[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

We already discussed this with xarvh, didn't we? At least, I suggested a Charisma 5, Essence 4 upgrade to Sharing the Gifts of Luna called "Luna's Beneficence". He was disinclined to acquiesce to the request. ;)
Arynne said:
We already discussed this with xarvh, didn't we? At least, I suggested a Charisma 5, Essence 4 upgrade to Sharing the Gifts of Luna called "Luna's Beneficence". He was disinclined to acquiesce to the request. ;)
Yup we did, it was just a friendly reminder since Malek can't help anymore at the moment.

Feantari said:
Gonna need to get on those alternate MA enlightenment charms... TMAs pff
From what I gather from SotM, only Celestial exalts have access to this charm.

I assume you could make an ally up to handle that instead of buying TMA charms.

A young dashing Outcaste skilled in MA to whom you'll offer pots of gold and/or the chance to fight for the greater good to train a selected few mortals.

I also found another interesting thing in my researches: the extension of Legendary Solar Curriculum (lore 5 essence 5) in Dreams of the First Age called Terrestrial Edification Program.

This one allows to raise essence up to 3 (even works on supernatural beings not only on mortals) and you can train thaumaturgy and spells with it.

Pretty bad ass if you have a twilight sorcerer.
Are we done with fading sun or do you want our next actions there as well? Argis is gathering Shiana and Ith and heading for Sanctuary...
As good a source of distraction as any. :)

Also I feel like I must apologize beforehand for all the cold and mean things Malek is going to do and say... remember it's not that I don't love you guys anymore, it's just that my guy became a cold hearted bastard on a mission to cure hoomanity of its weaknesses.

He's not going to turn nazi or anything since killing the weak links is incompatible with protecting them, but considering how his personality has been altered, he is going to do things rather differently and quite independently.

Hopefully this is what will give away that something is seriously wrong with him.
Cyl, when you type up what Malek says, do you mind including in a spoiler the full text of what he means to say? You're doing an awesome job of talking without a tongue, but I get a third of what Malek says. I think it will help roleplaying if I the player can look at a cheat sheet.

Also, it should be pretty clear something's off, what with 1) Malek hating us (or only Fangs? Doesn't matter.) and 2) looking forward to Words of Gentle Passing coming back. He probably doesn't want to be rescued right now, does he?

Edit: I always get that guy's name wrong.
A case could be made that you are NOT supposed to get all of what Malek is saying.

Anyway, I will let cyl decide on this, what's more fun for you.


1) Is kind of normal.

2) Is indeed weird.

But yes, while there is no doubt that that is Malek, there is something totally off about him.
Something I want to check out before I make assumptions IC.

My assumption is that it's going to be fairly obvious that Malek has been brainwashed, what with the torture and weird stuff he'll start saying. Mirror's seen the Mask's handiwork on the ghosts in Thorns, to boot. Do you object to that leap of logic, Xarvh?
Countering with Stockholm Syndrome.

I don't want to get into real life details. It's not that torture makes you evil - it's that it's designed to break down your will, after which you will say anything they want you to say to make it stop. Mirror knows enough about how the Death Lords operate. I don't believe it's a large leap in logic to look at Malek, hear the weird things he's saying, and go "yeah, they did a number on his head as well as his body."

Mirror has access to the same charm that was used on Malek, to boot.

Anyways, this is why I wanted to ask Xarvh if this chain of logic is okay. If it isn't, I will break out the bevy of Investigation charms and figure it out IC.
A case could be made that you are NOT supposed to get all of what Malek is saying.
That, obviously.

It's not a question of fun but of interpretation, a guy with difficulties communicating should have difficulties communicating, it hurts my brain to think about how I can write down those things he says, so it should hurt your brains to guess the meaning.

Re Malek hating the Circle: it depends on the context, I doubt he'll give them time to organize a welcome home party anyway. My guess is as soon as he gets back to Cross, he'll skip town and go straight to Nathir where he will make his next moves, far away from Cross and the rest of the Circle, but he'll probably avoid interaction. The best way to not be burdened by people you don't want to see is to avoid seeing them :P

Re not wanting to be rescued: he has not been brainwashed enough to want to become corrupted, his Motivation is still intact so the prospect of selling his soul to Oblivion is still out of the question.

Even though WoGP has broadened his perspectives, the line between the evil dead and the living is still drawn in his mind... he's only been turned into a more straightforward, less passionate and more "aggressive" version of himself, but he still wants to do good. That much will be clear enough.

As of now he just wants to get free and to empower himself and those around him to make the weak strong... you just caught him in time before WoGP could completely corrupt him.

But considering his situation, between the loss of time perspective, the tortures, the malnutrition, and the repeated brainwashing sessions, I thought it made more sense for him to be extremely confused and not to believe Fangs was real at first.

And no it's not going to be that obvious that he's been brainwashed.

It's definitely an assumption Mirror can make, since she doesn't know for how long he's been there (even though he can prove he's still a solar), but even if he hates Mirror and Fangs, if they present a way out, he'll follow them, because he probably hates being captive more than he hates them.

Also, staying there means going against his main drive.

I don't think however that Mirror and Fangs are the ones who will be able to tell that something's wrong with him, because they never could get along, they did not spend much time together and he'll play ball as long as he has to (you usually tend to suck up your negativity when your life is at stake).

Nothing he'll do is going to do or say should be something new to them, his current confusion is perfectly understandable, and they both don't know him that well to judge if he's changed that much, or if the changes are not simply the result of weeks of anger, pain and frustration.

I think it's only going to confirm their opinion about him being a total jerk.

Unless of course they have social / investigation charms that can detect the alterations to his intimacies, and they knew his previous profile.

I think that realization is going to come over time from other people he had deeper interactions with, like Flicker Argis or Rhapsody...if they have the opportunity to get in touch with him.
Mirror has Investigation 5 and all but one of the Investigation charms.

If she has reason to use them, then we'll see how the dice go.

Malek not thinking Fangs is real is perfectly in line with everything - I liked it.
@Kacie: Mirror has all she needs to figure out that Malek has been mind raped or something.

@cyl: Malek is going to be very confused, whether he's conscious of that or not. Don't stress too much to make him coherent now. RL people are seldom coherent.
@Kacie : I agree.

Past the point of "it's obvious they could have done something to him" there's not much she could tell right away on the spot.

Only the use of Soul Invading Glance could reveal everything, but unfortunately Malek is going to fight that "malevolent presence trying to invade his mind" thinking it's the Neverborn probing.

I would think only prolonged interviews and crossed references with people who know him well could make a difference.

The interesting part is going to start when we get back to Creation. :)

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, freeing him from his chains is no small feat to begin with :D

@xarvh : oh don't worry, I already have a plan >:-D
xarvh said:
Stunt 1 for cyl for "Mavff of Winhews", LOL
Hey don't make fun of him !

You lose 50%+ of the alphabet without a tongue.

I have to think about using c, d, g, j, k, l, n, q, r, s, t, x, z and all their derivatives as little as possible.

It's kind of a nightmare and it takes about 5 minutes to write a full phrase down, but on the other hand I have to find and learn new words or words I rarely use so it is actually a good exercise ! :)
I'd like to put forth that Malek get extra XP, or something, for @cyl writing in such a manner. Very well done, @cyl.

I hope Rhapsody does get a chance to interract with Malek. She feels incredibly guilty about leaving Malek behind. It would make for an fun scene.
Oh don't worry about xp I just stunted like hell throughout the past scene !

But thanks for the support :)

I am not sure however that we will have the opportunity to have them meet again since the Monstrance is not something easy to escape from (artifact N/A).

There is a possibility that they can't break him out of there, but even if they can't, Malek has shared enough information so that Fangs & Mirror can make the Mavff lose one knight and the Ring of Non.

So that should even things out if he dies / becomes corrupted.

I was okay with him falling for 50 mortals and two fellow solars saved, so obviously if his death means one abyssal down and the Deathlords losing the Ring of Non, that's even better. :)

The only thing that would suck would be not being able to do all the cool stuff I had in mind now he's been changed.

Let's just wait and see what happens, no doubt that Xarvh has some twisted plots for all of us ! :D
Two thoughts:

- This is something I would genuinely never do without another players consent, but it's something that would occur to Cunning Fangs: If we can't spring him from the Monstrance, do you want Fangs to hit the big red Exaltation Reset Button? While she'd feel bad for Flicker, it's an easy sell given her personality to justify his death and rebirth as preferable to semi-permanent corruption ala a Deathknight.

- I'd actually argue that Fangs has a decent chance of spotting the change in Malek. Unlike people who care for him, Cunning Fangs has been expecting him to go Mad Solar Tyrant from like, Day 2. They've always disagreed, so him being a bit of a tool might not seem off to her, but she'd definitely pick up on the Hard Men Making Hard Choices vibe, or something like it.

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