[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

@Kacie: not really. Should I?

I copied the Bloom from Star Control (aka: the Ur-Quan masters).


Taking the smallest sample of the necro tissue from the behemoth that he could, he put in a dish the size of his fist. Likewise he took an extremely small sample of the weaponized version of the bloom and placed it in his pocket.
Not sure what you mean here.

Latystylum, the Behemoth of the Caldera, has no necrotic tissue.

Cancerous maybe, but that's an entirely different thing, and definitely very alive.

Also, what do you mean with "weaponized version of the bloom"?

Right now all Bloom you have available is the original version plus the few mutants you got in your experiment.
For the former, I keep getting cancerous and necrotic mixed up.

For the latter, I was under the impression that the Wyld exposure gave me two new versions of The Bloom The Slime Bloom that was inactive but not dead, and the other version that grew much more quickly, which I refer to as the weaponized Bloom.
You got a version with a different color and another one that seemed more eager to network.

Neither of them are more of a "weapon" than the original.

Also, the Bloom has been known to grow very fast and eventually burn itself when exposed to more black essence or resonance than it can take.

It happened at least once to Walker.

The Slime Bloom was exposed to a very small quantity of black Essence and became far more aggressive and indiscriminate.
I've seen much worse.

But a confusion is a small price to pay for complexity, which is one of the key element for greatness ! ;)

Plus there's always someone to properly inform the confused.
Speaking of confusion; in the current scene, it sounds like damage is being done mass-combat style. That means for this next round, I shouldn't use any melee charms (aside from Inf Mastery) as they don't have the War keyword, and the Time Scything (6 full attacks) isn't being used for the full 6 attacks? Does this also mean I shouldn't swing my weapon twice, I should just make one attack roll?

I highly recommend the full version of the manga of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind by Hideo Miyazaki. It is one of the best manga hands down. The movie covers the first fourth of the story, and it only gets better from there. The middle part is easily epic, and the last fourth starts touching on more profound concepts -- ones that are familiar throughout many of Miyazaki's movies (Castle in the Sky revisits a number of these, as does Princess Mononoke although in a far more limited and constrained way).

It's so good I hesitate to call it manga, and prefer to usually say it's a graphic novel, since 'graphic novel' is usually accorded more respect (at least here in the US).
I am the worst, and currently well and truly underwater. Grant application due, job application do (the joy of academia - apply for a job the month after you start your current one) and moving (again, ugh).

WIll really try and get something up soon.
@Kacie: I think I'm making a mess. The brain power that I can dedicate to Exalted has been thin of late, and I ain't using it for damn mechanics.

I think I am allowing you to do melee attacks against a mass combat unit, as long as the damage is reduced I don't mind.

I'll definitely check the manga graphic novel, but right now I have a Dr Who party so I have to watch a shitload of episodes (never watched the damn thing before).

@CI: Sucks to be you. =(

I couldn't endure it and eventually left academia.

Plus, you are moving again? Seriously? Ow.

Don't worry about the game, once I know that you are busy I can reflow things around.

Hope you'll be up and posting soon, there should be interesting times ahead for Fangs. =)

Kacie, since we are not waiting for Fangs, feel free to post already.
JayTee: your post is still a bit messy, I am not sure what you mean.

First you state that you burn all of them, than that you keep them in a vault that you don't have, at least nothing more robust than the confined boxes that the Slime Bloom just showed you it can destroy.

Also, please remove all references to any "weaponized" version, since it is utterly confusing: so far nothing that you have is any more of a weapon than the original Bloom.
Re: burning/locking away - my bad, missed a reference to burning.

Re: "Weaponized" bloom - If I understood what happened correctly as a result of Wyld exposure, I now have three different types of the bloom. The default bloom, the slime bloom, and the bloom that spreads and networks with itself. The latter is the "weaponized" bloom.
@the crazy science boys: it may a bit outside of the box but have you thought about talking to the Bloom about evolution and your needs ?

It's clearly sentient, so perhaps it could be "tricked" into growing faster or evolving on its own to suit our military needs.
xarvh said:
Plus, you are moving again? Seriously? Ow.

Don't worry about the game, once I know that you are busy I can reflow things around.

Hope you'll be up and posting soon, there should be interesting times ahead for Fangs. =)
Should be posting more actively soon.

And yeah, moving again. First move was getting my stuff down into an apartment in Postdoc City, while the wife stayed in Actual Job City which is four hours away. Now we're also moving apartments in Actual Job City because our management company is the worst, and rent has transitioned from "expensive" to "you're kidding me, right?"
Erf... sorry to hear that. :(

I hope at least your quality of life improves with the increase on the rent... if not proportionally at least in a way that doesn't make you feel too bad about living there and undergoing all those troubles because of poor management.
Ouch, that sucks. Have you tried looking in to your area's renters rights? There's usually some good stuff there that'll help you out. Otherwise, good luck.

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