[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

@xarvh : do I roll wits + awareness to try and counter the unexpectedness of the attack or is it an automatic unexpected attack thanks to a charm ?
Arynne said:
...that is, if she doesn't get killed dueling the Dragon Kings of Ankss. :oops:
Fangs: "You know, we could sort this out without dueling, and you could go right back to keeping Malek's idiot ass from taking another ride through Lytek's cabinet."
Kacie said:
Folks - there are only 2 must-have charms for Exalted combat. Your perfect, and Infinite Mastery. Get them, love them, use them.
This. So much this. Honestly if you expect to see combat at all, those are them.
Arynne said:
So: Deadly Beastman Transformation (note, get some moonsilver or moon-faced armor somewhere, so I won't be as nekkid as that Alchemical chick)
Instinctive Dexterity Unity

Claws of the Silver Moon (even though they're useless in Beastman form; the houseruled Lunar Hero Form would be more useful here)

Relentless Lunar Fury

...anything else?
Instinctive Dexterity Unity is the Best. Ever. Seriously - I'd argue it's better than the Solar version, because it's good on both the attack and defense. Dexterity being the combat stat, combined with being able to take Excellencies that effect combat = win.

DBT is...fun. You obviate it somewhat by having your form be a Claw Strider, which is a useful in combat, unlike many other options. With Xarvh pulling back the change in CoTSM that made it go from "Why are you using a weapon?" to "...I suppose? Maybe?" Claws of the Silver Moon is a handy one to get - Fangs will probably pick it up as well.

The thing with DBT, CoTSM and RLF are that they're a massive combo-less buff package. With the rules being changed to make ad-hoc combos so much easier to use, this is somewhat less of a big deal, but DBT + Gift Charms taking place outside charm use is handy as hell. And often considerably cheaper than casting all the charms separately.

If I were building a Full Moon, which is what I normally play, I'd take DBT (in your case more for the later upgrade Knacks), CoTSM and RLF, and skip the Lunar Hero MA entirely. Also take a look at the Strength charms for the Lunar tree - they're good enough that without much effort Flicker could be a serious threat to A Rampaging Warstrider Whose Pilot Has Beef With Her Mate.

Or Juggernaut.

Or really anything in the game up to and including one of the Directional Titan.

Unblockable Outside Perfect, Ignore Hardness, Autodamaging at Step 10, Armor Ignoring attack? Yes Please.
Arynne said:
So: Deadly Beastman Transformation (note, get some moonsilver or moon-faced armor somewhere, so I won't be as nekkid as that Alchemical chick)
Instinctive Dexterity Unity

Claws of the Silver Moon (even though they're useless in Beastman form; the houseruled Lunar Hero Form would be more useful here)

Relentless Lunar Fury

...anything else?
Also, if you wanted an IC excuse for all this, Fangs had promised to discuss with Flicker the Nature of the Lunar Exalted in her priestess-y role as a No Moon. I'd be up for that, and Fangs can teach you at least two of those Charms.
Also, i want to close the chapter, which means i will close stone rain and silence sooner than later.
The Darkness at the End will become the first or second Scene of the next Chapter.

I'd like to close Stone, Rain and Silence and Dreams and Nightmares in a couple of days.

Is it ok?
Forgot to post that last project.

@Feantari: if you have anymore PP to spend, they'll be well used there and help you react to future events.

I'll get starting on one PP on Nathir and one PP on the Network.
I'd like to get a bit more character development between Mirror, Argis, and Fangs, but if you need to close the scene, then sure. I'd like Argis's answer to Fang's last question, and I'd like to make one more comment as Mirror.

Is it okay to ask for a debrief on the heist/fight in "They Shall Know Fear"?

Some GMs are okay with discussing tactics and giving feedback on where mistakes were made, others prefer not. I know I wasn't in the scene, but I knew what charms the Void Heart was using - which influenced advice I gave. I hate giving bad advice, hence the asking if it's okay to ask about how you saw the setup from your side of the screen, Xarvh.
xarvh said:
The Darkness at the End will become the first or second Scene of the next Chapter.
I'd like to close Stone, Rain and Silence and Dreams and Nightmares in a couple of days.

Is it ok?
Yeah - the one question I had to ask Argis was both weirdly topical for that particular moment, and something she's been meaning to ask Argis about since Tirana unveiled her genocidal grand plan.
@CrazyIvan -- what is that lunar strength charm? Mind posting it for me? Does it get around Heavenly Guardian? I thought Perfect Defense trumps Perfect Offense? Thanks!
Kacie said:
@CrazyIvan -- what is that lunar strength charm? Mind posting it for me? Does it get around Heavenly Guardian? I thought Perfect Defense trumps Perfect Offense? Thanks!
Perfect Defense blocks Perfect Offense, but it's very much a "Perfect or Die" combo attack. How good that is depends on the people playing - in some of the games you and I have played in, that's a recipe for being out of motes and screwed, but in this game Xarvh doesn't seem to be spamming PDs (which is good, because there's a paucity of them on our side) and it would be bloody deadly.

The attack I suggested is a combo of: Lightning Stroke Attack, Shell-Crushing Atemi, Unstoppable Lunar Wound and Burrowing Devil Strike (with the Lunar having taken Consumptive Worm Hungers as an enhancement charm).

It should also be noted that, since they're charms off of Strength, rather than an ability, that attack could be either ranged or melee.
Kacie said:
Is it okay to ask for a debrief on the heist/fight in "They Shall Know Fear"?

Some GMs are okay with discussing tactics and giving feedback on where mistakes were made, others prefer not. I know I wasn't in the scene, but I knew what charms the Void Heart was using - which influenced advice I gave. I hate giving bad advice, hence the asking if it's okay to ask about how you saw the setup from your side of the screen, Xarvh.
Malek sucks at combat and he has a low mote pool, Rhapsody sucks at movement, and Siham is nowhere near VH's threat level.

We were unprepared, out gunned, caught completely off guard, shot at from large distance and our opponent had the raw damage of an artifact war machine and his infinite mastery on.

If our characters had knowledge of VH's powers and presence, we could have acted differently, but even then, a confrontation was inevitable and Malek being the weakest link, his fate would have been sealed the moment he was spotted and he would have fallen early in the fight anyway.

Only Siham could perhaps have made a difference if he had engaged VH the moment he spotted the abyssal, before all his charms were up and running and he spotted us and took his series of shots at Malek.

Next time we will;

- not blow the whistle early on (we should have done the rescue first and the explosions later)

- study the terrain better (we did not gather enough info and made a stupid move)

- bring bigger guns or leave the mortal to their fate
Thanks for your candid assessment, Cyl, but I would really like to hear Xarvh's take, specifically on whether we came to the correct conclusion regarding the futility of fleeing.

The first instinct was to flee, but we were all worried that with the Void Heart's ability to shoot anyone from anywhere, everyone would have been killed while fleeing. I would like to know if we right about that - ie, yes, it was necessary for Malek to attempt to get in the Void Heart's face, or if it would have been sufficient to have Siham cover while everyone else ran, or if everyone should have cut and run first thing -- or even if there was destined to be a downed PC once the Void Heart came out.

Because honestly, the only one I thought who might have a fighting chance to get away was Siham, and even then I gave him iffy chances.

Edit: or Malek could have used the cloak to get out, but I didn't think he'd leave Rhapsody.

If Xarvh declines to share his thoughts, that's fine; it's a GM's prerogative. But I'd still like to hear his thoughts if he is inclined to share them.
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@xarvh: I wish you hadn't closed the scene just yet, as I need to ask @cyl something:

The purely objective perspective that Agatha!Siham has would not allow Malek to be captured where he could be turned or be forced to give up vital secrets about Cross. Likewise It's entirely within Siham's capability (both in terms of Charms and in terms of mental fortitude) to grand Malek a quick, painless death as opposed to the long painful tortures that the Mask of Winters and his Deathknights are sure inflect. However Normal!Siham would only do that if he was certain that it was something that Malek would want. With Investigation 5, I think this is something that Siham would know, or at least be very sure of.

Do you want me to have Siham give Malek a quick painless death?
JayTee said:
@xarvh: I wish you hadn't closed the scene just yet, as I need to ask @cyl something:
The purely objective perspective that Agatha!Siham has would not allow Malek to be captured where he could be turned or be forced to give up vital secrets about Cross. Likewise It's entirely within Siham's capability (both in terms of Charms and in terms of mental fortitude) to grand Malek a quick, painless death as opposed to the long painful tortures that the Mask of Winters and his Deathknights are sure inflect. However Normal!Siham would only do that if he was certain that it was something that Malek would want. With Investigation 5, I think this is something that Siham would know, or at least be very sure of.

Do you want me to have Siham give Malek a quick painless death?
Too late, he's captured. Moving on...

@Kacie : don't you feel that would spoil the fun of a rematch if we fully knew what VH was capable of ? :)

We made impossible choices in an impossible situation we were not able to avoid, I'll stick to that, no reason to seek further explanation on my end.

@JayTee : Thanks for the offer, but that won't be necessary, there are no secrets in Cross left to be protected, the Neveborn and their agents pretty much already took from us what they wanted (the notes and big K), and only the Widow managed to counter Walker's plans.

Siham knows all that.

What Siham also knows is that Malek was a Night before he was an Eclipse (so he's pretty decent at escaping places), and even if he's in bad shape he still has two aces up his sleeve the Deathlord knows about and will not want him to play: the Bloom + 1 pissed off mate / friend.

I don't know what the future holds for Malek, but as long as one of us still stands and the Bloom still lives, we are all able to make the Deathlords loose all the ground they can conquer... and both Malek and the Mask know it.

He has captured one "weak" solar, good for him, but he won't likely risk provoking an entire circle armed with the most efficient undead deterrent ever invented.

He's already walking a pretty thin line conquering Lookshy and exploits our doubts about deploying the Bloom for fear of the consequences (which he carefully nurtures... but Malek doesn't know that) for as long as he can, but I don't believe that he would risk killing the Eclipse.

He has nothing to gain from it (one less solar... big deal), and risks everything if only one in the the Circle changes his mind about using the Bloom after Malek's death.

As for the risks of Malek being turned... well you know he'd kill himself before he lets that happens, and in the extraordinary event that he did succumb to the whispers of the Void... he'd still be that same old easy target. :D
Fair enough. The Mask and Void Hearth had better treat you right, or Siham is going to burry them and the Juggernaut in a block or Adamant at least three miles underground.

Well, Void Heart is going to end up that way no matter what happens thanks to what he did to River, but The Mask still has an out.
JayTee said:
Fair enough. The Mask and Void Hearth had better treat you right, or Siham is going to burry them and the Juggernaut in a block or Adamant at least three miles underground.
Well, Void Heart is going to end up that way no matter what happens thanks to what he did to River, but The Mask still has an out.
Would not have it any other way :D
@Kacie: Mirror didn't see anything, so just keep the debrief OOC.

One solution I had in mind was to pile up on the VH at once: Malek takes Rhapsody directly there, Siham attacks from a distance.

Instead you guys waited in your sitting ducks position.

This is exactly what you did when VH attacked Big K, and it worked.

Chances are that the prisoners would not have been attacked, since it was obvious that the VH was not after them.

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