[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Considering you guys have a huge cache of artifacts you didn't do anything about, no I'd say there is no queue for artifacts.

In fact, chances are you could find a nice First Age prosthetic there.
xarvh said:
Considering you guys have a huge cache of artifacts you didn't do anything about, no I'd say there is no queue for artifacts.
In fact, chances are you could find a nice First Age prosthetic there.
That sounded a lot like, pay xp receive bacon*...

I can put off the awareness charms to have the 15xp for 5 dot artifact prosthetic.

*Where bacon is life-threatening surgery and super cool prosthetic arm
xarvh said:
Jesus Flying Christ.
Fangs got 52xp in Crossroads, also thanks to three 3-dice stunts, which I am usually very stiff in giving.

Good job boys, quite a show.
Still need to get on the whole Cunning Fangs Staff of Crazy Sorceress Lady thing. And apparently spend my hoard of XP. Cunning Fangs sleeps on it, like a dragon.

...maybe I'll spend it on being able to turn into a Dragon.
Speaking of spending XP, I wondering what avenue I should go down next when spending my own now that I've more or less maxed out Craft. I feel like I have three options open to me:

Not so squishy: Invest in the not-dying horribly charms. Keyword immunities, 2/7 filter, flurry-breaker, etc.

Sage it up: Start putting stuff in to my other Twilight skills. Medicine and Investigation specifically. Maybe Occult and Sorcery if I can muster up the courage.

Become the Iron man: Same as Not so Squishy, but with an eye towards offense with Firearms Charms, maybe Solar Hero Style (depending on if Xarvh likes my rewrite)

I have one word for you.

Athletics !!!

You can't move worth a damn and for someone who can attack from a distance, I think that's just too bad.

It's not as bad as if you were a close combat fighter, but it deprives you of having enough mobility to stay out of dodge vs regular attacks (which means more exposure & possibly more motes spent on defending yourself) and tactical strikes.

The invisibility charm and its upgrade (stepping in between heartbeats IIRC) could also be something you want to invest in.

Some dots in War and an excellency could also be useful, considering the context & all...
When you said athletics, you reminded me of the artifact lab coat and glasses I've been tinkering with for Siham. Among it's many spiffy features is it's ability to fly~

I'll draw it up and run it past Xarvh. The basic idea is that of a stripped down/more academically oriented Celestial Battle Armor.
IIRC Kalak is the technosurgeon, and the one who should implant Argis' arm.

Still, Siham can definitely use medicine...
Xarvh, can I get your opinion on the Celestial Battle Armor? I'm looking at it's stats now and I feel somewhat underwhelmed for a "game changer" artifact 5 power armor. Do you think it's good enough for it's rating?
In a game the size of ours "game changer" stuff becomes less pretentious, but the devs went well beyond the definition long ago.

A battle armour is good for a fighter, not sure it is a good idea for Siham unless you really want to invest into fighting stuff, and usually hinders badly any non-combat use.

In general, battle armours are interesting because of their sub-systems, they do much more than adding stats here and there.

I think you need to get a better idea of what you want.

To be more combat survivable, you can definitely use Dodge and Stealth upgrades.

This is definitely very useful.

Then you have to decide if you want to improve your attack, or you prefer to Twilight up.
For me it's less "I want battle armor" and more "I'd like my artifact lab coat to have some self-defense features". Ideally some decent soak/hardness, plus a built in unarmed attack enhancer / ranged attack compatible with Firearms Charms.

After that, It's mostly going to be about enhancing the Twilight skills in interesting ways. Build in medicine synthesizers, scanners, databases, etc. Basically a PDA in the form of a lab coat.
Then a battle armour is not the best template.

I'll think about it, but start to write down your own ideas and requirements.

For 3 dots, I believe you can have a lab-coat that flies. That takes care of your mobility issues and solves a large chunk of defense issues.

Perfect Dodge + Infinite Mastery in Shooting Stuff will probably do most of your combat needs; add a Flurry Breaker to be safer. Of course, if you can fly, that also helps.

Mirror has Investigation 5, and the top of the Abyssal Investigation tree in charms. If you don't have a clear idea of what you want from Investigation, I'd say it's covered.

Medicine may be good, if you like the shtick, as we've lost WolfSamurai.

You've already put Stealth to great use; do you feel you want more?

You've got a lot of bases covered, so as others have said, it really is about where the character of Siham is interested in heading.
If I may, I think the defensive features of an artifact won't be of much use at this point in the game.

They won't help much against lesser threats, and they won't help at all vs powerful enemies.

Stick to the holy trinity: anti surprise - PD - flurry breaker and you should be fine as long as you're not alone.

We have to think about the devils we know (Void Heart - Legion - Words of Gentle Passing - the guys who took down HAM) and the ones we don't.

And we also have to think about ways to take those targets down.

Which brings me to my next point: Malek is naked like a worm now !

Could it be possible to have a panoply of God Kicking Boots and Smashfists having the same kind of anti crowd - incapacitating powers as the Foe Clearing Halberd ?

I see several applications of using this kind of power, both in regular and mass combat, and it could be the kind of jade stuff hanging in the cache for former DB lieutenants guarding Agatha's lair.

Or Siham could make them...

Also... I think it's time for Malek to go out and seek a spiritual mentor and go get some spirit charms and elemental bending (because... style ! :D ).

Perhaps the Three of Great Forks, although they have some pretty crappy charms... maybe Didee could be a "better" mentor.

Or Big K... when she's healed.

Where are we on that BTW :question:
Yup, artifact 4dot Panoply WotLA.

It does AoE kb & kd on top of a nice damage.

Perfect riot management tool, extremely useful in battle to carve a path through the front lines or sap an incoming attack, and can also be used in personal combat if the opponent isn't too big in the athletics department.

I'd tone it down to artifact 3 because of the reduction on damage... but 4 seems reasonable if it's for a complete sets of weapons.

Both also use Melee Charms (which are in my sight), the boots can be combined with the Flying Mantis Kick for devastating kick damage, and the fist can be used with clinches, making them the ideal weapons for someone who dabbles in Mantis Style.

My plan isn't completely formed yet, but I need to invest in several fields.

Namely: Melee, Resistance, perhaps dodge, dunno yet, and Athletics for Movement.
Grah, I did my math.

It's going to take everything I've got, and I can't afford anything else than finishing Mantis Style (such a waste of good xp to go get that final charm), getting Iron Skin Concentration, Bulwark Stance and essence 4.

And I still leave Integrity, Athletics, and everything else out.

Gods it's expensive to be a kick ass Martial Artist ! :confused:

So yeah... have to think this through... again...
It's expensive to be EVERYTHING.

I can't believe you considered spreading further on Melee.

You are leaving out just Medicine and Sail.
Also, I have received some requests for SMAs.

I honestly fear that they'd be game breaking, but haven't taken the time to study them properly.

And of course, what is available to the PCs would be available to the NPCs.

Before doing anything like that I want to listen to your opinions.
They are game breaking, but there are some rewrites floating around that are pretty good. I saved a few of them before the WW forum shut down, so I can post them here if you want.

As for Siham, i think I'll sit on the XP for a little while and mull over what to do. My endgame with him is to take over most, if not all of the East, so I need to plan things out with an eye towards that. Right now I'm just focusing on building infrastructure and jacking Cross' military and economy through the roof.
xarvh said:
Also, I have received some requests for SMAs.
I honestly fear that they'd be game breaking, but haven't taken the time to study them properly.

And of course, what is available to the PCs would be available to the NPCs.

Before doing anything like that I want to listen to your opinions.
They vacillate wildly between broken and utterly useless.

I'm of the mind to allow them. We've already got two characters with game-breaking ability, Siham with craft and Fangs with Imbue Amalgam if I bought it. The key is not to ban the breaking stuff, but to go "Yeah, dial that back a bit..." Most of the *really* broken stuff is based on rules lawyering and some really tortured logic anyway (Creation Breaking Kick and the like).

They should however be hella hard for a Solar to get - one does not just "pick up" a martial art that remakes Creation in the image of Heaven's will, and to do so without attracting Sidereal attention should be nigh impossible.

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