[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

WlfSamurai said:
Interesting. Well, I guess I know what I'm shooting for next...
Boost you movement through Athletics and charms if you can too, that will only increase your ass kicking capabilities.
Arynne said:
Speaking of offensive Charms, where do y'all stand on Lunar Hero Style? Book version, house-ruled version, or "screw this, I'm going with Tiger or Snake Style"?
Edit: And for those of us who don't have Infinite Mastery? :tongue:
Infinite Mastery is why Solars are supposed to be the "best". -- that said, I've seen a bear totem Lunar turn into a Gianormous Bear and go to town using the higher level Lunar soak charms. I believe Lunars are all about soak.

The person to ask is Crazy Ivan - I've never made a lunar, and Crazy Ivan knows them really well. If you're worried about your upcoming personal combat, you could ask him for ideas.
Wow I forgot how much of that tree actually sucked and the HR managed to make it even more boring some times.

This style seriously needs some love.

Rabid Beast Attitude: I prefer the official. Increasing soak is nice n all, but wound penalties tend to last unless you heal like hell.

I'd keep the canon version, and increase the Hero to reducing by -2 the wound penalties.

Foot-Trapping Counter: again I prefer the official. less expensive, and one less roll to make (I don't like charms that give free special actions...)

Keep the Hero bonus.

Thousand Claw Infliction: I don't know which sucks more, the official or the HR.

I'd say the HR since the official works wonders with Infinite Mastery.

This one definitely needs a rewrite.

Lunar Hero Form:

Official; it's kind of largely useless besides the double stunt dice bonus which is cool

HR: blech, unarmed parry, bonus to damage, and slightly improved DV penalties reductions, and the hero even giving -1 speed... blech, it's probably the worst form charm rewrite I've ever seen.

This one definitely needs a rewrite too.

Stride-Halting Mutilation Attack: where did that one come from ?

It's just a slightly improved version of FTC... so not worthy to be kept.

Coiled Serpent Strikes HR: not much interest here either, FTC is built so you can't move away from a Lunar.

Armor-Rending Claw Fist: you feel the lack of inspiration on that one too both in official and HR.

This one definitely needs a rewrite too, perhaps something on ignoring a fraction of soak or destroying armor directly.

Crouching Tiger Stance: both HR (the hero tag is total garbage) and official seem balanced.

Den Mother Method: I don't like the HR because it keeps the lunar grounded instead of letting it fly through the battlefield as she should.

I'd probably rewrite this one to keep the scene long effect from the HR and the effects of the official

Terrible Wolverine Onslaught: blech again both the official and the HR suck, but the official has the merit of trying to be original at least.
I wouldn't exactly associate "Rabid Beast" with "more soak", but that's just me.

Edit; I'd definitely rewrite it according around the concept of "movement", "being unstoppable", "no one escapes", "unleashed fury from hell", but I really don't like what TDO did with his hack.

It seems too... classical in its effect, it lacks some theme.
Well, I'm trying to find a Celestial style that fits Flicker...

(Also, I'd be interested in hearing xarvh's opinion of all this.)
cyl said:
Edit; I'd definitely rewrite it according around the concept of "movement", "being unstoppable", "no one escapes", "unleashed fury from hell", but I really don't like what TDO did with his hack.
So, Infernal Monster Style? ;)
Yes, the VH is using Infinite Archery.

@Arynne: forget MAs, you have a Daiklave (two?), use it with Instinctive Dex Unity + pimped up warform + Pimped Lunary Fury.

If you guys still have the Jade Grand, you can easily attack with Speed 3.

There is no comparison between the hurt you can do per XP invested ratio.

Anyway, I'm having a look at the alternate Lunar Heroes.
Yeah, MA just isn't as good. The only reason Rhapsody has it is because she didn't feel like a "warrior". But if you are, @xarvh is exactly right. No comparison.
Yeah, but (a) Martial Arts is her Favored Ability, (b) she doesn't have a warform, only her claw strider form, and © what if she ever has to duel someone who insists on using natural weapons? ;)

(No, she doesn't have two daiklaves, she has a daiklave and a mundane sword.)
Are you hinting, though, that warform, Instinctive Unity and Fury should be my next purchases if I want to survive? ;)
@Arynne: not really.

Flight or fight.

Survival can be often accomplished by fleeing; few RPG players will ever do that, though, because we are used to level-adjusted foes.

I like to add some bones that you can't bite, though.

I want combat to be dangerous.


The Lunar Hero you suggest seems ok power-wise and fluff wise, but I find that it overlaps (and stacks!) a lot with Lunar Dex Charms.

For now I'd invest in some Lunar Claws and Warform.
Yup. Summoned weapons were awesome because they scaled with Essence, no they are just a shitty static stuff that none will ever use.
Also, where differences between the Wiki and the Scroll of Errata are involved, we stick to the Wiki ('cause it's easier to access).

This means that Seven Shadows Evasion costs 8m rather than 6m.
So: Deadly Beastman Transformation (note, get some moonsilver or moon-faced armor somewhere, so I won't be as nekkid as that Alchemical chick)

Instinctive Dexterity Unity

Claws of the Silver Moon (even though they're useless in Beastman form; the houseruled Lunar Hero Form would be more useful here)

Relentless Lunar Fury

...anything else?
Ok, I made a mess with the ticks, fixed now.

Waiting for Malek and Rhapsody.

@Arynne: fuck that. Use CotSM from 2.0, but keep Overwhelming at 2.
You...don't have Deadly Beastman Transformation? Get that ASAP. The armor is a nice add-on, but DBT is...yeah, I nearly fell out of my chair when you said you didn't have that.

DBT + Lunar Fury, because so many lunar charms have additional effects that *only* kick in when in Fury, and they don't count as charm use!

Especially now that Xarvh has been awesome and stated that Claws are as good as they should be. ;)
Kacie said:
You...don't have Deadly Beastman Transformation? Get that ASAP. The armor is a nice add-on, but DBT is...yeah, I nearly fell out of my chair when you said you didn't have that.
Well, her claw strider form is stronger than her beastman form would be, and until recently, she had no moonsilver artifacts, so she never felt a need to develop one.
It's not the raw strength that's important - it's the chaining ability of Fury and the other DBT knacks. If you can get the benefit of Fury and other combat knacks - such as wings - without DBT, then up to you. I thought DBT either scaled with Essence or you could re-purchase it, but I remember something about it getting progressively better as you invest in it.

If the Full-Moon anima banner is still 3x speed, then you want to take advantage of the mobility of wings; that's how you zip across the battlefield to gank people like the Void Heart.

While strength is nice, how is the Claw Strider's Dex?
Yeah, after that run in with FIRE MONKS Infinite Mastery is right up at #1 for me on the charm purchase list.
4 -- she also has a Knack that lets her use her full Dexterity 5 in all forms.

And she has Hybrid Body Rearrangement, meaning she can already sprout wings, gills or any other animal aspect she knows.
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@Arynne, @CrazyIvan : yep, that's end of my knowledge about lunars & their charms. You know your character and the charms much better than I do! Crazy Ivan may have ideas on how to prepare for the personal combat.

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