[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

It's either that or she thinks she is.

Personnally, II doubt that Words would be stupid / arrogant enough to walk up to two enemies and have a chat with them without insurance that he could do this and live... unless he seeks death of course.
Hm, never underestimate the stupidity/arrogance of people, especially villains. If they didn't have a serious flaw in their logic somewhere they wouldn't be villains.
Well he's not alone for one, if there's a monstrance in this place, I'd assume that the Deathlord's forces are close enough for him to get some sense of security.

From what I have gathered he is also not close enough to be engaged at close combat distance, so he's not completely reckless either.

But you're right... The Traveler died because of his predictable cigar of victory, and Harm got squashed by Hard As Mountain because he couldn't keep his mouth shut, Legion thought she was invincible until Walker shot her... perhaps Words of Gentle Passing has some cracks in his armor too.
I assure you, he's in Mirror's definition of melee range.

If I were in Words's shoes, without knowing what he's capable of, I already have ideas of how I'd proceed in combat. I don't want to say more - someone requested I stop giving the GM ideas ;) - but believe me, I'm thinking in terms of strategies, counter-strategies, and counter-counter strategies.

Won't know until it happens of how it's going to go down, however.
Oh I'm sure the ST has looked up the right Performance and Presence charms to make fighting Words a painful experience... especially if he can defend against what you send his way but the opposite isn't true.

If Darth Malek is unleashed upon this world, it's the kind of stuff he ought to be looking for.

Who needs an army when you can sing every one to death ? :P

Which reminds me @WlfSamurai don't forget to look up the moep:a for mirror charms... there are some pretty shiny toys for Rhapsody ;)
I thought I'd ramp up the cuteness factor.

BTW, I forgot, did we go the feathered way or not?
@Kacie: Words of Gentle passing has no significant combat abilities.

Which means, he's a specialist in what he does, not unlike the Void Heart.

A specialist with a N/A Artifact and Liege 5.

Beware, hubris is not for Solars only.
... woman, you're the one who wanted to play mommy, I told you to give the damned eggs back.

Wait til they grow up and start asking question "why don't I look like you mommy, where's dad ?"... I ain't gonna be the one anwering them then !

But don't worry, soon I'll enroll them in my army of darkness and none of this will matter ^^
Can I stress how dangerous it could become to let the Mud People get too close to the DK hatchlings ?
If you want DKs and Mud People to get along in the future of Cross, you have better to start now teaching to the Mud People that not all DKs are the same.
cyl said:
It's either that or she thinks she is.
Personnally, II doubt that Words would be stupid / arrogant enough to walk up to two enemies and have a chat with them without insurance that he could do this and live... unless he seeks death of course.
First thought: It's possible they're not enemies. If Malek has "told them everything", this ended with him threatening Malek, Mirror killing Big K, and them skipping town. That's hardly "Ally" material.

Second thought: I suppose we could act like each and every enemy undoubtedly classes us in all ways such that we need a greater than 2:1 ratio of Us to Them in order to do anything but run away, but that seems tiresome.

And boring.

Which is not a winning combination.
xarvh said:
If you want DKs and Mud People to get along in the future of Cross, you have better to start now teaching to the Mud People that not all DKs are the same.
Obviously, but meanwhile they're freed slaves... with weak babies slavers around... one of them holding a grudge and there's going to be "crunchy chicks" on the menu tonight ^^

CrazyIvan said:
First thought: It's possible they're not enemies. If Malek has "told them everything", this ended with him threatening Malek, Mirror killing Big K, and them skipping town. That's hardly "Ally" material.
Mirror may be a liability in Malek's mind, but that doesn't change the fact that she is a "traitor to the cause".
She's loyal to her mate like Walker was before, and the Big K incident was not on purpose.

Malek knows it and Words obviously does too.

Fangs can't know for sure that Malek has blabbed about everything, but assuming that he did would be the safest bet considering the tortures he went through.

CrazyIvan said:
Second thought: I suppose we could act like each and every enemy undoubtedly classes us in all ways such that we need a greater than 2:1 ratio of Us to Them in order to do anything but run away, but that seems tiresome.
And boring.

Which is not a winning combination.
Well... if Malek's capture serves as an example, there are some battles that can't be won.
One enemy outclassed 3 solars in combat, this one can certainly outclass Fangs & Mirror "socially" and he is at home with probably a lot of back up.

The mates went pretty far behind enemy lines, caused quite a mess slaying hundreds of ghosts, were sent to this place by the weirdest lunar elder, and this place is where Mask forms his knights.

Fangs may be carefree, but considering all the factors, in Mirror's shoes, I'd be pretty concerned about my future, my freedom and my mate.

The Mask of Winters might not be solely after Malek anymore.
I can see the schoolrooms of the Cross right now...

cyl said:
Mirror may be a liability in Malek's mind, but that doesn't change the fact that she is a "traitor to the cause".

She's loyal to her mate like Walker was before, and the Big K incident was not on purpose.

Malek knows it and Words obviously does too.
And yet...being fond of one's mate is not a traitorous impulse, and they're on the run. Desperate, potentially convertible. After all, they never really cared much for the Cross anyway.

Hell, if I had been told about Fangs from the perspective of Malek, I'd be viewing her as a big, potentially easy win for Team Deathlord.

Fangs can't know for sure that Malek has blabbed about everything, but assuming that he did would be the safest bet considering the tortures he went through.
My post will touch on that.

Well... if Malek's capture serves as an example, there are some battles that can't be won.
One enemy outclassed 3 solars in combat, this one can certainly outclass Fangs & Mirror "socially" and he is at home with probably a lot of back up.
Fangs actually has very considerable passive social defenses up at the moment, especially considering she's with her mate.

To be perfectly frank, one enemy outclassed the three of you in combat because the three of you...aren't well designed for direct combat. Direct combat is going to begin here momentarily, and that's Mirror's wheelhouse.

Fangs may be carefree
From this, I can only conclude that you've never read anything I've written. Ever.
Xarvh, mechanics question because I'm working on my sideways thinking, Cunning Fangs is both insane and clever and also useful approach to things.

Argent Muse Approach - Fangs can inspire new approaches and tactics toward the "projects" another Exalt is working on.

A project like "Stalk and Kill Words". Any chance that a sufficiently well worded post can add dice to Mirror's...something...in the first round of combat? The JB roll, a surprise bonus, attack dice, something?
cyl said:
Obviously, but meanwhile they're freed slaves... with weak babies slavers around... one of them holding a grudge and there's going to be "crunchy chicks" on the menu tonight ^^
Cyl, I am the ST.

As much as I struggle to be detached, neutral and open-minded, my thoughts *define* the reality of the game.

When I say something OOC, trust me.

@CrazyIvan I don't think that would qualify as a "project".
And yet...being fond of one's mate is not a traitorous impulse, and they're on the run. Desperate, potentially convertible. After all, they never really cared much for the Cross anyway.
Hell, if I had been told about Fangs from the perspective of Malek, I'd be viewing her as a big, potentially easy win for Team Deathlord.
Fondness for the a living person can lead to a positive intimacy and therefore a Sin of Life, so it is a traitorous impulse according to the Neverborn, which makes perfect sense.

They don't want their servants to have ties with anything from Creation.

Ach... but that has changed with 2.5 IIRC right ?

Also Malek views Fangs as unstable, unpredictable, capricious even, but not malevolent, not even potentially. She may hurt those who hurt her, and it may escalate, but she's not really bad guy material.

The last time he used strong words to provoke her because he was worried about the situation about Ankss, but she did enough for Cross and she said much so that he has no doubt that she is on the side of the living.

To be perfectly frank, one enemy outclassed the three of you in combat because the three of you...aren't well designed for direct combat.
There is no good design vs a marksman with multiple attacks, a pretty high number of successes and massive damage shooting from a distance...

Only the exact same build can retaliate, the rest is doomed to be drained of motes (perfect defenses cost 8m now...) and taken down quite quickly.

Direct combat is going to begin here momentarily, and that's Mirror's wheelhouse.
Here's the thing, I'm not sure that killing Words and / or Malek is prudent.

- there's a risk of gainining Mask's enmity for this

- there's a risk that the lunar elder is Words' mate

If the couple takes the Ring from Words' corpse, or just the Ring with the hand (aaaah amputation charms... :P ), Mask will go after them anyway, but he will probably go less hard on them if they spared a candidate and a knight.

Either way, Malek does not have to fear the bad guys, nor does Mirror if they want to capture her too, but Fangs... she's kind of the expendable one here, she may even be the main target.

From this, I can only conclude that you've never read anything I've written. Ever.
I meant "act as in pretend to be" not "just be".

Sorry. It's late here.

I did not mean to insult her intelligence or yours :P
Cyl, you keep thinking that the Mask doesn't hate the Cross and everyone there already.

This is after the Mask personally told you that the Cross is next.

We're long past worrying about pissing him off/worrying him - we did that already.
Yup Sins of Life do not apply to aby/lunar interactions.

Sins of Death do however.

If Mirror protects Fangs or Malek from the forces of the dead, she'll take Resonance.

She probably should have taken radioactive amounts during the battle with the ghosts.

A good thing she's temporarily freed from this burden :D
cyl said:
Fondness for the a living person can lead to a positive intimacy and therefore a Sin of Life, so it is a traitorous impulse according to the Neverborn, which makes perfect sense.
Offending the Neverborn and betraying a Deathlord are not the same, and are indeed oft mutually exclusive.

Also Malek views Fangs as unstable, unpredictable, capricious even, but not malevolent, not even potentially. She may hurt those who hurt her, and it may escalate, but she's not really bad guy material.
The last time he used strong words to provoke her because he was worried about the situation about Ankss, but she did enough for Cross and she said much so that he has no doubt that she is on the side of the living.
And yet, if you were the type of person to shackle a Solar and break them, "A powerful, unstable, unpredictable and capricious Lunar" is a tempting target.

- there's a risk of gainining Mask's enmity for this
Um...working as intended. Also, we were on the way to rip off his library. He sacked Mirror's home.

- there's a risk that the lunar elder is Words' mate
There's always a risk of angry Lunars. But at the same time, there's the possibility that we are doing what he cannot, but would wish to be done. Or that our mysterious benefactor is a third party.

Mask will go after them anyway, but he will probably go less hard on them if they spared a candidate and a knight.

I meant "act as in pretend to be" not "just be".
Sorry. It's late here.

I did not mean to insult her intelligence or yours :tongue:
Yes, but it should be obvious by now that when Fangs gets flippant and flirtatious, someone is about to die.

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