from those who have way too much and do not share enough is okay for him, but just robbing people or making them dependant out of greed is not.
As for my pet projects during the downtime:

- getting me some allies & contacts & boosting the allies network

- taking over Nathir

- persuade Siham to use some of the jade lying around in the cache to help build a small fleet of land ships and their artillery (Malek has already 2 ships, but I think we need a big ass boat with lots of canons for serious battles).

- form bad ass hero crews with essence users

- travel a lot to gather all the info we need

I have two new year's resolutions: mobility and firepower :)
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I'm still waiting for the stats of the warship in the Project Discussion.

Or did I have to check that? -_-
End of personal drama on my end (phew that took some time to type...).

A few questions:

- what's the deal with the behemoth... can't he be treated / cured / scrubbed off the Library ? (not that Malek would ever care what happens to it)

- what are we doing about the dying Primordial ? (that he does...)

@CrazyIvan : don't know if you're interested or if it is appropriate for Fangs, but I would very much like a short scene with at least Malek & Fangs in Big K's Sanctuary.

@JayTee : don't know if we're going to have time to cover that in the IC, but as detailed previously, I intend to use land ships as tools of war and empire building.

They are "cheap & easy" to make, can pack a serious punch if properly armed, and help with the transports of troops and cargo.

Can Siham help with that ?

@xarvh : I need one a sorcerer quartermaster (for calling the wind's kiss), can it be done ?
Re: Behemoth - Probably, I want to get rid of it sooner rather than later to make a Factory Cathedral

Re: Primordial - Shove it in to Malfeas and let the other Yozi deal with it.

Re: Ships an' shit- Landships are for suckers. Arial domination are where it's at.
@cyl: Big K does not have a sanctuary, but her body is currently hosted in Didee's.

For the sorcerer quartermaster, you have to hire or train a mortal.
Re: sorcerer quartermaster - could it be a higher profile type of essence user ? (like a god blooded or a young DB).

Re: Primordial - I take it you are not interested in healing her then ?

Re: Land ships - with spells, artifacts and people who can shoot bolts that hurt like a friggin ballista from several miles away... aerial domination is kind of overrated. I'd rather have a very mobile ground juggernaut prepped to replace heavy cavalry (ram and spikes) and able to deal massive damage with heavy artillery.

Sky ships can't do close combat damage, Landships can and if properly designed and they are far less complex to repair / maintain / use and they can pass for normal ships while in the water.

In any case, why not build both if we can ? :)
@xarvh : right so, do you want to use it in a future scene or do we handle this as a project ?

@JayTee : Apologies if you felt I wasn't ackknowledging your proposition IC to handle the food part.

My last post was written over several split hours and posted rather late so I forgot a few things and deliberately left a few out for future posts (like Ankss and Dragon Kings stuff).

Malek was not ignoring Siham's capabilities, he just openly declared he will focus on his training and will lower his participation in crisis management.

I just meant to show a bit of his new intimacy: Weak People (hatred) and how his past experiences will affect his future development.

You have no idea how happy I am to have a proactive and efficient Siham and I look forward to working with you on several matters (business, war, killing the Void Heart). :)
@cyl: with a single PP you can probably recruit a two or three young DBs.

Added a first draft for your toy ship.
I think your main problem Cyl is that you can get rather long winded ;)

But it's all good, no worries :tongue:

Re: Primordial- If it can be useful to Siham/Cross, I'll put the effort in to healing it. If not, lock it away forever with the rest of them.

Re: Skyship vs landship- Art of Permanence says "Lolnope" to most maintenance issues. Although I would like to point out that I don't plan on putting an excessive amount of effort in to airships. Just enough to ensure we have an overwhelming amount of force to bring against anything that would threaten Cross. Most of my efforts are going to go in to making an unbeatable army.
cyl said:
Okay so admitting we have to kill them... we will also have to make them understand that they needed to be killed.
Else they're going to be pissed at us when they reincarnate.
"We are the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun and the Changing Lady. They will swallow their anger, or we will educate them again."

Have I mentioned that Fangs really, really doesn't much care what happens to Ankss? This is entirely a favor to Flicker, because Fangs still cares about her.

xarvh said:
Also, it seems like at the very least Flicker and Mirror will be in Ankss.
Possibly the respective Mates, but I don't see the need unless you are going full-frontal.

We could open a Scene there already.

Do you guys need to move anything in parallel?
Fangs is absolutely coming. She's rather do it at the head of a wasp-riding Baidak army, but if you're in a hurry, it can just be her.

I could also use a...side-scene, not unlike "Black Magic Woman" in whatever the name of that campaign was. There's a series of vignettes that I think could be useful for Fangs and set up her transition toward...apotheosis really is the best term for it...but I don't know that they need to be in a specific scene, or may detract from it.

Arynne said:
There's another thing that was probably in Eneg Erag's mind -- these guys killed an Exalt. And sent his head to his Circle. They did something that ensured a bunch of powerful Celestial Exalted would be lethally pissed at them and everyone with them. That was stupid and irresponsible. I mean, they put everyone in Ankss at risk with such a gratuitously bloody gesture.

Flicker made it pretty plain that there would be some kind of retaliation for that, and soon. From Eneg's point of view, this is the only pragmatic solution -- the wrath of the Exalted is as inevitable as hurricanes in autumn, so better to direct it at something.
This. I am no so much worried about the retaliation - I as a player have no issue with reducing the city to ash, save that it will be mildly inconvenient to clean off my manse when it's finished. Not killing everything and every one in Ankss is a mercy.

Arynne said:
Publicly. Flicker's mentor suggested challenging them to tlauauaniliztli, ritual combat, and playing on their pride and arrogance to make them accept. There's precedent for this: humans also took part in tlauauaniliztli, so they can't honestly complain we're usurping their customs. (They will, of course, but they'll have a lot less justification.)
Fighting them publicly also makes it harder for them to pull any tricks out of their sleeves, er, bracers. If they do have some kind of understanding with the Deathlords -- unlikely, but possible -- there's no telling what kind of backup they might have.

Finally, defeating them in open combat, with their lives and ours as the wager, will make it easier to win the respect of the rest, than if we just straight-up assassinated them.
This is less violent than Fangs' plan, which involves Baidak with very very specific IFF algorithms.

Kacie said:
I'd assumed Fangs and Mirror would stay together, but final call goes to Crazy Ivan!
Mirror will be happy to challenge, but she will be taking her cues from Flicker.
Yeah, Fangs is going.

cyl said:
@CrazyIvan : don't know if you're interested or if it is appropriate for Fangs, but I would very much like a short scene with at least Malek & Fangs in Big K's Sanctuary.
I'd be fine with that - Fangs still has a question she needs to ask Big K that was interrupted last time.

Sorry for the slow replies - holidays mean travel (so tired of travel...) and the half-unpacked apartment means we always have stuff to do at night, so posting time is dropping to near zero.
Heh, it just occurred to me that Fangs likely can't do anything about Malek's negative intimacy toward his family, as she had her own obliterated as one of the stations.
It's just resentment so far.

It's not as bad as hatred or loathe for what made Malek a good guy.

There is a good chance he ends up a true monster now.
Ok. So far we have:

-> A Scene in Ankss (Flicker, Mirror, Malek, Fangs, anyone else?)

@Arynne How do you want to approach the thing?

The Exalts walking through the Fog and getting to Ankss?

-> A Scene in Didee's Sanctuary (Malek, Fangs)

-> A Mad Crafting / Surgery Scene (Siham, Kalak and possibly an unconscious Argis)

-> I would like to have another Scene where Siham and Argis see some action.

@JayTee, @Feantari, any plans/ideas?

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