[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

"Slammed" in this case means I'm under a lot of stress/tons of work. I expected the end of October to be hard, because we're losing the guy who really knows the ins and outs of what I need to learn to do (he needs to return to his original project) -- and it's a lot to learn in very little time.

The good news - my project lead, and his boss, were pleased to hear my progress and my counter-part's progress. Still a lot to do, but definitely on the right track, which means even though I'll be working this weekend again, I'm not feeling nearly so stressed/anxious. That and I might be starting to get the hang of C++. No celebratory dances yet - I'm still tripping over all kinds of errors - but for a change I feel like I'm starting to get things in hand and under control. :)

Now to capitalize on the rout Malek catalyzed!
Like Kacie, I'm a bit swamped at the moment - will try to get stuff going this weekend.

Also, I ordered the parts for a new PC. The case, power supply, CPU cooler and graphics card will arrive Wednesday. The CPU, motherboard and SSD will arrive tomorrow.

Unfortunately, those two packages went to two separate apartments, roughly 4 hours drive apart.

Bloody two-city living :\
It's impossible to get an hang of C++. 'Been using it for years. http://everborn.sourceforge.net/

If you can use it on your own terms, it's cool.

If you have to dig through other's code... I feel for you.

Then again, I'm a luddite that has been using the same old EEE with custom Linux for the past 4+ years.
You speak Truth, sir, as far as my humble skills can tell. C++ is ridiculously over-complicated. I silently weep and tear my hair each day, as I contemplate class reference passing calls to other classes and references.

Why, oh Lords of my Project, did you not choose to use Python with NumPy, or Python with Weave? Why choose this dread beast, C++, which dribbles streams of memory while it chews through algorithmic code? Which is nearly incomprehensible in its Declarations, such that even the initiated pause upon seeing another's code?

At least I've managed to kinda get the idea of how to read the type/class variable-name down.

Now if I could only understand why sometimes they pass references to class instances instead of pointers. *sob*

(Sorry for the over-dramatization. It's been that kind of month.)
So with the new XP gain, I now have enough to buy up to Design Beyond Limit, which is the last Craft Charm I absolutely want (the other three are more edge cases). @xarvh: Can I spend the XP to learn those charms?
I think I'm going to change Siham's motivation to "Make Cross the dominant superpower of the East".

EDIT: By the way, @CrazyIvan, do you want Siham to retrofit your manse at all? With Design Beyond Limit, I can squeeze a fair bit of extra power out of it for you to use.

EDIT2: The same offer is open to anyone else who has a manse
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@xarvh: Two questions for you: I know I mentioned earlier in the thread that one security measure in place was to detonate the facility. Would it be reasonable to assume that there are other, lesser security measures in place? Like sealing off the room and dousing the interior with napalm? As much as I enjoy the explosions of mad science, R&D is a bit of a priority at the moment.

Second, with Wyld Shaping Technique and access to the Wyld at my disposal, can I give everyone Resource 5, to represent a treasury that Siham has put together?
None of your facilities actually have such advanced systems.

A fully-fledged Genesis lab will have something like that a incineration chamber, but that's far from what you have now.

(As an aside, napalm would be under-optimal, because it's sticky but not plasma-hot).

Lemme check the manuals for Wyld-shaping tech.
From the top of my head, nuke the whole thing or throw it in the Wyld gate and shut it tight.
If I shove it all in to the Wyld gate, would the shifting nature of the Wyld ensure it never bothers us again?
The gate keeps the Wyld at bay. Ugly as it is, the GMO Bloom can't be worse than the Deep Wyld.
xarvh said:
The gate keeps the Wyld at bay. Ugly as it is, the GMO Bloom can't be worse than the Deep Wyld.
Unless it adapts and starts feeding off chaotic essence instead of necrotic essence...

Banishing it Elsewhere would be probably more efficient... if we had a way to send it there.
My reasoning is: the Gate connects to the Deep Wyld.

Whatever is there, is going to be (potentially, at times) much much worse than the Bloom, even the GMO one.

For the Gate to be any safe, it must be able to stop that.
By any chance, Xarvh, have you read the full saga of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind ? I'm reminded of certain scenes from there with the Bloom exploding in capacity.

Good job Siham! You've created explosively fast-growing/devouring Bloom that feeds on the living! I'm sure the Mask would give you an award if he could get a sample of it. Maybe clearing the living Behemoth cancer-flesh via flesh-eating genesis tech isn't such a good idea?

;) (Totally hilarious.)

The Lidless Eye is Mirror's anima banner, totemic. Talons clutch a lidless eye, while slits of teeth open on its surface, gibbering and wailing with the voices of all she's killed.
Yeah, the Slime bloom is all gone now. No way am I keeping that around. Hope the weaponized version of the bloom proves more stable.

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