[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

JayTee said:
Re: Crown: I want it. Flight-enabling Artifacts incoming :D
Oh I doubt the Bronze Faction would let us toy with it for too long, but it still could be a nice ride ! :)
cyl said:
Oh I doubt the Bronze Faction would let us toy with it for too long, but it still could be a nice ride ! :)
Holistic Miracle Understanding will make it crazy easy for me to make a new one, and then promptly mass produce them. I just need to test drive the original for a bit :D
Cyl, your answer for Mirunda security is either 1) station all the Exalts there -- which means locking everyone down in either the Cross or Mirunda, or 2) mad science.

2) is a great option, but it takes time. If you advocate never leaving the Cross unless the Cross is completely defended against all threats, then there's not enough exalts to mount a rescue for Malek. It also means everyone else is stuck twiddling their thumbs until the Twilights have enough project points.

Looking at your list for when the Crown attacks, there's one thing all of those have in common: Solars. If you don't send the Solars to Mirunda, the Crown is far less likely to attack. That leaves individual Deathknights and demons. Malek pissed off the only Sorceress on the team, so the mortal armies will have to deal with demons.

And frankly protecting against the Deathknights is something that takes all the Exalted, which puts everything back to square one, Lock-down.

Mirunda is only important as a supply staging ground and growing food. It's important, but not as important as the Cross, which has the Library & the Primoridial.

Feantari has a good plan, and it's proactive for a change. The threats have been thought about, and ranked in importance.
Hmm, so hopefully we will be causing a bit of trouble for some of our enemies. Is Flicker likely to stay on at Cross to tend dragon kings? If so I could have Argis train a war excellency en route and he could lead. His stealth leaves something to be desired though. I'm trying to imagine the crazy in her brain atm to figure out the answer to that question though. :-p

Argis's hope was to use Mirror as something of a diversion but also real benefit to eliminating Legion or VH. I image Fangs would be amenable to helping with screw the death lords plans, but to what extent is unknown. Hoping for twilight transport. Would use demon units or spells. However both of those things could also serve well in Mirunda and Cross or zooming around dumping spoors on shadowlands. Argis really wants some advice before going to get his head bitten off, but sadly it seems coms are down for awhile. >.<

We should probably establish who is not joining the assault or who would be staying for now and hoping that we can contact Fangs. That part is both incredibly important and incredibly tenuous.
Cyl, your answer for Mirunda security is either 1) station all the Exalts there -- which means locking everyone down in either the Cross or Mirunda, or 2) mad science.
No, it was take half the exalts and post them to each point, and then reinforce security with mad science & spirits.

If you advocate never leaving the Cross unless the Cross is completely defended against all threats, then there's not enough exalts to mount a rescue for Malek.
Take Malek out of the equation because he is well past beyond saving in the Fading Sun timeline.

A rescue is pointless because of the timeline differences between Malek's thread and the Circle's.

What is happening right now in Malek's thread happened while Siham and Rhapsody were coming back to Cross.

Remember it took a week for the trio to get to Lookshy on horse at full speed, boosted by Malek's charm, and when they came back, they had 50 people on foot.

It's probably been weeks, even months after Malek's capture when Rhapsody and Siham get to Cross.

Malek's injuries are still fresh in his scene, so I deduce that his timeline is set long before the Fading Sun thread.

Otherwise, it's going to take a long time to get to Lookshy with soldiers... and by the time the Circle reaches the city and finds out where he is, he could already be in the heart of the Labyrinth giving his soul and his name away.

Considering this, this whole operation means taking soldiers and exalts away from the dominion for quite some time, for a marginally small chance of success in whatever the goal is and greater risks for the state of the dominion.

The ST said it before, we had no business being in Lookshy.

Considering the timelines and the long absence of Malek, I'd say the rest of the Circle still does not have business in Lookshy.

It also means everyone else is stuck twiddling their thumbs until the Twilights have enough project points.
Well, PP come when we do something that improves the situation of the dominion.

To do that, we need exalts to stick around and help or do stuff that improves the state of affairs (killing Legion for example could earn the team responsible for the killing a PP for the increase in stability).

The more we invest in the dominion's affairs, the more PP we have, and the faster we build a stable dominion.

It's a choice, either we go on adventures and do cool stuff, or we devote our time to build something great out of nothing.

Looking at your list for when the Crown attacks, there's one thing all of those have in common: Solars.
There is a simple way to solve this: ask Kalak's Sifu how is it that the Crown was here and after whom it was after.

The people or Kalak.

Deploying the Crown just to get one solar seems a bit like overkill to me and the fact that they knew where to find him indicates that they knew we were coming and probably also why we were coming.

If you don't send the Solars to Mirunda, the Crown is far less likely to attack. That leaves individual Deathknights and demons. Malek pissed off the only Sorceress on the team, so the mortal armies will have to deal with demons.
The Crown is after the people as much as she is after the exalt.

Surely the main target is the exalt itself (no changing sun, no prophecy), but the people can also be a valid target (no people, no prophecy).

The risk for the mortals is too great not to do everything we can to protect them IMHO.

Mirunda is only important as a supply staging ground and growing food. It's important, but not as important as the Cross, which has the Library & the Primoridial.
Remember that without the mortals, there is no dominion.

I agree that the Library and Big K are central and need to be protected, but if we don't protect the mortals more actively than just a soldiers, they will die, and if they do, no supplies, no development, and we're back to square one with Cross, only with less people.

Feantari has a good plan, and it's proactive for a change.
Except, the plan completely ignores traveling distances and the timeline.

Practically you can go and hit Lookshy, but that will serve no real purpose and will likely waste resources.

Edit: on second thought it could be a space / time screw up thing from Xarvh's side, but I doubt it. I will let him clear that part :)
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The Crown did not kill the villagers when it attacked Kalak. If the villagers are still there, the Crown wasn't after them. If the villagers are dead, investigation needs to happen to see if it was the Crown or Tirana's forces.

If Kalak's people are untouched in Mirunda, that's another indication the Crown is only after Solars, not mortals.
What Argis knows is they came back and said Malek has been captured by deathknights. Based on that he is coming up with a plan. One that even if it fails to rescue Malek will at the very least deal a significant blow to the enemy. Argis doesn't know how abyssals work in fine details. None of us do. But he knows how torture works. If Malek wasn't killed on the spot then Argis has to assume they want Malek for something.

There is a secondary component to all of this that is the needs of the people. Basically Argis is looking at the resources arrayed against us and realizing how badly things might go of we continue to do fuck all about it. We need to make a move and become a player on this stage. The people will have to step up. We need to move them beyond yay we are alive and have food and to how can we make creation a better place and become a place worthy of the residence of Solars. This many celestial exalts in one place is a big deal. This whole prophecy thing is a big deal. There is nothing to be gained by waiting further, and this is a guy with temperance 3. We've done waiting and gradual improvement. I'm not sure it's worth discussing the past, but we at the very least have to concede that our enemies have more time planning. We need to mix it up. Move some pieces. Make the playing field a little less predictable and a lot more dangerous for them.
Again... I am not saying "do not make a move", I'm saying make the right kind of moves, think things through, and above all stay safe, because a mistake can cost your more than you want to pay (I talk from experience :D ).

Going to Mirunda serves a purpose and I completely agree that you should do something about it. It was the plan all along.

Focus on that and try to get information about your surroundings before you make a move.

We still have no clue what happened in Great Forks, or Nexus, and we do not know what is going on with the Autobots (we could really help each other).

What purpose serves attacking a conquered city thousands of miles away from our base of operations ?

That part of your plan I fail to understand.

Why not target WITD instead ?

He's a closer threat to us than MOW is.

Also, how do you plan on competing with Juggernaut, MOW himself and Mask's knights once you're there ?

Edit; and funny question: what happens if he makes a move on Cross while you're on you way to Lookshy ?
Cyl, just yesterday you were arguing not to send anyone to Mirunda! I can point to posts two pages ago where you were doing that.

If you weren't arguing that, your posts were very unclear.
Who said we were attacking Lookshy? The goal is to rescue Malek if possible and otherwise step up to the plate and make the DKs hurt. We don't know where Malek is (Argis is trying to carefully channel the desires for revenge to a purpose that will help in the end, you'll have to forgive me/him for being a duplicitous bastard in this... Moping is a response to be avoided atm). The reason for haste now is because we need to get things to Mirunda before we can feasibly move elsewhere.
Given that Flicker's just been promoted to single motherhood, she will probably decide, after much angst and soul-searching, that she has to stay in the Cross. (Especially since the hatchlings might be at risk from the Silly Mortals if she isn't there.)

She will send a branch/talon of soldiers with Argis, trained (if time permits) to Stealth 4 and led by her deputy.

I'm not looking forward to her reaction when she realizes Malek was doomed the moment she decided to leave him by himself and go visit her Mentor -- if she'd stayed by his side, she might have saved him. > :)
OK, I'm not following 100% your arguments.

Still, it does take some time to travel Lookshy-Cross, but none of the Exalts has any clue about what is happening to Malek, they have no clue that Solars can be turned into Abyssals and the most likely fate they can imagine is that Malek has been killed already.

Of course, being desperate they can legitimately delude themselves that a Deathlord will risk to keep a Solar alive.
@xarvh : thanks for the corruption of the intimacies, now I can turn him into a complete asshole ! :D

But isn't there a problem with his motivation now he loathes weak people ?
Your problem, not mine. =D

Hey, they are lazy, small-minded cowards, but a man's duty is a man's duty...
xarvh said:
Your problem, not mine. =D
Hey, they are lazy, small-minded cowards, but a man's duty is a man's duty...
So... I do what I do because I have to... but I really hate people for what I have to do.

Wow... and you guys thought Malek was bad company before :D
I never thought I'd say this, but you'd be better off if he'd just warped you into a deathknight at once.

At least Resonance can be overcome with the Power of Love...
Arynne said:
I never thought I'd say this, but you'd be better off if he'd just warped you into a deathknight at once.
At least Resonance can be overcome with the Power of Love...
He's right in saying that Malek needs to be in the proper state of mind to serve the Mask.

Properly motivated knights will be much more useful and obedient.

The cool part is that you can undo what has been done to Malek with Darth Malek.

But it's probably going to be tougher the other way around, because he will definitely increase his integrity.

Also... thank you for curing me of the Great Curse.

Should I bother picking another Flaw ?
Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken. :D
cyl said:
Peace is a lie, there is only passion

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken. :D

The Force shall free me
FTFY :tongue:

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