[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Sorry for getting on your nerves, Feantari. Argis is a calm and thoughtful fellow, and will keep his head during the meeting. He survived Legion's attentions, too.
I'm going to be blunt in my questions, and not because I'm second guessing you, I'm curious about how you intend to rekindle the flame.

1) What is Tirana's interest in attacking the Walker ? Considering we don't know her to have tried anything against the undead up until now and that she wants to stay hidden, why would she would risk her guys to destroy the Walker ? What incentive do you plan on giving her ?

2) She already expressed her demands, while a late apology is better than no apology at all (you can probably explain that 5 exalts went away following the major essence incident and that it crippled your ability to meet her demands), we may have to go an extra mile or two to compensate for the delay, resuming our past unbalanced relationship.

Why would we want that ?

3) about what Cross has to offer. besides jade artifacts (which is equivalent to giving a potential enemy means to destroy us), training is not beyond her reach (she has lunar followers in her court and DBs), I don't think she's that much interested by trading conventional objects... and if she has no intentions of waging war vs the undead the Bloom is of no use to her... what then can Cross offer her ?
1) In the end, she's still a lunar, and we got a glimpse of her opinion on the death lords in her response to Mirror. As for incentive, if she needs one, Argis would like to set up the newly rejuvenated land as a place for Tirana to expand. If we can succeed with her making minimal effort in the background it both gives us some joint operations experience and sets her up with a place to expand that no one has to worry about moving people out of the way for.

2) because our old unbalanced relationship is better than being one wandering villager from war? Also because it's hard to make giant shifts in relations so we have to start somewhere.

3) I think that is a lot of assumptions that we haven't yet tested. Also Argis will try to leverage his bargaining and investigative talents to find the best offer.
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One other big thing to consider is river access. Cross has been getting some supplies by way of the river that flows through part of sanctuary.
1) I think that her reaction towards Mirror was more motivated by the fact that she is a deathknight, a creature of darkness, unworthy of trust, putting Sanctuary at risk potentially.

Deathknights are new in the world, even for old lunars... so they must be kind of afraid to witness their former mates and people they once knew or vaguely remember, returning that way.

That could also have been a pretext to bleed us bleed us some more.

But your take is interesting: once the Bloom is deployed she can claim lands from his realm and expand to the west.

There is one problem however...if she does expand to the West to Walker's lands, then she claims control of the upper part of the river, and will likely disrupt trade in that area if she keeps on being crazy-territorial.

Which goes against everyone's interests, including hers probably.

2) I'm trying to find the benefits of an alliance with Sanctuary now we are more stable.

She doesn't want war, which is a good sign because she could take us on and win right now, but she told us to stay away.

Access to the river is not as interesting now that we're moments away from rebuilding Mirunda and conquering Nathir.

Why not stay out of each other's way and avoid a relationship that will not be to our advantage in the long run ?

We arm her troops and what do we get in exchange... a few decades of being left alone before a thousands beastmen armed with the weapons we gave them come at our door ?

One other big thing to consider is river access. Cross has been getting some supplies by way of the river that flows through part of sanctuary.
The Legion disrupted that and as long as Walker's & Mask's knights are around, it's not safe to use that river.
Also as mentioned above, allowing Tirana to expand to the west will grant her further control of the River which sucks for us even more.

But...an Eclipse could probably persuade the local gods (River & Plains) to divert the river and modify its path so that it avoids Tirana's borders.

That way we'll only have to worry about the deathknights...:tongue:
Crap forgot 3)

Yeah some profiling could be useful... if you can make it to her.

IMHO, if you want to go there, bring some decent quantity of jade with you and present it as a first payment as our current condition did not allow us to get our hands on more than that at the moment (which is true).

A gesture of good faith to hope to gain access to Tirana.
Hmm, yeah, I mean she could go crazy-er.. but I have a hard time thinking she would try to control the river trade. Maybe she would, but creation isn't kind to monster stories and what not. I doubt she would risk exposure.
Feantari said:
Hmm, yeah, I mean she could go crazy-er.. but I have a hard time thinking she would try to control the river trade. Maybe she would, but creation isn't kind to monster stories and what not. I doubt she would risk exposure.
I don't think she would control the river trade, I think she would make it clear that this part of the river is hers and that no one is allowed in here.

Sink enough ships, kill enough men, let enough mutilated bodies flow downstream and then people will understand that using that part of the River is not good for your health and bad for business.

She doesn't risk exposure if she doesn't leave any witnesses alive... that's her MO.

Feantari said:
Worth noting that Argis has other benefits to think of as well. :-P
Ah but doesn't love always find a way ?

She's a terrestrial, teach her that charm of yours and you can keep in touch and have secret romantic meetings outside of Sanctuary... without breaking any rules in the name of Cross. ;)
On an unrelated note, I was going to have Flicker learn Hide-Toughening Essence, since it doesn't count as "armor", and then I found this picture:

Now I'm reconsidering Armor-Forming Technique. ;)
That image is causing me physical pain. Christ, what a terrible outfit.

On a side note, are we up river or down river from Sanctuary?
Get rid of the spikes on the midriff that'll stab in to her torso if she flexes even slightly, the neck thing that seems to completely prevent any sort of visual flexibility other than side to side, the spikes on the neck thing that'll stab her in the boobs, and the boob plate itself that'll crush her sternum of she falls down on her face, and i'll be happy.

The fact that it offers little to no protection is something I am willing to handwave aside due to Exalted Lunar magic.
Thanks JayTee! That armor was bugging me, too.

Ah, the search for Sensible Female Armor. Even the full plate stuff usually has highly defined breasts, which is - yeah. So very bad in so many ways.
Uh no... the river flows up north to meet with the big one and then go west to the sea.

At least that's how I read it.

But it would be much simpler to rearrange the land and leave enough water for Sanctuary to consume and fish, and at the same time get us a navigable route outside of Sanctuary.

Dunno why we did not think of that earlier...
@Kacie: This Tumblr page has some female armors that I can look at without feeling the need ask how much they charge for a lapdance. They still have the unholy boob-plate, but it's not as bad as most armors.

cyl said:
Uh no... the river flows up north to meet with the big one and then go west to the sea.
At least that's how I read it.

But it would be much simpler to rearrange the land and leave enough water for Sanctuary to consume and fish, and at the same time get us a navigable route outside of Sanctuary.

Dunno why we did not think of that earlier...
Oh, good. Time to shove part one of a two part poison in to the water and threaten blackmail with the second part unless she does what we want.
JayTee said:
Oh, good. Time to shove part one of a two part poison in to the water stream and threaten blackmail with the second part unless she does what we want.
*fingers in ears* lalalala I can't hear you

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