[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

lol, I suppose if it's so apparent, I should probably tone it down or risk Siham becoming monotoned :tongue:
I'll try and see if I can put him in a position where he can be less "I will execute you" and more "Let's do science! 8D"
I like Siham's occasional "I will execute you with extreme force because you threatened my stuff" -- he's a smart person, and this shows he understands the geopolitical game very well! (ie, you fuck with me, I will obliterate you so everyone else gets the message not to fuck with me.)
Just to make sure; the Mask's overall appearance did not change from something to something else. He just put on a mask right ?
Brute force won't work, with Juggernaut and his knights Lookshy fell, a thousand DB could not stop it.

And so a thousand demons won't stop it from razing Cross.

You have to pit another equal force against Mask to slow him down, and possibly create a window of opportunity to get Malek back, leaving only one option: WITD.

My recommendation: kill the leased knights MOW gave to WITD ASAP and Walker will want his Ring of Non back for having been screwed over.

The Mask will probably not let it go if he plans to go against us and it will be open war between the two. That should buy you some time.

side recommendations:

- keep an eye on the Juggernaut (common sense)

- spend PPs on the Network so you can have faster information regarding anything tied to the dead

- move the civies to Mirunda (project possibly) and leave only soldiers behind to guard Big K as she rests
@JayTee: Depends on the rating, materials and type.

You will need to collect components and some downtime (like now).

Artifact 3, 4 and 5 may require you to spend PPs on them.
...does ammonia work on undead snails? Or do you have to salt them?

Also, are undead snails any good for escargot?
Yeah, I really should be taking time to spend XP. It would be helpful. Of course, I'm pushing Rhapsody into a state of hysteria, so I'm working against myself. :)

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