[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Xarvh, has Mirror seen a Monstrance before? She has her own, but we never really defined much about it.

Second question - is it possible to destroy or cut through soulsteel chains? They're a magical material (which suggests no) but Mirror is very strong and would be using a soulsteel weapon. Just asking - I've got a few more ideas.

Also, would you please describe where and how Malek is chained? Wrists and ankles? Other places?


EDIT: Also, does she have much intel on the Mask's deathknights? I figure she has some, since she has an Ally who is one of Mask's.
Exaltation reset button has certainly been an option/worry in my mind from the moment we learned of his capture. However at this point it seems like there may be other options. It's not often you get a chance to wreck stuff like this from the inside. No telling what time you have, but if Mirror can identify the artifact it's a heck of an opportunity to study it, even get to see the effects on a live test subject. :x
- This is something I would genuinely never do without another players consent, but it's something that would occur to Cunning Fangs: If we can't spring him from the Monstrance, do you want Fangs to hit the big red Exaltation Reset Button? While she'd feel bad for Flicker, it's an easy sell given her personality to justify his death and rebirth as preferable to semi-permanent corruption ala a Deathknight.
If you feel that Fangs has faith enough guts to try and kill him if they fail to set him free, then yeah sure, no problem.

But there are pros and cons IMHO.

Not one character present in the scene knows what that thing is or what it is doing to Malek, but it's one hell of an apparatus, an artifact N/A, not something we should look at lightly....

Killing him might not set his essence free at all.

And then the interesting question becomes: what does Fangs fear most ?

Malek being turned into a deathknight or a new guy she knows nothing about seeking revenge upon her (with the risk that he may turn Flicker against the couple telling the lunar that who was the one who doomed her mate) ? :D

- I'd actually argue that Fangs has a decent chance of spotting the change in Malek. Unlike people who care for him, Cunning Fangs has been expecting him to go Mad Solar Tyrant from like, Day 2. They've always disagreed, so him being a bit of a tool might not seem off to her, but she'd definitely pick up on the Hard Men Making Hard Choices vibe, or something like it.
Oh yeah she could totally do it if she gets the chance to have deeper interactions with him or even observe him over time.
The changes are obviously going to show over time if the Circle keeps tabs on Malek (which they definitely should), but unless you bring him back to Cross and get him to do a little Voight Kampff magic with his mind, it's not going to manifest right away. He's too weak and too confused for that. Once he gets better, it is going to be a different story.
Oy, Argis is going to have to set up mandatory shrink sessions for all celestials. They's always freakin' out about stuff.
I'm now getting this image in my head of the three of you popping up somewhere in the path of the army from Cross and Malek ranting about things at a very confused Argis. Is amusing.
Oh I don't expect he'll bitch about anything for quite some time.

From now on his motto is going to be: less words, more actions.

Which is not necessarily good news :D
@xarvh - another question for you, in addition to the ones above. Is there any sign of a keyhole on the manacles/chains? If these are attuned artifacts, they may not have proper keys & keyholes, instead relaxing when the owner de-attunes.

Which is problematic, because if the Mask personally locked Malek in the Monstrance, then killing Words won't give us the keys.
cyl said:
I doubt killing Words right away is a good plan anyway.
So don't listen to Malek?

I'm waiting for answers from Xarvh before doing a more substantial post.
He's not telling them to kill him, he's telling them to capture him and force him to free Malek if possible.

At least that what I tried to convey :D
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@CrazyIvan Fangs does not know that Solars can be turned into Abyssals.

For what we know, this has yet to happen in Creation.

@cyl: Making fun of the suffering I myself inflict is ST's prerogative. =D

@WlfSamurai: yes, cyl is doing a terrific job (note to self: torture his characters more often) and he's being rewarded.

@Kacie: Mirror knows about Moonstrances, but hers was destroyed at her Exaltation.

She's never seen one and she has no clue that Solars can be turned.

Monstrances have 30A/30L/30B soak and you need to deal 50 HLs to free Malek and 100 to destroy it.

a hall, apparently made of dark rock and eerie ice.

He stands suspended by the chains in a ring of metal, about three meters in diameter.

All around the ring, slabs of blackened bone extend for several meters, like the rays of a black sun.

Veins of orichalcum creep along the ring, disturbingly alive.
Indeed, the monstrance looks more like an actual giant monstrance than a sarcophagus.

From his position, Malek can't see the hole in the ceiling.

But there are other four passages in the lower chamber.

Malek's tongue has been cut.

He's chained hands and feet, entirely naked.
No keyholes in the manacles.
xarvh said:
: Mirror knows about Moonstrances, but hers was destroyed at her Exaltation.
She's never seen one and she has no clue that Solars can be turned.
@xarvh : Thought I was ready to post, then realized I had more questions. What does Mirror know about the Monstrances? She doesn't know what they look like, and wouldn't know why Malek was stuck in one even if she recognized it, but does she understand anything about them beyond that they exist?
Uh also... don't cut anything.

You might just kill Malek too if he's not strong enough to take it.

edit; and freeing him is not the priority here, you've got a shot at getting the Ring of Non.

A game changer for either the Circle or Mirror herself.
cyl said:
Uh also... don't cut anything.
You might just kill Malek too if he's not strong enough to take it.

edit; and freeing him is not the priority here, you've got a shot at getting the Ring of Non.

A game changer for either the Circle or Mirror herself.
A Solar is arguably more valuable than an NA artifact.

Maybe not Malek, but a hypothetical Solar ;)

xarvh said:
@CrazyIvan Fangs does not know that Solars can be turned into Abyssals.
For what we know, this has yet to happen in Creation.
It's a supposition she's been working from, based on the following bits of evidence:

1. Neither Mirror nor Walker had a pre-Abyssal exaltation, and Mirror has spoken of the moment of her Exaltation.

2. Similarly, no Clearly Ex-Solar Abyssals have been sighted. For example, none of them wield orichalcum artifacts, no Lunar has witnessed a Solar/Abyssal transition, etc.

3. If Abyssalation (new word!) is the corruption of an existing Exaltation, there is no particular reason why it shouldn't apply to Lunars, and there's also no evidence of that.

4. Abyssals come back as Abyssals, not Solars. If she believed an Abyssal was just a conveniently broken Solar, she would have ripped Mirror's heart out the moment the opportunity struck, and would essentially continue to do so until she could beat a Deathlord to the punch.

It's inductive reasoning, and thus somewhat risky, but right now she has no reason to believe that Solars can be corrupted directly. Of course, a bloody Caste mark and Malek using mirror charms could convince her otherwise ;)
I approve of amputation myself. It has epic fantasy precedent (*coughMaedhroscough*) and with his limbs and tongue missing, he'll cause a lot less trouble while we figure out how to deprogram him. > :)

Plus, we're Exalted. We can fix missing organs, eventually. Death is a little out of our reach.
@Kacie: Monstrances are the tools Deathlord use to control their Deathknights.

They are a mystic link to the Deathknight and occasional torture devices when an unruly Abyssal needs to be punished.

And yes, cutting Malek may kill him by blood loss alone, unless you guys are VERY READY with Medicine charms.
Blood loss is not a problem for exalts, they can stop him with spending one wp.

The Health boxes losses on the other hand, if he can't take them, he dies, hence my question about his strength.
xarvh said:
And yes, cutting Malek may kill him by blood loss alone, unless you guys are VERY READY with Medicine charms.
Cunning Fangs was going to have multiple stomach bottle bugs on standby.
That'd work, but I doubt you can summon them without attracting undue attention, and you will need your WPs/Essence once that undue attention manifests.

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