[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

...I have a mere 96 XP banked

xarvh said:
It's expensive to be EVERYTHING.
I can't believe you considered spreading further on Melee.

You are leaving out just Medicine and Sail.
Actually I did boost sail... when we needed faster boats to get food to counter for the Legion's embargo ! :D

Melee was an obvious choice.

The pinnacle charm from Mantis Style allows for scene long counterattacks but the way the system works, every counterattack you make reduces you DV by 1.

You face a guy who throws in extra attacks, Mantis Form will cancel the Onslaught Penalty, but your counterattacks will reduce your DV with each attack... so you hit back with not much certainty of actually touching your target (whose DV is not modified because extra actions charms), and on top of that it's progressively easier to hit you.

Same goes with multiple attackers... except Mantis Form doesn't do squat against them.

Bulwark Stance is the only known solar charm that allows you to stabilize your DV to its normal value for a whole action.

I've also considered Resistance to increase his durability... but it's the same problem.

It's rarely worth the 50xp needed to go there.

As for SMAs, siddies being already out there and probably using them... I don't see no problem with allowing access to them.

You being the ST you have the power to select which charms and styles are available and aren't, so it's not like you'll lose control over a player or a situation if you carefully let a few SMA charms slip through the cracks. And if it's too game breaking, you also have the power to rewrite them.

Plus not all SMA are great.

Some have big restrictions, and some are pretty useless unless you're in the right conditions.
Whether on the manual or nor, CAs should not decrease your DV.

I always played this way and I have no problems houseruling it if necessary.
So... about Ankss.

Fear not, I don't want to debate the relevance of CF&M going to town on them again, I would simply like to know stuff like:

What are you after ? the location, blood or perhaps both.

How do you feel like handling this ?

Is it a short term priority for you or can you postpone and help on "more pressing matters" ? (like the dying primordial & the undead screwing up the Scavenger Lands)

And eventually : can we compromise so that you guys get what you want and we don't lose potential kick ass allies / create kick ass enemies in the process ?

Malek being indebted and drawn to Fangs he'll likely offer his help, but he'll try the diplomatic approach first if you let him, considering that tactically, slaughtering or antagonizing them is counter productive.

Considering the fall of Lookshy and the coming invasions of the undead, they should listen if they know what's good for them.

And if they refuse we have other options:

- an uprising (yeah... Malek can form a military unit with the slaves) and anihilation.

- substitution: we kill the leader discretely and Malek replaces him for a while (with disguise charms) and reforms the entire colony from the inside.
I didn't specify, but obviously if you guys want to handle that on your own, then Malek won't interfere.

I'm just considering all angles and offering options.
From IC: Mirror's must-haves are 1) Berak's artifacts returned to her, as his rightful incarnation, 2) all other artifacts that belonged to her predecessors returned to her, and 3) control of her predecessor's manse.

She'd like a poetic sacrifice, of being able to beat the Dragon King leader and then sacrifice him to her gods, just as he did to Berak. While she wants this, she will negotiate.

OOC: Flicker is highly invested in the Dragon Kings, and has the unresolved issues of the eggs, and that she's been told these Dragon Kings are overdue for reincarnation. Mirror is perfectly willing to let Flicker handle things her own way -- as long as 1) Mirror obtains all artifacts of previous incarnations, and 2) those damn Dragon Kings stop squatting in her manse.

If Flicker fails, Mirror will return later and solve problems her own way, but she is giving Flicker first shot at handling the issue.

We've already waited a long time, and it would be hugely satisfying to close off this dangling set of plot threads. These DKs aren't going to negotiate until they're beaten, at which point we'll simply be settling the terms of their release.
Okay so she's mainly after what used to be hers.

Good to know... that, we can probably arrange.

Poetic sacrifice of a DK elder to the NB... heeeeh... that'd be pushing the envelope (although if she goes alone with Fangs, that's totally up to you).

I kind of remembered that "she's been told these Dragon Kings are overdue for reincarnation" part but I wasn't 100% sure about it... and I forgot everything about the context.

Was that coming from her mentor ? It'd a really weird speech for a DK in this age.

Awakened DKs are so fricking rare you'd assume they'd want to preserve them instead of greenlighting their asses for deathrow...

It's not really convenient... I was really planning on deploying them in the field.

The hatchlings are not going to be mature until a few years and I don't think we have that long to raise an anti undead army.

Failing to rally them would be such a pity and such a waste.
Mirror doesn't care, ultimately, what happens to the DK in Ankss. She wants her stuff back.

Mirror and Fangs are looking to Flicker, because she has stakes in what happens to the Dragon Kings of Ankss.

So really, I think the person to ask is Arynne. ;) How is Flicker going to handle this?

The one thing Mirror won't accept is another delay.
Well... we both have stakes technically. :tongue:

His longest incarnation was Scarlet Silence, a Night caste really close to the DK who kind of invented Shadow Hunter Style for them. (we decided that with Arynne when we were making the pcs)

We haven't had the time to go to Rathess with Malek & Flicker, but that's always been something we have wanted to do ever since the beginning.

Even though he did not start out with modern days connections, those alliances and proximity are part of his past, so bringing lost DK back into the fold is both thematically appropriate and part of the reason Malek couldn't remain indifferent to their fate (despite the fact that they truly are assholes).

He really valued their lives at the time of the monster thread.

But now he isn't driven by his Compassion anymore, he won't care too much if they live or die, and he's certainly not going to fight the couple on account of them since the DK killed a pal and Fangs & Mirror saved him.

He'd just prefer them to be on Cross's side rather than being the Circle's enemies or just dead.

So yeah, as you say, final word goes to Arynne.
Well, right now, the Cross is on the Ankss hate-list. They're not going to sign on to fight for the people who kidnapped their eggs/children. Giving back the children isn't going to be enough to make them neutral with the Cross. The amount of reparations the Cross would have to make in order to bring Ankss in as an ally isn't worth what they'd bring to the table.

That, and I can practically guarantee, we will make far better use of the resources they're squatting on and not using. Siham doesn't know it, but he has a lot of interest in helping Mirror recover her incarnation's property.

Flicker has the opportunity to make this far less bloody, from what Xarvh and Arynne have said, because she went and got guidance on how to properly challenge the Dragon Kings.

Besides. They are backwards and clinging to heresy. Flicker challenging them to get with the times is precisely what Exalts do. ;)
I'm with Kacie in that I'd like to resolve the plot threads centered on Cross (particularly Big K, The Behemoth and the Library for me) and I don't care one way or another about the Dragon Kings of Ankss. If we can resolve it peacefully, great! If not, burn them from the face of the earth and never look back.
As far as Fangs is concerned, Ankss not vanishing under a wave of green fire is a personal favor to Flicker.

They are not our friends. They are not useful tools. They killed her mate and risked his soul. They enslave human beings, and have sat idly while Creation crumbles around them.
Technically, they pretty much had his soul be dumped down Oblivion.

If I understand it correctly, Mirror and Berek share an Exaltation, not a soul.
xarvh said:
Technically, they pretty much had his soul be dumped down Oblivion.
If I understand it correctly, Mirror and Berek share an Exaltation, not a soul.
True. I meant his Exaltation. They did damn his soul.

Like I said, Green Fire is Fangs' preferred solution. Only a minor bloodbath is her being reasonable and generous.
Now that we're talking about it, there are a few things that bothered me for a while and just resurfaced.

1- it's actually strange they never came for the eggs... like really strange.

We stole their whole future and they haven't done a thing to get it back.

They did kill Walker and send us his head, but then they stopped right there.

That can only mean two things:

a) they don't "mind" the loss a few eggs because they have plenty in stock

b) they are stupid and/or suicidal

2- I never got around that whole thing they had going on with the Widow... and when that chick has a finger in something, it's never good news

3- it seems they have been around for quite a while, but how far back do they go and how have they survived so far ?

4- IIRC we found dead bodies of DK disposed in a really weird way, something that wasn't really normal for DKs.

JayTee said:
I'm with Kacie in that I'd like to resolve the plot threads centered on Cross (particularly Big K, The Behemoth and the Library for me) and I don't care one way or another about the Dragon Kings of Ankss. If we can resolve it peacefully, great! If not, burn them from the face of the earth and never look back.
That's because you weren't there when we got to that place the first time.

We were brought here following the Widow (the chick who stole the Notes from the guys who stole the notes from us) by her lunar mate (Hard as Mountain aka da hippo lady).

We pretty much dropped our investigations after we were told to - and I nearly quote - "fuck off" and since we were searching for the Notes and it was clear the Widow or the Notes weren't there, we left.

Only Walker (Norts' previous character) stayed behind... and as you know... it didn't end well for him.

In the big picture now, it may seem completely trivial, but I cannot help but feel that there's something we've missed there.

But could be I'm just my usual silly paranoid self ! :D
There's another possibility on why they haven't come for their eggs - they're afraid of the Cross's Exalted.
Part of me wants to make a list of all the sub-plots and side-quests scattered around so we can get to resolving them.

Another part of me wants to let them fester until they explode in our faces in a spectacular and hilarious manner.
Kacie said:
There's another possibility on why they haven't come for their eggs - they're afraid of the Cross's Exalted.
That doesn't make sense.

They wouldn't have sent Berek's head in a box if they feared us.

This the typical "back the fuck off or else..." kind of message; the kind you don't use it if you're not ready for a fight... unless you're "stupid"... or you want to die.

JayTee said:
Part of me wants to make a list of all the sub-plots and side-quests scattered around so we can get to resolving them.
Another part of me wants to let them fester until they explode in our faces in a spectacular and hilarious manner.
I've recently learned the price you pay when you overlook things.

Now I don't like loose ends.
ST... did you just name the current reunion thread after that dreaded SW movie I mentioned earlier ? :D
JayTee said:
Another part of me wants to let them fester until they explode in our faces in a spectacular and hilarious manner.
Eh, they've been doing that fairly regularly - see Big K. And losing whats-her-name, who was in love with Argis. There's actually a whole string of festering, exploding side quests.

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