[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

This has me grinning.
Of course it does :P

Creation is an unpleasant place. That's not crazy - that's unpleasant but effective, if you are operating in a setting that until recently didn't have bands of Do-Gooder Solars.

I never said she was Good. Just that I'm not convinced she's Crazy.
Killing an enemy makes sense.

Kidnapping a trespassing human and taking him prisoner for the rest of his life makes sense.

Killing a wandering solar, a lonely man and a dog... not so much.

The craziness is in the logic I think: "I have to protect my secret, even if I have to kill" which does not match the reality of things.

With everything she has gathered she's one of the most powerful force in the Scavenger Lands, there is practically nothing short of a Deathlord and his full might that can destroy Sanctuary considering the headcount (300DBs, 1 elder lunar, at least 3 young lunars)... it just does not make sense that she keeps on hiding and killing to preserve her secret, especially now that Lookshy has fallen.

With what she has, she can already seize and control most of the lands, even ours.

One of her allies told us that she minded the threats to Creation once... but so far... she hasn't done much... and the casualties of her desire for secrecy are rather counterproductive.

I mean... she got a solar killed dammit ! oO

I meant we haven't done anything to establish ourselves as a power even remotely a threat to her. I'm pretty sure Fangs could put together an argument about how this is super-silly because the Crosses Solar's are already tame to the point of being irrelevant.

With the exception of Siham, at this moment, she wouldn't be all that wrong either.
Then why is she pulling back and putting distance between Cross & Sanctuary ?
It makes no sense.

Unless it's a test to see if we're going to seek her favor and bend over a bit further... in which case Argis would be showing weakness going there... or strength if he said something like "stop with the blackmailing already woman, things have gotten so bad we have got to work as a team now !"
Feantari said:
Also, I do so want Rhapsody back.. :-/ (Not least of all for the chance at an arm :x )
Once I max out Craft, Medicine Charms are in my future. With Science of Mutation, I can get you an arm made of living Jade

EDIT: Actually, I could probably get you a new arm now with Craft Genesis
JayTee said:
Once I max out Craft, Medicine Charms are in my future. With Science of Mutation, I can get you an arm made of living Jade

EDIT: Actually, I could probably get you a new arm now with Craft Genesis
I am now imagining arms made of jade with the ability to form MA weapons and wings and all kinds of crazy... But really, it just feels weird practicing crane style with one arm. :-P
I seriously doubt Tirana showed up and personally killed the man, the dog, and the solar. She probably told her children to go wipe out the man who saw her, and in their zealousness to please mom, they killed every living thing. I also doubt she killed the solar herself - again, that can be laid to the over zealous beastmen DBs. That wandering solar was only very recently exalted, and as we saw, five MA trained DBs can overwhelm even an essence 4/5 solar (Kalak) who doesn't have the right set of charms to defend properly.

For all that, Tirana is limited in what she can hold safely. 300 DBs, 3 young lunars - impressive, but past a certain point, and all her power is personal. 300 isn't yet enough children to set her plan in motion. She doesn't want to risk her carefully selected children, product of centuries of work - especially before they hit critical mass for breeding.

Once their numbers are high enough, then she'll pour forth. But right now, she still doesn't feel she has enough to risk them in war - and being right under the nose of the Walker, she's understandably highly concerned with staying hidden.

All in all, that's very reasonable, and not at all crazy. She's playing the very long game.
I cannot help thinking of what Eneg Erag said about the elders of Ankss...that they are probably long overdue for reincarnation...

...they ain't the only ones...
Or perhaps I could start picking up the medicine charms now, in order to start filling holes? Given that all I really do right now is play Igor to Siham's Frankenstein, and blab about vaguely existential essence theory.

That and be a meat puppet for Fire Monks.
Your character, your call :) Although I think calling Kalek Siham's "Igor" is doing Kalek a disservice.
I seriously doubt Tirana showed up and personally killed the man, the dog, and the solar. She probably told her children to go wipe out the man who saw her, and in their zealousness to please mom, they killed every living thing. I also doubt she killed the solar herself - again, that can be laid to the over zealous beastmen DBs. That wandering solar was only very recently exalted, and as we saw, five MA trained DBs can overwhelm even an essence 4/5 solar (Kalak) who doesn't have the right set of charms to defend properly.
You seem to think that she has no control over her allies... that's not exactly something that has transpired during the game.

She commands, they obey is more like it (see Shiana's reactions).

They all accept the evil as necessary mostly because "mommy said so", but I am quite confident that she's the brains behind their brawn.

For all that, Tirana is limited in what she can hold safely. 300 DBs, 3 young lunars - impressive, but past a certain point, and all her power is personal. 300 isn't yet enough children to set her plan in motion. She doesn't want to risk her carefully selected children, product of centuries of work - especially before they hit critical mass for breeding.
I have a different appreciation of the situation.

That's not just impressive. That is probably the most powerful force this era knows just after Deathlords+Deathknights+warghosts.

She has 300 DB under her command... and those are "foot soldiers", led by a handful of celestials (I said 3 because we spoke with only 3-4 of them but IIRC it's closer to a dozen... I'll double check).

If we take your formula just her force has the potential to face 60 essence 4/5 solars in battle...

As it is, if all of Sanctuary was pitted against all existing abyssal in the field, Tirana and her crew would probably win.

Once their numbers are high enough, then she'll pour forth. But right now, she still doesn't feel she has enough to risk them in war - and being right under the nose of the Walker, she's understandably highly concerned with staying hidden.

All in all, that's very reasonable, and not at all crazy. She's playing the very long game.
The fact that she's playing the very long game only underlines her craziness IMHO.

It's not realistic.

I understand the desire to preserve her progeny and her project, but at the rate things are going with the world, her DBs are going to be inevitably overwhelmed by the numbers of the undead (who can also be essence users).

It takes decades to properly train a DB, but only an instant to kill someone and make sure he comes back as a zombie or a ghost... and there are already plenty of humans to turn.

As you said, it took her centuries to work on that project of hers... in the mean time the Mask took Thorns and Lookshy in a matter of years and even though he did not get there overnight, he has the fucking Juggernaut !

If her master plan for Sanctuary is to hide and do nothing while the East crumbles, Tirana is ultimately condemning her people and herself to failure.

And that is just crazy.
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Norts said:
Or perhaps I could start picking up the medicine charms now, in order to start filling holes? Given that all I really do right now is play Igor to Siham's Frankenstein, and blab about vaguely existential essence theory.
That and be a meat puppet for Fire Monks.
IIRC we lack an occult spiritual charms specialist.

Considering what they do and the kind of enemies we have, it could be a worthy investment too.

Having the whole package Spirit-Cutting Attack -> Ghost-Eating Technique -> Spirit-Repelling Diagram can only help us deal with spirits and ghosts more efficiently IMHO.

On another note... I've found out a nice Lore charm called Golden Savant's Largess in the GotMH, which reduces the mote cost for Power Awarding Prana from 15 to 5m per Delegate.

I think I'm going to go for essence 4 soon :D
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Will soon open a new Scene for Feantari and Arynne, but must go to bed now, am dying.

My apologies for letting your scenes drag, but you will be entertained.
Time to gear up for mass combat battle - I'm happy to wield the Death Badger again!

Plan should be to punch through the army in front of us as fast as we can, and then run for it, and hope the Labyrinth does its thing and starts sending different groups into reshapings of itself. We do not want to be caught between all four forces charging out of the openings.
If Xarvh says there's enough room to fly a chariot down a Labyrinth tunnel and go over/through the opposing army, hey, I'm all for that.

My mental picture was that these were tight corridors.

Xarvh, what's the layout? Is the chariot + fleeing a practical course? Or is the army blocking the way?

EDIT -- also, we may need Fangs on Counter-spell duty.
Well charging in with a chariot and Mirror swinging her favorite reaping tool makes sense... if we have enough room.

If not, well you can start the lawnmower because if we don't have enough room for a chariot, then they don't have enough room to overwhelm Mirror... and she's going to go through them like butter.
True, does anyone remember what it said last time? of if it was talking differently from how it's talking now? Siham would know this stuff, but coming in late, I don't.
@Arynne, @Feantari : your Scene's up!

@Kacie: the tunnels have circular section, 3m in diameter.

What's the Chariot's size and it manoeuvrability?

In any case, Mirror wouldn't have space to swing her R weapon.

You still don't have sight of the troops, but expect the Mask's elite lead by some powerful undead.

@JayTee: the speech patterns of the Bloom do not seem much different.

Also, @Feantari: how would you like to handle Shape of the Empire?

@WlfSamurai seems unresponsive.

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