[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Proactive vs reactive. It's been mentioned before. Kindly drop the tone of otherness. When things pile up and people leave or are busy they aren't tended to for obvious reasons. To say nothing of our ST making sure things stay busy.
Feantari said:
Proactive vs reactive. It's been mentioned before. Kindly drop the tone of otherness. When things pile up and people leave or are busy they aren't tended to for obvious reasons. To say nothing of our ST making sure things stay busy.
Have I upset you? I don't understand what you mean by "Kindly drop the tone of otherness."

I was saying I don't like to leave loose plot points because I don't like it when they blowup in our faces.
Eh, just being weird today I guess. I don't like leaving things dangling either, but RL invasions and higher priority matters in game tend to mean it happens.

I was more specifically talking about the use of they referring to people who are present with you. It's... somewhat like having someone talking about you as though you aren't there. Creates a sense of division. Ie, us new folks as compared to those slacker face guys that leave all these matters unresolved.
@cyl: My bad, I missed that bit. I'll tweak my earlier post a bit to give an answer and not wreak the flow of conversation.

EDIT: Done and done
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Feantari said:
Eh, just being weird today I guess. I don't like leaving things dangling either, but RL invasions and higher priority matters in game tend to mean it happens.
I was more specifically talking about the use of they referring to people who are present with you. It's... somewhat like having someone talking about you as though you aren't there. Creates a sense of division. Ie, us new folks as compared to those slacker face guys that leave all these matters unresolved.

"Another part of me wants to let them fester until they explode in our faces in a spectacular and hilarious manner."

"Eh, they've been doing that fairly regularly - see Big K. And losing whats-her-name, who was in love with Argis. There's actually a whole string of festering, exploding side quests."

The "they" in both of these sentences are plot threads, not people. And given one of the examples is actively Mirror's fault, I'm really having trouble seeing how leaving dangling plot threads to bite us in the back side is being dismissed as other people's problems.
OK. As some of you may have read in my status, my laptop charger burned out on Tuesday. It took me till today to get a new one. So I've been completely off the grid all week. I'm catching up on what I missed as fast as I can.

Yes, Flicker's mentor did say the elders of Ankss were probably overdue to reincarnate. He urged her not to judge Ankss too harshly -- the Solar Exalted failed in a big way -- but they're not just unfriendly, they've become rigid fundamentalists who believe that they and they alone among all DKs everywhere know the 'right' way to live and worship. To a Dragon King, that's a sign they've been in the same skin too long and need a fresh viewpoint.
So, basically we'd be doing them and the world a favor by killing them.

Compassion 3 Malek would have argued that if we give up on them, we might as well all swear an oath to take our own lives in a century or two... since we're going to end up the exact same way.

Compassion 2 Malek is going to point out he needs a new belt and a pair of boots ! > :)
Flicker would point out that death is different for Dragon Kings than for humans -- they maintain a clear sense of identity and partial memory from life to life, so dying is just going back and starting again. This is why they're so quick to deal out death in punishment: they don't view it as an end. It doesn't quite work the same way with us.

But yes, Flicker will agree that if in a hundred years we start thinking that all other Exalted everywhere are Doin' It Wrong and only we serve Sol and Luna properly...it might be time to pass our Exaltations along. We need to stay flexible, and to keep changing and growing, not get locked into stasis.
Still, I second Malek's choice for new leather boots and belt.

How would a DK like to see his old skin fashioned as garment?
Okay so admitting we have to kill them... we will also have to make them understand that they needed to be killed.

Else they're going to be pissed at us when they reincarnate.

Now that I think about it that is probably something the Widow was probably already working on... in her own twisted weird way.

Unless she was building her own special DK ghosts strike team.

I have so much love / hate for that chick.

She's really one of the greatest npc I've ever encountered.
xarvh said:
Still, I second Malek's choice for new leather boots and belt.
How would a DK like to see his old skin fashioned as garment?
That's a bad ass idea for an epic set of clothes collected over several reincarnations.

This is your third life... good, I was considering wearing leather pants this century. > :)
cyl said:
Else they're going to be pissed at us when they reincarnate.
By the time they get back to Ess 2 (if at all) you will be in the Ess 6-7 range.

You will have to be careful not to kill them by sneezing.
Also, it seems like at the very least Flicker and Mirror will be in Ankss.

Possibly the respective Mates, but I don't see the need unless you are going full-frontal.

We could open a Scene there already.

Do you guys need to move anything in parallel?

Siham? Argis? Kalak?
cyl said:
Okay so admitting we have to kill them... we will also have to make them understand that they needed to be killed.
Else they're going to be pissed at us when they reincarnate.
Eh, as xarvh said, by the time they have enough Essence to remember, they won't be a threat. And that's assuming we don't find their new incarnations first and properly indoctrin--er, educate them.

There's another thing that was probably in Eneg Erag's mind -- these guys killed an Exalt. And sent his head to his Circle. They did something that ensured a bunch of powerful Celestial Exalted would be lethally pissed at them and everyone with them. That was stupid and irresponsible. I mean, they put everyone in Ankss at risk with such a gratuitously bloody gesture.

Flicker made it pretty plain that there would be some kind of retaliation for that, and soon. From Eneg's point of view, this is the only pragmatic solution -- the wrath of the Exalted is as inevitable as hurricanes in autumn, so better to direct it at something.
Ok so the plan for Ankss is:

- go there

- scout a bit and spot the elders

- kill them discretely or publicly

- spare the young (if any) and rally them

What do we do about dem hoomans ?
Publicly. Flicker's mentor suggested challenging them to tlauauaniliztli, ritual combat, and playing on their pride and arrogance to make them accept. There's precedent for this: humans also took part in tlauauaniliztli, so they can't honestly complain we're usurping their customs. (They will, of course, but they'll have a lot less justification.)

Fighting them publicly also makes it harder for them to pull any tricks out of their sleeves, er, bracers. If they do have some kind of understanding with the Deathlords -- unlikely, but possible -- there's no telling what kind of backup they might have.

Finally, defeating them in open combat, with their lives and ours as the wager, will make it easier to win the respect of the rest, than if we just straight-up assassinated them.
Hmm good point.

So we go in, spot the elders, challenge them to some kind of "honorable duel", and all we need to do is win the fight(s) and kill the elders "respectfully".

I'm pretty sure they won't accept Mirror for being what she is, but since she's a reincarnation of someone they killed, that could probably pass.

Not sure about sorcery for Fangs though...

Also if we take the "socially acceptable" path, we might want to go with the two couples at least... just in case things go south.
I'd assumed Fangs and Mirror would stay together, but final call goes to Crazy Ivan!

Mirror will be happy to challenge, but she will be taking her cues from Flicker.
Trick question: what do we do if they argue a single Dragon King can't beat a celestial exalt and that the duel won't be honorable ?
Well, we could note that they're older and probably higher in Essence than we are. Flicker observed earlier that she would not like to try fighting her old sifu one-on-one. He could probably still kick her butt.

Also, we can play on their pride and sense of superiority. Who is really favored by the gods here, the unworthy Exalted or the righteous Dragon Kings?

Finally, Flicker, at least, would be willing to fight barehanded against a Dragon King with a daiklave, if that's what it took.
Oh you know Malek is going to fight unarmored and unarmed anyway. :tongue:

edit: oh now I think about that, I'm going to need a few weeks of free time to finish his training.

He's in no condition to fight a big ass DK at the moment.

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