[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Just a general reminder that I'll be leaving on the 8th for a trip to europe, and that I'll be gone until the 16th.
Going to see if the brain is in gear enough to get a real post out today.

@JayTee : I'm betting that the reason the slime-bloom grew geometrically after being exposed to the Behemoth samples is because the Behemoth meat is cancerous, ie, growth without restraint, shape, or care. Siham might be able to isolate that, but whether that's worth the test & risk is up to him.
The Slime Bloom didn't go crazy when exposed to the Behemoth, but when exposed to a frag from the skull of an undead that Siham collected.
That's ok. I was thinking the same thing at first. I had to re-read it a few times. Somehow the wires got crossed in my brain.
JayTee said:
Ouch, that sucks. Have you tried looking in to your area's renters rights? There's usually some good stuff there that'll help you out. Otherwise, good luck.
It's not so much a tenant's rights problem as the relentless march of rent increases that are the maximum allowable by law, and a buyout of our complex that meant our management company meant moving from "We're the lowest end complex in a luxury brand - seriously, we sometimes get notes sent to all residents about making sure your yacht is properly secured at the boat launch because a storm is coming" to "a company that as far as we can tell buys up properties, destroys their reputation and...well, who knows?"
JayTee said:
EDIT: By the way, @CrazyIvan, do you want Siham to retrofit your manse at all? With Design Beyond Limit, I can squeeze a fair bit of extra power out of it for you to use.
Way belated answer: We had been talking about a Fair Folk Funtime Portal or the like in the Manse. Beyond that, I can't think of much, but if you have ideas Fangs is always willing to hear Siham's schemes.
CrazyIvan said:
Way belated answer: We had been talking about a Fair Folk Funtime Portal or the like in the Manse. Beyond that, I can't think of much, but if you have ideas Fangs is always willing to hear Siham's schemes.
I'll do some thinking on it, but I wont be able to give you an answer any time soon. I'll be out of the country for a week or so after tomorrow.
Things have finally been set in stone as far as trip planning, this time tomorrow I'll be out of the country entirely. Hopefully the flight will go smoothly.
Enjoy old Europe jt.

We have to move this baby on.

I should be able to post ic in a few hours and force things forward.
Not sure what I can do with Malek right now in this scene... launching another rout effect perhaps ?
As a representative of both the handicapped and the ex POWs communities, Malek wants you to know that he is awfully vexed by your statement ! :D
Kacie must be one of the few that ever bothered to take the charm.

Too bad 'cause it's a cool one.
Hm. I'm not sure about this, but I believe only if this is the actual body of the nemissary will Corpse Questioning Technique work; the idea being that what the brain knew in life is still accessible after death, for a Deathknight. It fits with their shtick of prevailing over death. Thus someone murdering an informant to hide their tracks doesn't stop a Deathknight from getting that information.

Conversely, a nemissary is only "borrowing" the body, by possessing it.

Thus Mirror has to hope that the corpse she has knew something useful when it was alive, or she has to settle for pissing off a Nemissary (by capturing its host-body) just because she can.

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