[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

2dots Compassion Malek approves... but we have to be careful about screwing with the elements... we wouldn't want to piss the river god off especially if we want to use his river for trading and military purposes.

Negotiating a diversion of the flow seems more efficient and it's completely doable (Domain Manipulation Scenario is essence 2-3).

Heck I could even charm the spirit, to learn the spirit charm and manipulate the river myself.

Which reminds me... why oh why haven't I already learned that frickin charm from Didee for Cross ? :mad:
@cyl: Cross is ours, as is everything within our immediate influence. Don't ask the river god for permission, tell him this is what's going to happen and that he has to deal with it.

@Feantari: Ah, that makes more sense than what I originally thought.
JayTee said:
@cyl: Cross is ours, as is everything within our immediate influence. Don't ask the river god for permission, tell him this is what's going to happen and that he has to deal with it.
Not a bad point actually. I imagine most self aware spirits would have taken note of Didee's fall and rise with Cross.
That, and we're Exalted. By default Creation is ours to do with as we see fit. So says the Unconquered Sun.
Well, the one thing about that armor is that it actually looks made from bone...

Is it ironic or just funny that Flicker now has more Compassion than Malek?
Feantari said:
Not a bad point actually. I imagine most self aware spirits would have taken note of Didee's fall and rise with Cross.
I wouldn't be much of an Eclipse if I didn't start negotiate.

The point of solars is to bind Creation back together under our supervision (I know Fangs is already biting her nails and sharpening her claws).

We help the gods and in return they help us. If they don't want to help, then we make them help us. > :)

Arynne said:
Is it ironic or just funny that Flicker now has more Compassion than Malek?
The Irony is that soon he'll love Fangs more than her... and Fangs may very well want to be the only one he loves, just to keep him under control :confused:
I'm really looking forward to building my factory cathedral.

/recently did some crafting time number crunching
@Feantari: Yes, Shiana knows Wind Carried Words Technique.

@JayTee: I'm a big fan myself of WFiRA ^_^

If I can get my shit together I'll be updating tonight, otherwise Sunday (oz time).
cyl said:
3) about what Cross has to offer. besides jade artifacts (which is equivalent to giving a potential enemy means to destroy us), training is not beyond her reach (she has lunar followers in her court and DBs), I don't think she's that much interested by trading conventional objects... and if she has no intentions of waging war vs the undead the Bloom is of no use to her... what then can Cross offer her ?
Cunning Fangs. In all seriousness, it did work once - it may work again. While their relationship is still strained at the moment, Tirana is defined by her Lunarness, and part of that is mentorship. This can still be partially recast, to use a Malek-esq image of Fangs, as a tiff between a mentor and her wayward charge, who is a touch impulsive and more than a little besotted with her mate. Heck, you can play to her arrogance with this as well - she can't really blame Malek for this, because Malek's an idiot who doesn't know better (keeping with Cunning Fangs' 'lie by telling the truth' plan - Malek *didn't* know she'd flip out). Or suggest that this is making the Solars doubt Fangs' steering advice - something she likely won't like.

But Fangs wasn't convinced Tirana was wrong when she left, and she still isn't. There's still opportunity there if Tirana sees it - both to bring a second powerful Lunar into the fold, and to avoid being hemmed in by another powerful foe.

This of course assumes she isn't crazy, but I don't actually think she is - not in the 'Who knows what she'll do!?' insanity sense. She feels more..."Hard Lunars making Hard Choices"...and right now she has no real reason to fear the Cross. We haven't done anything.

JayTee said:
That, and we're Exalted. By default Creation is ours to do with as we see fit. So says the Unconquered Sun.
So said the Unconquered Sun. Then he turned his back on you lot. That has had legal consequences in Creation. For example, 'Irritating a Solar' is no longer an offense as far as the Hidden Judges are concerned. Fangs is still trying to figure out if being a Creature of Darkness is inherently a crime.
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Cunning Fangs. In all seriousness, it did work once - it may work again. While their relationship is still strained at the moment, Tirana is defined by her Lunarness, and part of that is mentorship. This can still be partially recast, to use a Malek-esq image of Fangs, as a tiff between a mentor and her wayward charge, who is a touch impulsive and more than a little besotted with her mate.
I had a shiver crawling up my spine imagining Fangs handing me over to Tirana.

"Take him, he's broken toy now but if you fix him, him can become your favorite gun !" :D

This of course assumes she isn't crazy, but I don't actually think she is - not in the 'Who knows what she'll do!?' insanity sense. She feels more..."Hard Lunars making Hard Choices"...and right now she has no real reason to fear the Cross. We haven't done anything.
I can imagine a reasoning like this "Cross knows about Sanctuary. Every one that knows about Sanctuary is a threat. Therefore Cross is a threat."

Also, she murders people and animals and expose their corpses as warning signs... that's not a hard choice, that's just lunacy.

If we hadn't moved those farmers, I bet they would have replenished their meat stock with them and made a hundred years reserve of toothpicks with their bones.

We have done something to upset her (we brought Mirror), and the repercussion is her telling us to back the fuck off for good.

She has no reason to do that unless she expects:

- an apology from the ones that brought Mirror (Malek & Flicker IIRC)

- "just" compensation as she requested

- us not doing anything and then using that to hunt us down

It goes against her best interests to take her distances from us... so far we were pretty useful to her, we brought jade in, taught a few people about our way of life, limited Sanctuary's exposure during its expansion... we could have done more and she could have used us as a "cover" to conquer more land despite that "breach of contract".

It doesn't make any sense to pull her chips back now.
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@Feantari: there's another angle you can probably play on.

Mirror remembered stuff from Walker's life... we have all heard her during the Monster Thread / Council scene.

So she would eventually have remembered about Sanctuary since IIRC Waker knew about it.

Since all celestials die and remember their past lives too, the moment we knew about it... Sanctuary was exposed anyway.

@xarvh : how much did Malek spit out on Sanctuary to Words ?
cyl said:
@xarvh : how much did Malek spit out on Sanctuary to Words ?
Good grief, you're lucky you weren't under the sanctified Oath of Heaven when Words had you.

More proof that you never want to bind yourself under an Oath.
CrazyIvan said:
So said the Unconquered Sun. Then he turned his back on you lot. That has had legal consequences in Creation. For example, 'Irritating a Solar' is no longer an offense as far as the Hidden Judges are concerned. Fangs is still trying to figure out if being a Creature of Darkness is inherently a crime.
Technically correct (the best kind of correct!) The Unconquered Sun did turn his face from the Solars, causing a drop in Solar popularity and an increase in a God's unwillingness to work with Solars. However, he did not withdraw rulership of Creation from them.
cyl said:
@Feantari: there's another angle you can probably play on.
Mirror remembered stuff from Walker's life... we have all heard her during the Monster Thread / Council scene.

So she would eventually have remembered about Sanctuary since IIRC Waker knew about it.

Since all celestials die and remember their past lives too, the moment we knew about it... Sanctuary was exposed anyway.
I'm still pretty sure invoking 'Lunar' will work better than 'This was inevitable'. One continues to at least try to contain the situation, the other is an invitation for a Lilith-wide continual wiping us off the map.
cyl said:
I had a shiver crawling up my spine imagining Fangs handing me over to Tirana.
"Take him, he's broken toy now but if you fix him, him can become your favorite gun !" :D
This has me grinning.

Also, she murders people and animals and expose their corpses as warning signs... that's not a hard choice, that's just lunacy.
If we hadn't moved those farmers, I bet they would have replenished their meat stock with them and made a hundred years reserve of toothpicks with their bones.
Creation is an unpleasant place. That's not crazy - that's unpleasant but effective, if you are operating in a setting that until recently didn't have bands of Do-Gooder Solars.

I never said she was Good. Just that I'm not convinced she's Crazy.

We have done something to upset her (we brought Mirror), and the repercussion is her telling us to back the fuck off for good.
I meant we haven't done anything to establish ourselves as a power even remotely a threat to her. I'm pretty sure Fangs could put together an argument about how this is super-silly because the Crosses Solar's are already tame to the point of being irrelevant.
With the exception of Siham, at this moment, she wouldn't be all that wrong either.
If Argis had the social chops for it I might have been crazy enough trying to renegotiate with her whilst making her forget the incident with Mirror. However because of the way the charm works (they realize what happened after the fact), it would be not so great an idea. Without Malek around to provide some sort of protection via oath well.. I'm not that crazy yet.
CrazyIvan said:
I meant we haven't done anything to establish ourselves as a power even remotely a threat to her. I'm pretty sure Fangs could put together an argument about how this is super-silly because the Crosses Solar's are already tame to the point of being irrelevant.

With the exception of Siham, at this moment, she wouldn't be all that wrong either.
Wait, what?

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