[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Man, I'm just here to build shit. Lemme finish my superweapon security system and like half of these problems will go away.
JayTee said:
Man, I'm just here to build shit. Lemme finish my superweapon security system and like half of these problems will go away.
And thus why we really needed an active twilight or three. :-p

A rather recent prophecy stated that "In the darkest hour, the treasure of Agatha will be conquered by the people of the Changing Sun".

While a consensus was not reached about how to deal with the situation, a sizeable portion of the Bronze faction considered that the Changing Sun
and its people were to be eliminated before they could retrive anything.
The Crown was sent after both Malek and the people during the exile.

It went after Malek when he and Berek came back to Mirunda, and it showed up again when Argis and Kalak were in the village.

The only logical explanation for their presence in the village is that our orignal plan was to take the farmers to Mirunda to help with the harvests.

Somehow they know when we make a move related to Mirunda, because it's where it all started.
Part of the text went missing due to a bad manip...

What I meant to say was if you reconquer Mirunda, plan ahead and leave essence users with strong ranged attacks in charge of the security.
To list what I'm doing as asked: Taking what men I control and have gather to Mirunda under my command. We're not pushing or making great time yet as they'll need their strength and the other can catch up if they wish.
@xarvh: What are your thoughts on this right here?

JayTee said:
If you're talking about this project then you can bump the cost down to two PP. World as Workshop Technique allowed me to summon "common" ingredients in to existence, and if "wood" "leather" and "iron" don't count as common, then I don't know what is.
Plus, All that stuff (shields, armor, weapons) is resources 3 or less, so I can make it in my spare time :)
Would it be possible to get that project point back, thanks to the lowered cost due to Siham's Charms?
WlfSamurai said:
To list what I'm doing as asked: Taking what men I control and have gather to Mirunda under my command. We're not pushing or making great time yet as they'll need their strength and the other can catch up if they wish.
Also taking with the first group of people from cross to Mirunda. This has been planned in abstract IC. Can we get a number for troops rhapsody has?
cyl said:
Part of the text went missing due to a bad manip...
What I meant to say was if you reconquer Mirunda, plan ahead and leave essence users with strong ranged attacks in charge of the security.
We have very few of those, which you well know.

My frustration with this whole thing is that you are freaking out about problems that are either impractical to plan around or unknown without offering a solution. We can't keep crawling just because falling down hurts. But we can wear padding or whatever the hell. Not closed to ideas
Fair enough, I suppose I can craft priceless pieces of art to sell to help boost Cross's economy in my spare time~
Ah, yes, the market-breaking Art for sale. In my first Exalted game, there was a Solar with wood-crafting -- totally there for roleplaying reasons, nothing else, and regularly getting 6-15 successes on whittling art.

This is the sort of thing that crashes Nexus's economy, if the Solar gets bored/has time on their hands.
...now I really want to combine this with the Lunar charm that lets you communicate perfectly in animal form.

Society Redefining Cat Meme Prana
Feantari said:
We have very few of those, which you well know.
My frustration with this whole thing is that you are freaking out about problems that are either impractical to plan around or unknown without offering a solution. We can't keep crawling just because falling down hurts. But we can wear padding or whatever the hell. Not closed to ideas
Sorry if I failed to present a detailed solution, allow me to be more specific.

I am not freaking out, I am advising a prudent approach because I don't want to expose the mortals to something we cannot handle because we did not plan enough.

So far that is what's been hurting us the most IMHO.

We failed to secure the Library -> the notes were stolen

We failed to secure the supply lines -> they were shut down

We assumed the Justicars would get to Cross -> they all got killed

We failed to secure Big K -> Argis lost an arm and she eventually got slain

Our main problem with those were either carelessness (assuming everything would be okay and we did not to be more active / prudent) or threat detection (main problem with Cross so far).

You can totally apply the exact same logic with what transpired in Lookshy.

We got so caught up with our plans that we forgot to do a simple recon work to analyze Mask's forces.

So let's learn from our past mistakes :)

So far it's been relatively "safe" for the mortals in Cross even though it's been pretty hard, they pulled through thanks to our efforts. We did everything we could to help them consolidate here, and we did a good job.

But you are right when you say it's not sustainable. As I said before, this lack of vision has forced me to spend xp in other directions than personal power, and it weakened my character.

I don't want to repeat those mistakes with Mirunda.

Now if we are to help them settle some place else because it benefits us and them, we have to consider the threats and how we can handle them in order to protect the mortals.

What are the major threats to Mirunda ?


Legion is not a danger in Mirunda because her ghosts will go *poof*, so she'll be alone. She's still a formidable opponent, but I bet two exalts can take her down.

The deathknight he got from Mask's loan are still unknown factors, but the Bloom limits them to mortal / and non ghosts spirits to hurt us (he can have someone like Fangs with demonic summonings capabilities).

Countermeasures: a sorcerer with countermagic (just in case), exalts versed in war and soldiers (either mortals or spiritual), and ideally ranged attacks to pick out the leaders in case of a military attack.

Ideally Fangs & Mirror / Siham or Argis with a bunch of archers to spam coordinated attacks.


This one is an unsolvable problem, his knights are very powerful (VH is a nightmare to fight) and he has the Juggernaut.

Countermeasures: the ally network. It is the only thing that can give us time to move the mortal population before it's too late... as long as he has the Juggernaut and the VH, we can only run away from him.

Ideally... there is no ideal set up here :D

The Crown:

Very strong, very powerful, strikes from above but can be pushed back with enough talents around (IIRC there were 4 of us in the exile scene).

Countermeasures: soldiers are pretty much useless against the Crown, you need exalts to defeat its crew.

Exalts that can go up in the air and meet the immaculates, or that can shoot them from below.

Ideally Fangs & Mirror backed up by people like Siham (shoots far away), Argis with a bunch of archers, Flicker (can fly) or Malek if he gets his stuff back (can teleport).


1- I voluntarily left Rhapsody & Kalak out because they are the only ones who can't compensate the distance between them and the opponent.

Our mad scientists may want to work on crafting something to help them with that (I dunno... rocket boots ?! :D ) because if they are pretty bad ass they are also slow as hell and that is not good in a fight vs other exalts.

2- Mirunda's rebuilding efforts will obviously be supported by Nathir, but we're going to have the same security issues we had in Cross if we use the river to get stuff to Mirunda.

So we absolutely need to be more active in securing the shipments (spirits & exalts protecting them).

3- Kalak must stop his people from eating the fucking anti undead bio agent !!! :D

For both Cross and Mirunda we need a threat detection system spreading over several miles (because that is how far the VH can engage his target).

We have several options available:

- mad science (probably the most efficient way to get an essence radar)

- a Lunar patron with the same Perception charms Tirana has (requires one static lunar per each point we want to defend)

- spiritual sentinels (not so reliable, but can still be of help while another system is being set up)

And finally we need to map out our resources and deploy them properly.

From what I gather from everyone's capabilities the ideal set up would be:

Cross is turned into a military fortress with a heavy R&D department and to protect it we use Fangs Mirror (which will stay away from Big K's lair), Siham and or Kalak.

There will be no serious need for Bureaucracy like before since the organization will be pretty "basic". And Cross must be self sufficient, the population will be sufficiently trained to be able to multi task (farm - fight - research), but it will remain isolated as long as Mirunda is not able to help it grow.

Mirunda becomes the first cornerstone of the dominion, and to protect it we use Flicker with Malek (if he gets back) and Argis (we will need summoned spirits ! :) ) and Rhapsody.
The Crown of All Heavens.

Tool of the Bronze Faction, ultimate death dealing platform of the Wyld Hunt, sent on a mission to destroy Malek and the people that follow him.

It has appeared on 3 occasions:

- during the exile from Mirunda (we fought it off)

- when Malek and Berek came back Mirunda (we sneaked out)

- when Argis and Kalak were about to move the farmers from Tirana's future lands to Mirunda (sidereals intervened and saved Argis & Kalak)

My suspicion is that they are carefully watching what is going on over there and it will be one of the threats if not the main threat to the people in Mirunda.

If there is a prophecy around the people of the Changing Sun, then they will focus on killing people if they can't get to Malek just to be on the safe side.

They had several ways to get to Malek, but I believe that so far none of his plans and moves explicitly concerned Mirunda (except coming back and moving the farmers) and his speed made him a difficult target to track and catch.

I could also be wrong, and they could have been after Kalak when they attacked the village, but I doubt it.

They did not need to send the Crown to kill one solar, they made sure to detect a solar's presence on the spot that we were to visit and they waited close by with the biggest gun they had.

That does not feel like "solar hunt" to me. That feels like "we know there is going to be something about the prophecy going down there, let's not take chances, send the Crown, kill everyone !".
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The problem with those Perception Charms is that they require a Lunar to claim a place as her "territory" -- and for that to work, the area can't belong to any other Essence user...
Hmmm... so that can't really happen with Cross, Siham will never accept Fang owning the Library, but it could be done with Mirunda.

We just need to have Flicker claim the lands and let her be the boss, serving as her advisers like the other lunars do with Tirana.
Norts said:
Well, chock up some more stuff for the wishlist. Athletics, ho!
Building artifacts is probably cheaper and faster.

We don't need to get Raptor's Wings or hovering skate boards for everyone, and I bet that Siham can cook something adapted to every style.

Also... yeah I'm serious about working for Mask.

I don't know if that is going to work since he can always say "heh I've got Juggernaut bitch !" and explain why an Eclipse is useless when he has the mobile snail fortress...

My fear is that he does not need Malek, but that he wants him... in which case I am soooo screwed :D

Stil it was worth a try.

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