[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

@cyl: If I go with the army of super soldiers, keep in mind that these will literally be home grown soldiers. Social conditioning during their growing phase will obviously include an unbreakable intimacy of loyalty towards Siham. (I would do Cross, but intimacies towards people have more of an impact than intimacies towards organizations or ideas. See: Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Ronald Reagan, JF Kennedy, Queen Elizabeth etc)

In this case, the "heavy hitters" would be the Exalts themselves, or at least until I build the platoon of semi-autonomous warstriders.

Plus, if Fangs is willing to cooperate with Siham, we could make sure that roughly 5-10% of those troops also know Terrestrial Sorcery. Terrestrial Martial Arts as well if Argis is willing to train the first batch. That, combined with all the genesis and magitech I'm throwing at them, will make them very formidable.
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I like Orbital Death Lasers myself, and after that, the heavy robotic warstriders.

Gengineering super soldiers right away seems like it would have the other people of the Cross very uneasy.

How's about that information relay, JayTee? We are woefully low on intel and ways of rapid communication.
I think it was Cyl who was working on an information relay. I certainly don't mind Siham lending a hand to that project, if that's what you mean.
Nope, you only earn them when you do something to improve the dominion (and can actively use it).
It's a pretty good deal, it really gives a good incentive to work on the dominion, and since you have already done something for the community, you don't have to feel bad about increasing your personal power using them :)
cyl said:
Now that I think about it, does Mirror have her own network of ghostly contacts ?
Nope. I figured they wouldn't last what with the Bloom. If she ever ends up working outside of the Bloom-tainted area for a significant time, she'd attempt to piece a shadow court together, so to speak, but she hasn't been in one place longer than a few weeks in game (at Fangs's manse).
We still don't know how the Bloom interacts with the Underworld so far IIRC.

We just know that it digests death essence and can turn it into Creation essence, destroying ghosts and claiming back shadowlands.

Huh... now that I think about it, it would be interesting to see what Mirunda looks like in the Underworld and that should teach us something more about the Bloom.

Has the contamination spread ? Did it simply shut the door ? Is there now a hole or blank spot of nothingness in the pattern of the Underworld where Mirunda used to be ?

At one point we could start thinking about planting a Bloom chemical bomb in the heart of the Labyrinth to slow down the Neverborn.

"You wanted to be consumed and cease to exist ? well we'll making your dreams come true... I know I know, no need to thank us !" > :)
In case you aren't following of Love and War, Argis is gathering folks to go negotiate with Tirana. I think the only others available at the moment are Flicker, Kalak, and Siham, but if you guys want to join in let me know.
Also: do you plan on going there with Argis ?

You know there is a good chance you may not come back from that trip... > :)
Argis at least has a PD :-P, but yeah its a risk I plan on taking. The plan is to meet them on the border rather than barge in and violate the latest demands. Dangerous definitely, but nothing risked nothing gained and all that. I think it is far far more dangerous in the long run to let someone like Tirana be a cemented enemy. She still has a lot of terrestrial power at her disposal, as well as a few powerful lunars.
So I have 1 vote for a super army (@Arynne), one vote for the orbital Deathray (@Kacie) and one vote for "both" (@cyl) which technically isn't an option considering how there are three choices, but I'll count that as a vote for the Warstrider plan.

Anyone else want to weigh in on this?
I think super soldiers definitely could cause societal issues. Any natural split like that. Plus if you are worried they aren't stable then you might want to keep them separate from the population... it gets tricky. Its much along the lines of Tirana's project if you think about it. She's looking at a future with just her DB beastmen because (she thinks, not completely unreasonably) that there are issues with them and mortals. And if you didn't just keep a limited experiment would you then essentially create a giant scale genetic manipulation and breeding program? Do you then have factional issues based on family lines or specialist groups? Or maybe you just do it all sneaky like and subtly enough that it never creates large differences within the population..

Or maybe you are thinking something not at all like this. :-P

I think you are playing the twilight and your doom is in your own hands you can do what you think is fitting.
Long term, I plan to make sure that the majority of the mutations I'm shoving in to my supersoldiers are available to the rest of the population via some kind of super solider soda (alliteration for the win). The magitech cybernetics I'm slapping on them will be military only.

But, doing some number crunching, I think it might actually be faster for me to build the deathray first, the platoon of autonomous warstriders second, and the army last.

The deathray is basically just a 5 dot artifact gun. It flies, senses essence, and can send information to a PDA and request permission to attack unknown or clearly hostile essence signatures, but at the end of the day, it's just a 5 dot artifact. With Wyld Shaping Technique + Craftsmen Needs No Tools + the Gateway to the Wyld, I can whip one up in a few weeks

The Warstrider platoon is basically just a series of 4 dot artifacts that I can crunch out in a few months, using the same combination. Faster, if I can get that charm that reduces the time and successes needed when crafting one artifact multiple times.

The army will require hefty investment, however. Not only do I have to get the genesis lab up and fully functional in order to grow them, I also need to set up a training program that also includes social conditioning to ensure their loyalty, as well as a factory cathedral to provide them with the weapons and tools they'll be using.

All in all, it seems like the best option to secure cross from hostile forces is to go Deathray --> Warstrider platoon --> Super army.

Plus any side projects that anyone has for me, like anti-undead stuff or whatever :tongue:
What's the point of being a mad scientist in a nation building game if you can't make your entire population just as superhuman as you are? :D
@JayTee How about essence detectors first (simple and oh so vital for non military purposes) -> Warstriders platoon (any martial artist can punch people into enlightenment) -> more training programs for human based (but enlightened) soldiers... and then, when we're the mad kings of the mountain super soldiers ?

@Feantari IMHO Tirana cannot become our enemy as long as the Mask of Winters and the Walker in the Darkness are in the picture.

She's probably crazy, as old lunars are, but she's far from being stupid.

She knows she can't compete with Deathlords even if she has hundreds of Terrestrial mutants and a few celestials at her disposal.

They simply cannot take the Juggernaut on and win. She must know that, unless she's completely delusional... and if so she's already a lost cause.

But considering how she tried to exploit our past mistakes to her own advantage, I'd say she's not that kind of crazy.

And if she's not ready to realize that, then we need to do something to pit her against the Deathlords.

We just need the right kind of push... like a wandering Deathknight we're hunting down and pushing towards Sanctuary... it's not our fault if the Legion crossed the line.

(the only problem being the Legion has some sort of a jetpack...)
Yeah, that's the general tack of the discussion I want to have with her. But as for the push, if xarvh doesn't have something planned Argis is going to try to get them to join in his mission to spread the bloom in the Walker's territory with the pay off for her being a new place to expand with no residents and a plenty scary enough reputation already in place.

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