[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

xarvh said:
My point about OWW is: can you use it to get information you don't have?
I don't think you can.

As for the creative uses aside from creating a patch of "land" not from this area, perhaps to grow or breed stuff that cannot grow anywhere else... or creating a giant freezer I suffer from an acute case of lack of imagination.

JayTee said:
Damn, looks like I need to go to Ankss after all. :(
Well not really, Xarvh said the Manse there was supposed to be Air Aspected... and since DK have been living there for quite some time, if there was a Wyld spot nearby, they would probably have patched it up a long time ago.

The only reknown place where you can find Wyld outside of the Bordermarches is Nexus I believe.

Another solution could be building an Otherworld Gate in Fangs' Manse...
You suffer from lack of imagination. =D

Anyway, the Wyld is not THAT far, it's a long trip but nothing out of reach for a Celestial.

Just, the deeper you go, the more dangerous it gets.
JayTee said:
If Fangs will let me. It would be temporary, I promise.
Fangs: "Why on Earth would I want that to be temporary?"

Seriously, most of Siham's plans are okay by Fangs. She distrusts his heritage, but she's just as madcap occult powers as he is madcap Science! Seriously, she's talking about snapping her Exaltation over her knee.

Though Xarvh - how much XP to pick up the last power in the Silurian Absorption charm? Buying it gives you 2/3.
Don't you have the Charm already?

IIRC you used already the second power, so you can just choose between the first and the second.

Am I missing something? o_O
Okay, so, new plan:

Install Otherworld Gate in Fang's Manse

Use it to draw Wyld Energy

Wyld Shape an artifact that let's me Shape Creation as if it were the Middlemarches


Otherworld Gates, Manse power:

OTHERWORLD GATE (ABYSSAL, SIDEREAL FAVORED) Power to make a portal to another realm of reality

Somewhere within the manse—perhaps a soaring arch, a pit or an unpretentious door—stands a portal to a place beyond Creation. Any strange place the Storyteller accepts could lie beyond: Malfeas, Yu-Shan, the Labyrinth, the Wyld, Autochthon, who knows?

If the Otherworld Gate leads to Yu-Shan, this is a Sidereal power; if it leads to the Underworld, an Abyssal one.
Then you may have your Otherworld gate as soon as you complete the Manse.

Ok, let's move this agme a bit forward while Feantari conquers the heavens.
xarvh said:
Then you may have your Otherworld gate as soon as you complete the Manse.
Ok, let's move this agme a bit forward while Feantari conquers the heavens.
...The Manse is already complete. It was done at the start of the game, and I've used both of the project points behind fortifying it.
Ok, give me some time to decide how much game-breaking it is.

I might have to nerf it or even to veto it, but let's see.
I don't think it would break anything, it's not really that much more powerful than the original hand, just different in function. It's like the difference between apples and oranges.

The default Hand with a hearthstone and access to Wyld energy (which we now have thanks to the Gate) could casually blast past the difficulty 10 for Wyld Shaping and have enough free successes left over to make whatever I damned well wanted before rolling any dice. With the Vortex and 30 autosuccesses, I don't even notice the difficulty, and could Wyld Shape Creation. In both cases, this was a Speed 7 action.

This version lets me likewise Wyld Shape in Creation as a speed 7 action. However while the difficulty is 5, the lack of autosuccesses means I not only need to burn 10 more motes on the 2nd excellency to make up the difference, I also need to generate successes with my own dice pool, rather than just getting them for free from a hearthstone or a Vortex.

It basically means I have to do a lot more of the heavy lifting, in exchange for additional functionality. It seems like an even tradeoff.
I would very much recommend a high and tight security around the Gate.

Because you know... doors open from both sides > :)

Also you need to be able to protect yourself and anything you will create from the Wyld taint.

But it's totally feasible on principle.

It's kind of a short cut, and it will surely draw much attention on Fangs' Manse (Darth Malek already rejoices).
cyl said:
I would very much recommend a high and tight security around the Gate.

Because you know... doors open from both sides > :)
An off switch is a wonderful thing ;)

cyl said:
Also you need to be able to protect yourself and anything you will create from the Wyld taint.
Moonsilver Tattoos for Fangs, Chaos Repelling Pattern for Siham. Problem solved :tongue:

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