[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Kalak doesn't really know as much about them organizationally per se, though being attuned to a manse in heaven means he's seen things. He deciphered their nature mostly due to Sorcerer Sight.
With Lore 3 you know about the existence of the secretive Chosen of the Maidens.

(Kalak's mentor is a Sidereal and Siham knows about them from Agatha's writings, she was paranoid about the whole lot).
None of you knows much about the Five Score Fellowship more than "it's the siddie club, they do stuff".
xarvh said:
None of you knows much about the Five Score Fellowship more than "it's the siddie club, they do stuff".
Not even with all Caste abilities at Max? (Specifically Lore, Investigation and Occult)
@JayTee: Siham knows about them pre-usurpation, but then they disappeared and did a decently through job at that, so your info are a few centuries outdated.
Yeah, the whole disappearing writings, messed up memories, etc thing kinda sucks for modern research. Though, hey, you can always go fix the Mask constellation later, right?
A crafty Sidereal would explain his people's absence as a sort of Monty Python style "Run away! Run away!" thing*.

"Look, Sol has 300 and Luna has 300. Each Maiden has 20. What were we supposed to do against an army of unexpectedly lethal little Terrestrials who had already killed or put to flight six times our number of Exalted?"

*Or possibly, "How not to be seen by the Dragon-Blooded."
All right, it looks as though I really need to create a...what's the word, delegate? Surrogate?...from among the Crossers. Probably from among Flicker's hunters.

xarvh, since these are your NPCs, can you tell me if any of them have particularly distinguished themselves? Or do I get to decide that?
Xarvh & I worked out that Mirror still has resonance, but the Neverborn aren't going to be able to puppet her again. It didn't make sense for her not to gain resonance, but she's working on how to control how it lashes out.

IC, of course, I understand & expect people to not trust that.
Flicker's strong inclination will be to uplift Nehir, Houma's son, who has been one of her main followers (and occasional lover) since she first arrived at the Cross. This may not be the wisest choice -- the guy's more seasoned and less impulsive than he used to be, but he retains that unpredictable, elusive quality.

On the other hand, from a Lunar's point of view, "unpredictable" is a good thing. Predictable equals dead. And it may make him a better host for Lunar Essence than someone more stolid.

Flicker's beastman form might be closer to this:

That form should be more acceptable for the DK of Ankss :)

Also... I just read the thing the siddie said and... uh ho... :D
I'm going paranoid about having all the little details consistent with the rest of the gargantuan setting, but I still have the sneaky suspicion that I am forgetting something stupidly important, like going out for a walk without pants.

@Kacie, @CI: I will answer tomorrow to your thread.

@cyl: your Scene will be up very soon.
One question... what happens to Melia ?

I know Malek's been KO unconscious, probably stripped of his artifacts... but what happens to her regarding PAP ?

I'd say she still has access to her powers since the motes committed do not magically disappear, and I'm not sure how you can actually severe that connection, since the motes have been "transfused" to her from Malek's pool and are now inacessible unless he "calls them back"... but I am not 100% sure.

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