[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Well, stands to reason that Rhapsody got a shitload of Limit from the last Scene.

If you plan to depart at once, you are not going to have enough tranquillity to train ourself.
@Feantari, how many commandos are we talking about? Flicker has about a thousand soldiers under her command at this point (not bad for a former Imperial grunt) but only a hundred or so could really be called 'Elite' (Strength, Stamina, Martial Arts, Melee and Survival all at 4, Stealth 3 with specialties in ambushes and guerilla warfare) and she can't take all of them, without leaving the Tree of Battles completely denuded of senior officers.

(Flicker would probably know the answer, but I'm not her, alas.)
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Norts said:
How much time do we have? At least enough for me to learn a couple in caste charms perhaps?
If they happened to be MA related Argis could hook you up with some very speedy training.
Arynne said:
Feantari, how many commandos are we talking about? Flicker has about a thousand soldiers under her command at this point (not bad for a former Imperial grunt) but only a hundred or so could really be called 'Elite' (Strength, Stamina, Martial Arts, Melee and Survival all at 4, Stealth 3 with specialties in ambushes and guerilla warfare) and she can't take all of them, without leaving the Tree of Battles completely denuded of senior officers.
(Flicker would probably know the answer, but I'm not her, alas.)
Hmm, well I was thinking we don't really want to bring more than we can handle safely. In addition we are going to be limited by the ships. I assume Rhapsody has gathered Malek's tiger warriors?

How many can our two ships carry xarvh?
As it is, we're taking a big chance by leaving the Cross without Exalts -- good thing snails can't fly.
Arynne said:
As it is, we're taking a big chance by leaving the Cross without Exalts -- good thing snails can't fly.
We don't have to bring everyone. If anyone wants to stay behind is the real question though.
You know you don't have to use force, or the Bloom.

You could just threaten to use it, and threaten not only Mask, but also Walker and other Deathlords.

"Release our friend captured by the Mask of Winters, or lose every foothold you have in Creation.

The choice is yours. You have three days. After that, the lands you took will be claimed by the Bloom."

The two already know what the Bloom is capable of, and possibly other are aware of it.

Even if they have armies and a Juggernaut, we have thousands of followers, just one of them getting through their defenses is enough to "rebuild" everything they "destroyed".... even if Mask can risk it, the others will probably not take that same chance.

Also, Malek may not even be in Lookshy anymore. :D
The problem is, we can't trust each other enough to bargain like that. We plan on using the Bloom against him sooner or later, whether he releases Malek or not, and he knows it.
Feantari said:
We don't have to bring everyone. If anyone wants to stay behind is the real question though.
Aye, there's the rub.

Logically, Flicker should probably stay behind -- she's too emotionally involved (as is Rhapsody, for that matter), and she has no way of concealing her tattoos. Plus, what if the MoW is counting on us to do exactly this, and leave the Cross unguarded?

Problem is, she's Malek's partner, and not going in person to rescue him would be unthinkable. She's let him die twice already!
cyl said:
Also, Malek may not even be in Lookshy anymore. :D
This is the main thing I am worried about. I wish Argis could ask Mirror to get the skinny, but for now he's hoping his sifu might be able to help on that one. Either way, the pieces need to be in place when we get information.
Arynne said:
The problem is, we can't trust each other enough to bargain like that. We plan on using the Bloom against him sooner or later, whether he releases Malek or not, and he knows it.
Moonshadows do have the same ability that Eclipses.

A bargain could be arranged. "Stick to your lands for 200 years, and we won't use the Bloom to force them back to Creation".

The Mask leaves Lookshy and goes back to Thorns, Walker leaves Great Forks and us alone, and we have bought the Scavenger Lands and ourselves some time.

The Juggernaut will probably not be affected by the Bloom, but Mask probably does not want to lose Lookshy and Thorns, nor does Walker wants to lose his realm.
What is the range on Wind Carried Words? Can it reach into the Labyrinth? Sorry to be a wet blanket, but that's one hell of a charm if it can reach anywhere inside or outside of Creation.

The Mask is fully aware that the Cross has the Bloom. He's going to smash the Cross, take the Laboratory, and then reverse engineer a solution to the Bloom. Either that or he already has a solution to the Bloom - folks, remember, he's had those papers from Agatha's lab for what, over a year? He hasn't just sat on his thumbs on this one.

Finally, Mirunda has the Bloom in full stage, but while the Cross is seeded with it, it isn't grown to full potency! It grows in the presence of abyssal essence - ironically, the best thing Mirror could have done for the Cross was to walk around and dump low level Resonance to get the Bloom to grow.
Feantari said:
This is the main thing I am worried about. I wish Argis could ask Mirror to get the skinny, but for now he's hoping his sifu might be able to help on that one. Either way, the pieces need to be in place when we get information.
Get a sorcerer and send a Messenger to the Widow.

She might know and answer.
cyl said:
Moonshadows do have the same ability that Eclipses.
A bargain could be arranged. "Stick to your lands for 200 years, and we won't use the Bloom to force them back to Creation".

The Mask leaves Lookshy and goes back to Thorns, Walker leaves Great Forks and us alone, and we have bought the Scavenger Lands and ourselves some time.

The Juggernaut will probably not be affected by the Bloom, but Mask probably does not want to lose Lookshy and Thorns, nor does Walker wants to lose his realm.
I would prefer to make this sort of deal after wiping out several areas of shadowlands. In 200 years it may not be an effective weapon. It may not be an effective weapon now.
Kacie said:
What is the range on Wind Carried Words? Can it reach into the Labyrinth? Sorry to be a wet blanket, but that's one hell of a charm if it can reach anywhere inside or outside of Creation.
The Mask is fully aware that the Cross has the Bloom. He's going to smash the Cross, take the Laboratory, and then reverse engineer a solution to the Bloom. Either that or he already has a solution to the Bloom - folks, remember, he's had those papers from Agatha's lab for what, over a year? He hasn't just sat on his thumbs on this one.

Finally, Mirunda has the Bloom in full stage, but while the Cross is seeded with it, it isn't grown to full potency! It grows in the presence of abyssal essence - ironically, the best thing Mirror could have done for the Cross was to walk around and dump low level Resonance to get the Bloom to grow.
Do we know for sure he has them ?

Last time I checked it was the Widow who had them and she wanted the Ring of Non for them.
Kacie said:
What is the range on Wind Carried Words? Can it reach into the Labyrinth? Sorry to be a wet blanket, but that's one hell of a charm if it can reach anywhere inside or outside of Creation.
The Mask is fully aware that the Cross has the Bloom. He's going to smash the Cross, take the Laboratory, and then reverse engineer a solution to the Bloom. Either that or he already has a solution to the Bloom - folks, remember, he's had those papers from Agatha's lab for what, over a year? He hasn't just sat on his thumbs on this one.

Finally, Mirunda has the Bloom in full stage, but while the Cross is seeded with it, it isn't grown to full potency! It grows in the presence of abyssal essence - ironically, the best thing Mirror could have done for the Cross was to walk around and dump low level Resonance to get the Bloom to grow.
WCWT is of limited range, it can't reach the labyrinth. Argis will try to use it and xarvh will just have to handle what happens.

I don't think he's had the notes for that long, but indeed, the bloom may be rather ineffective at this point.
Feantari said:
I would prefer to make this sort of deal after wiping out several areas of shadowlands. In 200 years it may not be an effective weapon. It may not be an effective weapon now.
It did claim Mirunda back from the Underworld.
cyl said:
Get a sorcerer and send a Messenger to the Widow.
She might know and answer.
She's on the list.. starting with the allies I think aren't as likely to stab us in the back.. :-P Also trying to figure out exactly how to word it.
If the Mask develops a way to counter it, then it doesn't matter what the Bloom can do.

If the Mask got the plans from the Widow, then he probably isn't afraid of the Bloom.

If he doesn't have the plans, he wants to get Agatha's library and reverse engineer a solution.

Really, it's in the Mask's best interest to be highly aggressive and smash current opposition, because he's not dumb. He knows the Bloom is going to be worse as it has time to spread and grow. His best bet is find a counter-measure, and if he doesn't have the notes, the next best place is the Library.

@xarvh : On deepening Essence; where do I make my posts of Mirror working on this? Will Mirror be Essence 4 for the current scene, or is there more time line synching that needs to be done? Thanks!
It is likewise in our best interests to hurt him before he can make that move so when he does he doesn't have as much to work with. Also so we can rescue Malek.

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