[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

xarvh said:
That'd work, but I doubt you can summon them without attracting undue attention, and you will need your WPs/Essence once that undue attention manifests.
Going to have to take a risk at some point.

...well, I suppose unless Mirror and Fangs go "My my, that sucks" and walk away. But that's utterly opposed to Fangs' narrative.
Cyl posted that Malek used the Body Mending charm. Has that healed any health levels? (Did it work at all?)
I'm going to assume this dude was very, very quiet since Mirror has a starting pool of 11 for Perc + Awareness, prior to charm use.

@CrazyIvan - take it away and socially vamp him, oh she who is very hot. If he looks at you funny, I'm going to be on him like a rabid dog. (At which point I'll ask Xarvh politely for a Join Battle roll.)
@xarvh - that fair; it's hard to hide a 3-way conversation against soft footsteps.

@CrazyIvan - Mirror is going to ask questions, but follow your lead until it's go time. If Words chooses to spend motes to defend socially, all the better. There's a good chance during the fight that someone will need to Defend Other on Malek, in case Words comes down with a case of spite.
@xarvh Question regarding Words - has he gone the high or low appearance Abyssal route? Or is he still low enough Essence that he's middling?
@Feantari: Anything in particular you want Siham to build for you? I've got a few ideas of my own, but any input from your character would be welcome

I'm completely beat, but have keys to a house now! Also some debt...

Tomorrow... there's a slim chance I'll have some time to post. But I will asap.
Hey all, just a heads up, I'm trying to post as often as I can, but the oncoming weekend is going to be ugly - relocating, so I'm going apartment hunting and the like, and...just yeah.
Feantari said:
Weaponize the Bloom.
*snorts* You say that like I hadn't been planning on it already. ;)

Also, good luck, CrazyIvan. I know how it is looking for an apartment =/
JayTee said:
Also, good luck, CrazyIvan. I know how it is looking for an apartment =/
Yeah, new job conveniently waited until after school started to give me a job offer in Tiny College Town. Apartment hunting hard mode: Unlocked.
Congrats! Good luck!

And JayTee - if the dice and luck are on our side, we might be able to bring you something to assist in that Weaponization. ;)

No breath-holding, though. Between the extremely tenuous situation with one of the Mask's most powerful servants and CrazyIvan's apartment hunt...yeah, don't want you passing out waiting for us. ;)
I dunno, if i take a few resistance/survival Charms, I can hold my breath for an awful long time ;)
Kacie said:
Congrats! Good luck!
And JayTee - if the dice and luck are on our side, we might be able to bring you something to assist in that Weaponization. ;)
Like, your lives?
We'll be fortunate to get out with our lives, which is why I suggested not holding his breath. ;)

If we're *super* lucky, we might bring him back something to help the Weaponization.
Yeah, it's not showing yet, but I think Fangs isn't going to be the one playing with her food unfortunately :D

Also congrats guys, and don't worry for the posting rate, we've had some fluctuations in the past, but we're pretty much all still here. ;)

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