[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Had to put the old family dog down yesterday so I'm going to lay off that discussion and possibly the forum for a few days.
@Kacie Hoping that there is enough to enjoy, but a bit of a trial period type mind set is probably not a bad approach. If you are otherwise inclined to enjoy the game... I heard there were some baby dinos. And maybe other openings for new/different characters. Coming in as an Abyssal certainly makes it harder imo. You can maybe get Norts's opinion on that.

@cyl sorry to hear that. Too many dog troubles up in this group. :(
Dog was spotted. Which is good because we weren't really sure how long to hope, but it means I'll probably be wandering open spaces for a few days or until we find her so.. may be MIA.
All of you have been STs.

Two Ess 4 PCs of yours randomly enter a Deathlord's inner lair, without a clear idea of what they will find nor why they are there.

What is the outcome you expect?

Mind you, this is not a rethorical question.

Will the Mask avoid or confront them?

If the latter, will he kill them or manipulate them?

How many of these options are acceptable for the players?

@Kacie: you mention that it took months of RL game to get inside the Mask's lair.

You didn't like the part inside Thorns or inisde the Labyrinth? Were they frustrating?

Did you get your ass kicked?

Was it too easy? Too hard? Too long?

What should be easier, to enter a DL's lair or to leave?

Did you wanted to skip all of that and open a Scene directly with Mirror talking with the Mask?

Again, those are notrethorical questions.

I told you already that you can kill Malek (and there is a good rationale for doing so) or free him with B damage.

Why Malek being there is still an issue, escapes me.

Killing Words of Gentle Passing would have provided no intel whatsoever.

The only reason that WGP is still alive is because the Abyssal's flurry breaker works differently than the Solar's and I didn't know until I checked.

WGP almost never leaves Juggernaut and was found in the Mask's lair only because of Malek.

You met WGP only because you also met Malek.


My RL is becoming too much to handle, my mood is plummeting again and probably I'm just out of ideas for the game.

I honestly don't know how to handle the situation, nor the game or whatever: if Kacie stays I will be under pressure, if Kacie leaves it will suck..

Fuck, I'll be under pressure regardless.

STing used to be the only thing I had confidence about and now fuck it.

Ok, now I really have better to stop writing.
What is the outcome you expect?
Whatever I planned it to be in the first place, unless the PCs do something about it.

From my end, you have nothing to feel bad about as a ST.

Malek got captured, he's being tortured and manipulated by WoGP as he should be.

Fangs & Mirror, on the other hand, did not get here by chance, they were sent to Mask's lair by Charon.

So either Charon is working with the Mask, or he isn't. Whatever his reasoning is, he meant for them to enter this place, and so they did and found Malek chained to the MoCP.

The fact that only WoGP showed up when he did may be an indication that whatever Charon intended the couple to do, it had nothing to do with Mask's plans, because if Malek was the bait, then where's the rest of the trap ?

WoGP alone couldn't have stood a chance against Mirror + Fangs, so if there's no one else around, I'd say Charon wasn't working with the Deathlord... or at least not with the Mask.

As a ST I recommend the following: talk privately with Kacie about her expectations with this character, take good note of what she wants, and then try to weave something so she can enjoy the story and the game.

It's true that she has had it rough ever since the beginning and, even though most of it was not even her fault, the result of her presence up until now may indeed be viewed as a degradation of the global situation.

Something that weighs heavy on a player's mind, especially when she doesn't understand why it keeps happening to her.

Nothing has been easy for any of our PCs, but Mirror is kind of the black sheep of the family right now, and Kacie probably never meant for her to be that way.

I think it's kind of cool regardless, because that way we can all test how tolerant our pcs are regarding her... but at the same time, I can understand why Kacie wants to feel like winning.

Also as an ST, I have this advice to the players: next time anyone has a problem of that magnitude, don't express it directly in the OOC, that stuff always puts the ST in a difficult position.

I'm not saying what Kacie did was rude or anything, but STing this kind of game is very complex, extremely challenging, and puts a lot of pressure on the ST.

Having a player expressing discomfort privately is much more manageable as a ST than having several people taking sides and arguing about the way you handle your game.

Xarvh is wise and patient enough to listen to what you have to say and understand what you need. (trust me on that patient part, I often try him > :) )
A goodly part of this is my fault, for having very different expectations than the GMs, and then not handling it well.

For what it's worth after the fact, I'm sorry, Xarvh. I see this as a clash of expectations, and that's something that's hard to communicate. I only truly realized how different our views were once all this happened.

I also apologize to everyone, for having this out in OOC instead of a PM. This started OOC, and got out of hand in OOC, and disrupted the game. I'm sorry for having let my temper get the best of me.

First - Xarvh, you're a good GM. If I hadn't cared about the game, I wouldn't have been upset. Take heart.

Normally, killing someone doesn't provide any intel -- unless you're an Abyssal with the pinnacle Investigation Charm, in which case shooting first and asking questions later is the *best* thing you can do. Mirror has this charm. She bought it in the break while resting at Fangs's manse, prior to meeting with Argis. The charm allows you to ask questions of a corpse for a scene, the corpse tells the truth and nothing but to the best of their intelligence. You don't need the full corpse, you can eat part of them and gain the answers mentally. The Int of the corpse does decay over weeks, unless preservation is done.

Thus killing Words and interrogating his corpse would have been a huge boon - the best source of intelligence we could have had short of the Mask or his liches.

This is my fault. I wanted to spring a "wow" moment and surprise people, and thus didn't post what I wanted to do and why I could do it. This is why I cared so badly about taking down Words - not only would it be revenge for Malek, and gaining the Ring of Non, but we'd also finally have a real idea of what the Mask's military strategy was. Details could be hand-waved; if we knew his general strategy, and general deployment, we'd be able to proactively attack/ambush for once. Getting that intel from Words's corpse was my primary objective - that and preventing him from raising the alarm.

On freeing Malek vs killing him: a lot of it comes down to redemption. There are entire essays to be written on that - but that's not actually the important part.

The important part is that I was under the impression that doing Bashing damage would kill Malek, due to the shock. Otherwise I would have advocated crushing his bones, feeding him out, and being done with it. This is a simple miscommunication problem, and now that you've said doing Bashing won't kill him, our course is clear! (And saves some ~150 odd rolls to damage the Monstrance. Thank goodness.)

Now for the trickier questions.

Two Ess 4 PCs attempt to invade the Mask's lair, looking for unspecified something. In this case, I as the player don't know what I'm looking for specifically, but I know what I'm looking for generally - I'm looking for something to hurt the Mask, something that can only be obtained by braving his stronghold. I don't know what I'm specifically after, because I know so little about the Mask's operations in general - but I know there has to be something there that if I find it and know about it (and live to tell others) will damage the Mask. I as the player know I'm going in as a Deathknight, and I have with me my Lunar mate who is super good at being innocuous, looking like something she isn't, seducing someone, or casting Celestial level spells. We're not the best infiltration team, but we're not terrible, either. I expect to have to bluff, intimidate, or otherwise make people think we belong; perhaps as a free agent bargaining with the Mask. A fight will break out eventually - likely there's a chase to stop the warnings from being sent - or if that's too late, a chase to try and make a break for it.

I don't know where I am, however, because an NPC dropped us off in an unknown place - it's clearly somewhere important to the Mask. I'd thought we were in Juggernaut. We don't want to run into the Mask himself, but we also don't know where he spends his time - does he split it between Juggernaut, Thorns, and Stygia? Somewhere else? Part of the problem of specifying what we want to know is that we know so little.

Given that where the PCs walk out of is entirely up to the GM, it's unclear what to expect as a PC. Perhaps a grand chamber with ceremonial guards, who are lulled by the fact Mirror is a Deathknight? A sorcery chamber, with wards only a fellow sorcerer (Fangs) could break?

It's unclear why we would expect a Monstrance to be situated at entrances to the Labyrinth - but even then, perhaps it needs the direct conduit to the Labyrinth to function?

Upshot - we should have been clear on what we hoped to obtain from infiltrating the Mask's lair. Part of our problem in being specific was that we knew so little that we didn't have a good idea of what would be most useful to find.

As to what the Mask will do - it's unclear (from the player side) where the Mask is; there's at least 3 places he could be, and we don't know anything about how often he is where. Fangs and Mirror undertook this whole thing partly because they were at a loss as to do anything useful, after the debacle of maiming a rather important primordial.

As to what would have made scenes more interesting - it's not the difficulty slider. Do I find new and fascinating things, and can I interact with them? The Thorns ghost-actors forced to reenact the defiance play over and over was genuinely chilling, and utterly perfect for the Mask conquering Thorns. Mirror's attempt to discover something about the Neverborn, and finding a mausoleum - if she'd had a chance to explore before being interrupted, or otherwise gotten to delve into it, would have helped. As it stands, it's more "Hey, there's something here! ...you'll probably never get back to explore this for who knows how long." I don't expect all the answers to be in the mausoleum - that makes no sense! But finding a solid clue, that points to where I need to go next -- that is good. The clue might point to Halta, or the Blessed Isle, or the ancient library Raksi is sitting on top of -- those are hugely difficult obstacles, but at least I have an idea of where to go. (And of course, don't point to someplace you the GM feel is waaaay outside of where you want to set the game - only point somewhere you are inspired.)

Again - it's not the difficulty slider, so much as "do I have a shred of a clue as to where to go next?" Am I stuck at a dead end, with no idea of what to do? Or is there some option, some clue, one that I recognize as being a clue?

I highlight "I recognize as being a clue" because as a GM, it's easy to see how things connect, and I have had to learn the hard way, what is obvious to the GM is often not clear at all to the PCs.

That's where the Art is - that fine line between what is blatantly hitting PCs over the head, and what is so subtle they miss it.

I am still striving, with every game, trying to learn where that line is. I can't emphasize enough how many times I've thought something was clear, only to hear the most outrageous theories from the players.

- things I have learned: every once in a while, the PCs really do want to prove to themselves and the world just how badass they are. It may seem like a trivial win because of how powerful the PCs are, but for the player, it cements the fact that their character really has become a badass. For example, the Death Badger, the insane ghosts, and Death of Obsidian Butterflies. Hugely satisfying, proving to ourselves how awesome we are, and leading to that moment of "Oh yeah! This is how we roll, how we always have rolled, throughout the ages!"

This also applies to Clues -- sometimes, it's nice to know that yes, you have found a Smoking Gun.

WordsOGP is so important that I can turn around and understand I had my hopes too high. But does Words have a right-hand man? Lieutenants? People that if we kidnap, rifle their files, etc, will give us something we can use against the Mask? Even a sketch of possible strategies against Lookshy, or Great Forks -- anything that would give us insight into how to proactively mess up his plans - anything.

Right now, we have the Bloom, which only our Mad Scientists can work on, and now Malek has a first age name to research. I'd like something for the rest of us to contribute. Something to attack, or thwart, etc - even finding the intel report to the Mask on what is going on in Nexus would be helpful! It may not give us direct attacks on the Mask, but it would give us vital clues on what's going on in Nexus. Here, if we're wildly off base, and going to make more work for you (by not having clear goals, you can suggest things that might help.

Xarvh - the fact I care enough to be so upset means you, and all the other players, are doing a great job.

We are so close.

Let us carry on from where the scene stands; Fangs and Malek at their awesome crux point, Mirror clawing her way back.

Let stand that Words got away (sans foot).

Let's go on from here. I pledge to tell you in OOC of my "clever" plans (ie, using a charm to get a corpse to tell me everything) -- and also to talk OOC about plans with my fellow players - for example, talking OOC with Cyl about how Mirror is going to approach Malek when he's trapped and broken.

And when we're running low on ideas, let us turn to each other in OOC to discuss what is the most story-appropriate way to proceed. We've already done this, to some extent; Ankss can't be resolved properly without Flicker, and Fangs & Mirror have resolved to wait for Flicker to find an alternate solution. I know we haven't seen the results of that, but I've been really satisfied, as a player, about coming to that agreement, of holding off until all three PCs were ready.

If this works for you, Xarvh, I'm happy to give it my best shot.
I have just been threatened and attacked by a man with a broken femur over a girl.

Truly the worth of a man is that of his enemies.

This adds up to an already wonderful week.

I can't wait for Sunday.

As you know, the Widow was in juggernaut when Malek got taken.

As you know, she is from Thorns.

An acquaintance of hers turns out to be the Mask's Mate.
Good grief. That's wretched. :(

Frankly, in light of what happened, I'd say the worth of a man *isn't* that of his enemies, not at all.

If it were, then clearly we've been over-evaluating all of the scientific geniuses from Galileo to the present.

Besides. A true gentleman may accrue many enemies of base nature, simply by being a forthright and true gentleman.

Do not measure yourself by such.
xarvh said:
As you know, the Widow was in juggernaut when Malek got taken.

As you know, she is from Thorns.

An acquaintance of hers turns out to be the Mask's Mate.

I didn't know Widow was in Juggernaut when Malek got taken. Nor that an acquaintance of hers is the Mask's Mate.

Mind quoting or explaining that again? I'm genuinely out of the loop on this. :(
Sorry to hear things are going so shitty for you, Xarvh. If I can help in any way, let me know. :(

For what it's worth, I'm really enjoying this game so far, and would love to see it continue to it's conclusion.
Ok, I got my shit together.


Thanks Cyl, thanks Kacie.

Kacie said:
I didn't know Widow was in Juggernaut when Malek got taken. Nor that an acquaintance of hers is the Mask's Mate.
This is all OOC stuff for Mirror and Fangs.

The first part was an info that you got from Hard as Mountains.

The second, it's an info I'm just giving you to help you understand what is happening. Moonshadows tend to know everyone everywhere anyway.

Indeed, it's difficult to balance what to say and what not to say, and to the ST everything looks easy.

@JayTee: Appreciated, but I guess I can beat people on crutches by myself.

My next posts will be IC.
xarvh said:
I have just been threatened and attacked by a man with a broken femur over a girl.
Truly the worth of a man is that of his enemies.

This adds up to an already wonderful week.

I can't wait for Sunday.
I read this as "Threatened and attacked with a broken femur by a man over a girl", and was going to suggest you not hit on the Deathknight's mate in the future.
@ Everyone: After I weaponize The Bloom, I plan on upping Crosses defenses. Which would you rather have first?

A: A singularly powerful weapon, such as an orbital death ray/essence sensor powered by prayer

B: A less powerful but more numerous weapon, such as an army of lab grown mortals enhanced with as many genesis and magitech upgrades as I can throw at them

C: A mix of the two, small in number but each one a formidable weapon, such as a platoon of semi-autonomous Warstriders

I plan on building all of them, but which should I focus all of my attention on first?
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@JayTee : I think it's best if you do both mate !

We'll probably need at least one big cannon to pierce through stuff like warstrider etc,, and smaller, more numerous guns to hold off the humans / undead / demons / warghosts.

Come to think about it would it be possible to design anti personnel essence mines that work exclusively on the undead ?

@Kacie : good job hating Malek ! Killing him out of jealousy would probably have been anti climatic but so much fun ! :D
Flicker votes for super soldiers. Also for magical weapons, armor and potions for the ones we do have.
"There is one problem with super soldiers though... they can be turned against us" says the solars who remembers being killed during the "tabula rasa" operation that went down with the banquet of the Solar Deliberative. :D

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