[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

CrazyIvan said:
Xarvh, because I lose track of time in this game: How close are we to Calibration?
Reason I'm asking: Fangs is currently Not Happy with some members of the Cross, and has warned them that Sondok is not necessarily going to be resummoned for them. That should probably factor into defensive planning.
It should be relatively soon? I think we're in fire somewhere.
Malek, for constantly brushing her off her advice and arguing against/forbidding her from using sorcery/summoned demons to protect/build the Cross.

Sondok is a 2nd circle demon currently bound to protect the Cross. If Fangs doesn't re-summon & bind Sondok, one of the greater protections of the Cross disappears.
JayTee said:
As I lack context: Who is Fangs unhappy with, and why does summoning Sondok matter?
Malek mainly, because he questioned her methods and plans.

Flicker perhaps for trying to get in the way of revenge.

And most likely Siham... for being Agatha 2.0 :D

Sondok matters because she is a kick ass unit leader and a powerful demon.

But heh... if you got Flicker with Instictive Wits Unity, that can do the trick.
Nah that's personality conflicts... loosing Agatha's notes on the Bloom, bringing Mirror into Big K's lair or getting captured by Mask's forces because no one was up to the task... THAT is unfortunate :D
Well, I suppose this would be a good opportunity to start building a megazord Warstrider for defending Cross. @xarvh: Did we ever discuss how we were going to handle crafting projects? Just fork up the XP and call it a day?
JayTee said:
As I lack context: Who is Fangs unhappy with, and why does summoning Sondok matter?
Malek, primarily. She's also a little nervous about Rhapsody.

Kacie said:
Malek, for constantly brushing her off her advice and arguing against/forbidding her from using sorcery/summoned demons to protect/build the Cross.
Sondok is a 2nd circle demon currently bound to protect the Cross. If Fangs doesn't re-summon & bind Sondok, one of the greater protections of the Cross disappears.
cyl said:
Malek mainly, because he questioned her methods and plans.
Flicker perhaps for trying to get in the way of revenge.

And most likely Siham... for being Agatha 2.0 :D

Sondok matters because she is a kick ass unit leader and a powerful demon.

But heh... if you got Flicker with Instictive Wits Unity, that can do the trick.
It's actually a little beyond just "Malek sasses me". Malek directly threatened her mate. Sondok's binding is to protect the Cross, but Sondok is still a demon and free to interpret the scope of her charge in...Sondok-y ways. There are ways to interpret her binding that means Cunning Fangs/Mirror having to have to fight Sondok as well, and Cunning Fangs is double-plus unenthused about being responsible for creating a deadly opponent as a favor to people who then threaten her.

The reason this matters is that the Cross is currently enjoying the protection of a Second Circle demon combat badass whose defining characteristic is guarding the shit out of things. That may cease to be true.
Flicker warform?

Oooh, nice. I really like that image.

Sorry for misrepresenting Fangs, Crazy Ivan. I looked up the scene - it's Chpt 5, scene 5, "the Prince and the Monster". Warning, it's a huge mess of a thread with lots of finger-pointing and yelling.

The crux is Malek telling Fangs that she'd be better off if her Mate were dead, that she should cut ties to her Mate here & forever, and that the love she feels is a false implanted memory of someone else and is thus meaningless.
The Eclipse suddenly stands up and jumps in front of the deathknight while she speaks to Argis, blocking her way out from the chambers.

"You will go no further unless you swear not to attack Ankss and its people."

He does looking ready to do anything.

"This is not a threat, it's a fact.

You will give us time to change things over there and give the Elders their young back peacefully... or so gods help me I'll drag your ass to Mirunda and throw you butt naked in a Bloom field myself!"
This is the salient bit. Malek threatened to kill her mate - kill her mate in a fairly awful way as a point of fact. That doesn't put Fangs in the mood to do the Cross as a whole any favors, especially when it's wrapped up in Eclipse oaths.
Huh. I'd forgotten that bit.

Well, as you can see, JayTee, there was lots of pointing, yelling, and threatening.
WlfSamurai said:
I'll have to look it up. I forgot what Rhapsody did to Fangs...

Rhapsody is a good and righteous woman, who was there when Mirror was not entirely herself. Fangs and Mirror haven't spoken since - it's possible Rhapsody would be less than inclined toward kind words and a lack of violence.

It's entirely possible that if that scene took place within the Cross, that Sondok would decide that coming to Rhapsody's aid is "Defending the Cross" (after all, Fangs has left, and is the mate of someone who slew a Primordial - at least temporarily). The opportunity to kill her summoner is just a bonus.
CrazyIvan said:
Rhapsody is a good and righteous woman, who was there when Mirror was not entirely herself. Fangs and Mirror haven't spoken since - it's possible Rhapsody would be less than inclined toward kind words and a lack of violence.

It's entirely possible that if that scene took place within the Cross, that Sondok would decide that coming to Rhapsody's aid is "Defending the Cross" (after all, Fangs has left, and is the mate of someone who slew a Primordial - at least temporarily). The opportunity to kill her summoner is just a bonus.
I have to look it up, because if I remember, Rhapsody was very much against allowing Mirror anywhere near anything that had to do with The Cross and had to settle with her never coming near the Thronians.
Kacie said:
Oooh, nice. I really like that image.
Sorry for misrepresenting Fangs, Crazy Ivan. I looked up the scene - it's Chpt 5, scene 5, "the Prince and the Monster". Warning, it's a huge mess of a thread with lots of finger-pointing and yelling.

The crux is Malek telling Fangs that she'd be better off if her Mate were dead, that she should cut ties to her Mate here & forever, and that the love she feels is a false implanted memory of someone else and is thus meaningless.
The argument was caused by talks of revenge on Ankss and Malek projecting his fears of them both going dark side.

Berek was a good man and a friend, and through his presence and Big K changing his Caste Malek realized the celestials were just pawns left alone on a chessboard with stuff put in their heads that does not belong here, visions, dreams, memories that deprive them of their individuality because they are emotionally compromised.

What makes them more than mortals, also makes them less themselves... and when Fangs says "I want revenge", which was incompatible with Malek's views and plans, Malek says "it's not who you are / must be".

You can't be a force of peace and stability and promote that kind of "escalation", and since he's also short tempered and prone to judging others, and considering their opposite natures, the clash was inevitable.

He could also not trust Mirror who was a complete stranger on top of being a Deathknight... the kind of person who sells their soul to Oblivion, kills people because it's fun n all... so guilty until proven innocent.

Now the NB showed they can take over her, I'm not sure he's going to feel good about her being around Cross. (@Kacie : I know that really sucks from a player's point of view)

I wonder what it'll be like when / if they meet again, but I'm sure it's going to be epically awkward

- So... what you've been up to ?

- oh y'know, we just accidentally slew a Primordial and went down in the Labyrinth, you ?

- I was busy being tortured by undead... so... you want to get a drink or something ?

- yeah sure... whatever...

WlfSamurai said:
I have to look it up, because if I remember, Rhapsody was very much against allowing Mirror anywhere near anything that had to do with The Cross and had to settle with her never coming near the Thronians.
True, but she also somewhat mellowed on the topic of Mirror when she discovered they were of like mind on the stance of some other folks in the Cross that the enslavement and sacrifice of humans was a necessary evil and not worth threatening about.

But Rhapsody being somewhat hostile to Mirror isn't the problem in Fangs' mind. It's that, at least until they speak, there's the potential that Rhapsody has gone from verbally hostile to understandable physically so.
cyl said:
The argument was caused by talks of revenge on Ankss and Malek projecting his fears of them both going dark side.
The why of it is somewhat irrelevant. The meat behind Fangs planning to withdraw Sondok is that she doesn't trust Malek's...Malekness...not to open up the door for a second circle demon to have a go at her mate and her.
CrazyIvan said:
The why of it is somewhat irrelevant. The meat behind Fangs planning to withdraw Sondok is that she doesn't trust Malek's...Malekness...not to open up the door for a second circle demon to have a go at her mate and her.
She should know he's neither that deviant nor does he trusts or likes demons.

He's angry determined and predictable, but he's "honest".

If he wanted Mirror gone, there is little doubt he'd get his own hands dirty. It would not be a fair fight for Mirror but he'd not delegate that kind of stuff to anyone.

She also knows he is not about do that since he was friends with Berek and does not want to risk a N+3 incarnation going bad.

He tried to make Mirror drop the quest for revenge and then he threatened to drag her naked to a Bloom field (simple solution to keep defeated abyssals; infect them and keep them behind bars) when he felt like "diplomacy" had failed to contain the couple's destructive wishes and the threat to their lives and the lives of the Dragon Kings of Ankss (which he believes he will reform one day without needing violence).
cyl said:
She should know he's neither that deviant nor does he trusts or likes demons.
He's angry determined and predictable, but he's "honest".

If he wanted Mirror gone, there is little doubt he'd get his own hands dirty. It would not be a fair fight for Mirror but he'd not delegate that kind of stuff to anyone.

She also knows he is not about do that since he was friends with Berek and does not want to risk a N+3 incarnation going bad.

He tried to make Mirror drop the quest for revenge and then he threatened to drag her naked to a Bloom field (simple solution to keep defeated abyssals; infect them and keep them behind bars) when he felt like "diplomacy" had failed to contain the couple's destructive wishes and the threat to their lives and the lives of the Dragon Kings of Ankss (which he believes he will reform one day without needing violence).
As I said, the why of it is irrelevant.

Malek threatened her mate. And yes, that's what dragging an Abyssal naked into a field of biological weaponry that will eventually choke the life out of her is.

She does not arm her potential enemies.
@CrazyIvan: I'd say we are at the end of Resplendent Fire, so 1 month before Calibration, mostly because I would like to close a few things before Calibration happens in game.

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