[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

So, just a heads up: I'm going to europe the 5th through the 18th next month. Not sure if I'll be able to post or not, but I thought I would give you a warning.
It's a round trip. Arriving in Dublin, making our way towards London, then Paris before making our way back the same way we came. Probably no more than a few days in each place.
@xarvh -- stat block on the Azure Chariot (assuming that Fangs's spell is this one)


Speed:100/200 mph


Endurance:Until sunset

Crew:Only the sorcerer

Cargo: (Essence x 200) lbs., or 4 passengers


Health Levels:Ux15/Mx5/Cx3/Ix2/D


The fluff says four horses pull it, and refer to it as a carriage as well. And say it can only be summoned during the daylight hours.

Xarvh, I have 14 exp banked. I would like to buy up my MA, which is caste/favored - to go from 0 to 4 dots is 3+1+3+5 = 12 xp. I believe buying up caste/favored skills on the fly is okay? May I do this?
JayTee said:
It's a round trip. Arriving in Dublin, making our way towards London, then Paris before making our way back the same way we came. Probably no more than a few days in each place.
If you're in Paris, let's grab a beer together ! :)

JayTee said:
True, does anyone remember what it said last time? of if it was talking differently from how it's talking now? Siham would know this stuff, but coming in late, I don't.
It said robotic stuff like "non detected, reproduction ensues" when it met Walker (Norts's former character, Mirror's last incarnation).

And I think it communicated with Siham when Midboss was still in the game... but it was rather basic stuff too.

It's definitely alive and sentient, as we can expect the cancer meat beastie to be (have we tried to communicate with it in the past btw ?!), but it does only one thing; eat & convert death essence.

But it does that really well !
@cyl: I'd love to, but I doubt I'll have much free time. From what I've heard, the planning committee for the trip (My mom and my brother) have been pretty meticulous about ensuring we'll always have something to do.
No problem, just make sure you take the time to take a stroll freely while in Paris, it's like this city has a thousands different souls and atmospheres.

I hope you get sunny days, although it's still kind of an awesome city too when it rains. :)

If you need directions or advices, don't hesitate to send me a PM or something. :)
I just realized what shape would be super-handy right now for Fangs.

Kangaroo. Or any marsupial with a pocket big enough to stuff Malek into for the duration of the fight.

Xarvh, before I spend precious xp to up MA, if this tunnel is 3m wide, then shouldn't Mirror be able to use her scythe, but have a dice penalty due to the terrain?
At the very least you can use it as a blunt weapon and even block people from getting to us one way.

It's impractical, but between your strength and the fact that it's an arftifact... it's doable.

Also, I dunno if you have combat gloves / boots with your armor, but normally you can also use your melee charms with them.
You can't use the scythe while on a chariot, because the space would get crammed, but otherwise i don't want to penalize you.
I believe we can't fit the chariot in the tunnel anyways, so the upshot is the scythe should be fine as we walk/run along the tunnel, correct? (Just want to make sure I have the correct understanding.)
I am assuming that Siham knows for sure that 'Non' is the bloom's terminology for death essence. Correct?
Back by popular demand, Tama the flying turtle.

I had more fun than I should have writing Siham like that.
Crap... now I have to check back what I did with my stunts in this scene to see if I have enough motes and wp to clear us a path with my sweet sweet Mob Dispersing Rebuke charm.
There's always a way out. ;) The easy way (Mob Dispersing) or the hard way (cleave them all in half).
I think I like this "all bark and no bite necessary" thing Malek has going on.

No need to fight to restore Creation, he'll just have to shout loud and long enough to restore order.

Now he has to dig a well in every city to Mantis Flying Kick emissaries in it whenever he hears "this is madness..." > :)
Oh how I don't like the fact that Tirana's lending half breeds to another Lunar Elder... :confused:

Also, sorry about Shiana leaving... Bluehaven... that's rough !

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