[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

We three dismissed that solution considering:

- last time all factors were against VH&IW, and it was retreat or death for them, hit & run would not have worked against that many exalts.

- they still managed to get away from us (meaning that they can move pretty fast, so we had to expect hit & run tactics and them stalling us for back up to arrive)

- this time we were clearly at a disadvantage (distance - objective: saving the humans - surprise - behind enemy lines - damage - precision)

- Malek was already low on motes, it was a one way trip, and considering VH's damage and precision he was gonna go down anyway if he failed to disarm the bastard

On top of all that:

- Rhapsody up there wouldn't have made much difference she'd just have taken a few of VH's attacks, but the threat on Malek would not have changed

- IW was around too and he'd have gotten to Malek - or worst... Rhapsody - the exact same way that he finished Malek with that unexpected attack, so one of the two would have been seriously wounded and Malek was low on motes with no PD... VH would have finished them off quickly.

At best if every roll had been in our favor they would have retreated for a minute or two, and then counterattacked with back up, and since we had no way of going back quickly to the captives, Malek and Rhapsody would have been both taken down.

It was a desperate situation with no good ending possibility, the trio was not fit to handle VH & IW, Malek was condemned to go down after the first wave of shots, so it was really not worth risking two solars instead of only one.
Never said it was foolproof.

The foolproof thing was to keep a much lower profile to begin with.
Will post tonight late. I figured 5OD would have some input for dreams and nightmares

Re: project posts I'm pretty sure we've only ever gotten the two and Argis used his already. His next pp is going to the civil defense force. Need better self sufficiency if exalts are running around willynilly.

But yeah, that project is also high on the list. We also need infos
One thing I hadn't considered is Rhapsody's Martial Arts. Malek could have gotten her up there and she could have grappled/pinned him. It would have been a huge risk, but as you have already pointed out, @cyl, there were huge risks either way.

Regardless, "what ifs" won't help us now. Now we know that we have a blind-spot and how to fix it. And Rhapsody cares for Malek. She's not resting until he's safe. So more fun story this way, the way I see it.
Re:civil defense force.

No matter how much you train them, mortals will never be enough against major threats (like exalts), if no one is around to lead them, they are as good as dead.

Legion just taught us that lesson twice already, and Fangs took it to a whole new level.

The Network has the advantage of letting us know what's happening / coming so we can at least try to do something about it.

Re: exalts are running around willynilly.

That's the paradox with Exalted (and this game also), you actually do more good for the world if you're on the move out there taking out the trash (as long as you don't bite on more than you can chew like we just did) than you do staying put and helping locally.
cyl said:
Re:civil defense force.
No matter how much you train them, mortals will never be enough against major threats (like exalts), if no one is around to lead them, they are as good as dead.

Legion just taught us that lesson twice already, and Fangs took it to a whole new level.

The Network has the advantage of letting us know what's happening / coming so we can at least try to do something about it.

Re: exalts are running around willynilly.

That's the paradox with Exalted (and this game also), you actually do more good for the world if you're on the move out there taking out the trash (as long as you don't bite on more than you can chew like we just did) than you do staying put and helping locally.
Nailed it.
WlfSamurai said:
Regardless, "what ifs" won't help us now. Now we know that we have a blind-spot and how to fix it.
If only we had just this one :D

And Rhapsody cares for Malek. She's not resting until he's safe. So more fun story this way, the way I see it.
Oh yeah, I can't wait to see what happens next :)
hm, should I get started on the orbital defense system for Cross, then? What about the biomechanical army?
Argis wants to teach, I'm not going to abandon that part of the character. Info is critically important no doubt, but don't forget info from within cross.

Argis has multiple times taken actions outside of cross to gather info a build a trade network. Info piggybacking on trade is pretty much the easiest thing ever.
I predict a hair-pulling fight between Rhapsody and Flickering Claw! ;)

Flicker suddenly has a lot of things vying for the top place on her list:

Hatch Eggs

Find those pesky, much-too-powerful DBs, which will probably require Fangs' help, leading to--

Reconcile with Cunning Fangs and persuade her to duel the overdue-for-reincarnation leaders of Ankss instead of just blowing the place the hell up

Actually fight the elder Dragon Kings of Ankss

Keep training the Army (because no matter how puny humans are, the Exalt with an army has an advantage over the Exalt without one)

And now: find my goddamn partner who was idiotic enough to get himself captured, and SHAKE HIM AND SHAKE HIM. :P
To those training the army, would you mind giving Siham 300 of your best and brightest to turn in to Super Soldiers?
Feantari said:
Heyyyy @WlfSamurai how do you feel about wholeness-restoring meditation?
Depends. Need it? I'll take it. :)

Arynne said:
I predict a hair-pulling fight between Rhapsody and Flickering Claw! ;)
Flicker suddenly has a lot of things vying for the top place on her list:

Hatch Eggs

Find those pesky, much-too-powerful DBs, which will probably require Fangs' help, leading to--

Reconcile with Cunning Fangs and persuade her to duel the overdue-for-reincarnation leaders of Ankss instead of just blowing the place the hell up

Actually fight the elder Dragon Kings of Ankss

Keep training the Army (because no matter how puny humans are, the Exalt with an army has an advantage over the Exalt without one)

And now: find my goddamn partner who was idiotic enough to get himself captured, and SHAKE HIM AND SHAKE HIM. :tongue:
Okay, now this has to happen.
WlfSamurai said:
Depends. Need it? I'll take it. :)
Need is a strong word, but the guy practices a martial art based on paired weapons and there's an artifact bow laying around effectively useless... I imagine she could get more use out of it than just Argis, but idk. Hopefully that doesn't include Malek.:confused:
Feantari said:
Need is a strong word, but the guy practices a martial art based on paired weapons and there's an artifact bow laying around effectively useless... I imagine she could get more use out of it than just Argis, but idk. Hopefully that doesn't include Malek.:confused:
More boxes will follow, with more Malek :D

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