[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

So basically, Siham needs to get on building Crosses superweapon defense system, and maybe also build a robot army to invade and take over Sanctuary to get his artifacts back.

Good to know.
I don't think we traded much stuff from Agatha's cache... IIRC Malek stole some of them and we got a free daiklave from a dead body.

Your collection should be intact.
It's the principle of the thing.

Plus I just want to build a robot army and use them to annex a country. Might as well be one who we already have a mutual hate-boner with.
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She's not a bad guy like Walker in the Darkness or Mask of Winters are.

She's dangerous because she's insane, but if we leave her alone and treat her respectfully, while doing everything we can to undermine her development, perhaps we can avoid a war that will effectively weaken that patch of land we're both occupying.
We only traded the one daiklave, which was taken from the dead body of a DB from Great Forks (who was sent by Zenjo Asada to help with issues, and whom Legion murdered along with his army).
Fair enough. I can put operation "Annex Sanctuary" on the back burner for now.

My end game goal for Siham is to turn Cross in to the dominant superpower of The East, so it will happen eventually, just not right away.
Since we don't know what her endgame is, we can only assume that it's her aim too.

So we'll be competitors for the title inevitably.

But she has the upper hand with:

- 1 old as fuck Lunar

- a few younger lunars

- 300+ Dragon Blooded beastmen

If they get pissed at us or feel we're a threat to their development in the East... then we're going to have one hell of a war.

So yeah... work your magic and give us means to compete with that... and the "diplomats" will try to make sure that hostilities don't begin right away.

Tirana is more like the enemy we'll have to deal with in half a century or so, but at the rate things are going with the Deathlords n all... none of us will be there in 10 years :D
That's the idea mate.

But it isn't that easy to accomplish.

She won't go to them, because it goes against her discretion thing she's got going on and they won't go to her because they don't know she's there.

Unless... unless the NB already learned about Sanctuary through Mirror... that would change things a bit.

But even then... I don't trust Tirana not to seal whatever crappy deal the Walker or the Mask can offer her in order to preserve Sanctuary.
So... What if Argis were to offer to arm sanctuary with the bloom? Both protection and weapon, and doesn't hurt us at all.
And that's why Flicker probably should come after all, I just realized. Siham's content to play Mad Scientist in his lab, Fangs has retreated to become the Witch of the Dark Woods, Rhapsody's more of a priestess-cum-social worker, and Malek's in enemy hands. For the moment, Flickering Claw is the Celestial-in-charge at the Cross, and she can argue that she's done as much, if not more, than anyone to shape and defend it. Lunars frequently nibble off bits of each others' turf, but simply wiping out another Lunar's kingdom is very bad form. Flicker may not know much about the Silver Pact, but that part I'm sure she understands. And she's seen for herself that Tirana's attitude towards fellow Lunars is...different.
Please notice that you don't have control of the Bloom.

It seems to have appeared out of the blue after Mirunda's fall, and spread randomly since.
xarvh said:
Please notice that you don't have control of the Bloom.
It seems to have appeared out of the blue after Mirunda's fall, and spread randomly since.
Sure but if we develope a weaponized version that isn't nothing. Argis's whole plan hinges on trusting that Siham and Kalak can make it happen.
I like the idea of witnessing a field test.

But only after we've witnessed the first field test to make sure it's impressive.

Step 1: weaponize the Bloom and make sure it works

Step 2: send a messenger spell / charm to Tirana to invite her or her representative to enjoy a show

Step 3: kiss & make up


My main concern is communication with Sanctuary.

Shiana chose her words carefully I think in order to "protect us / Argis".

When she used "any trespassing" + "act of war", I don't think she was overstating the risk any of us would take coming back to Sanctuary.

Her guys skinned that lonely guy and his dog and did god knows what to poor Callen (the first Zenith we had in this game whose blade still hangs at the belt of one of Tirana's boys).

If she wants "privacy" and we want to earn her "trust" back, perhaps it would be best to to respect her desire and work around that "physical intrusion" problem don't you think ?
FFS people Argis isn't going to be trespassing. We're escorting her kids back to the border. Argis also requested to meet at said border to discuss mutual enemies.
Didn't mean to imply that you don't know what you're doing... but I really don't trust Tirana and her court not to bend the rules and the borders just to find excuses to get rid of Argis.

I can totally see things going down like this:

- Our territory expanded, you're now in violation of our frontiers and thus have committed an act of war !

- wait what ? but I'm 10 miles from the defined borders we established last time

- yes but since then we have expanded...

- but... you never told us anything about that

- we would have if you had paid your tribute... but since you broke our discretion agreement, we are no longer allies and this information does not concern you anymore.

I'll give you a few moments to make peace with your gods now, before I rip your spine off your body with my bare hands

But again, this game has made me completely paranoid :D
cyl said:
I'll give you a few moments to make peace with your gods now, before I rip your spine off your body with my bare hands

But again, this game has made me completely paranoid :D
Yet more reason for Flicker to come along, I suppose. *eyeroll* Maybe Siham could make everybody armor with extra reinforcement over the spine. ;)
Honestly, I don't care. If she goes that route it's an irrevocable step and something worth knowing. I think we can get out if she tries something, and I also think there is more to be discussed with her. It's not going to solve all the problems, but we can't give up on this relationship without making a battle plan. And that's not a battle we would win.

It would only cripple cross with more paralyzing fear. I'm pretty sick of that, and I think most of the PCs are as well. If we want to get anything done we have to start doing things. It doesn't mean we throw caution to the wind, but it does mean doing things about which the outcome is uncertain. And as far as risky actions go there are plenty more risky actions that have been taken. I'd prefer not to have to justify this decision and just wait for the ST to do his thing. I don't mind talking about negotiation strategies and what not, but you guys don't need to throw caveats on everything for my benefit.
Let's talk strategy then. :)

What do you want with Tirana and how do you plan on obtaining that ?
Couple objectives, not unlinked necessarily

1) Attack on Walker/spreading the Bloom

Ideal: The attack against Walker's domain is a joint military op

Goal: The attack against Walker's domain is executed with Tirana's support from the waterways to safeguard retreat and help ensure secrecy

Possible things less than that: Observe the operation as a demonstration of the Bloom weapon (tricky as it is the first use), Tirana not fucking with the operation and just generally explaining why there are 3 ships loaded with troops moving in the area

2) Improved Relations

Ideal: Reinstate the ambassadors to Cross and old agreements

Goal: Regular Discussions

What Cross has to offer:

Apology and explanation that Mirror and Fangs are elsewhere (that last part is not really intel I want Tirana to have)


Trade (Food and Artifacts seem to be most important to Tirana)

Bloom tech (possible future thing)

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